Author Topic: Tutorial for newbies #event  (Read 17225 times)

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Tutorial for newbies #event
« on: July 01, 2022, 09:10:55 AM »
I would like to share a little tutorial for the beginers, or at least what i know and used to do in the past.
Before we start i have to remind you for trades u need to write /unlock 123456 its a default security code for your account before trading, u can change it later with the turtorial on forum.
I suggest aswell joining bigger guild to have friends so they give u a hand.
Make sure to collect the mobs with special icon above them they will grant u token for the title HERO OF CHANTRA / WARRIOR OF CHANTRA
Lvl 1
Pick up rewards at npc as justac offers now great support including lens the big cc pots pets lucky charm toa and even event uniqs which last's for 1 month.
Lvl 1-10 anywhere u find it satisfying in the open chantra world make sure to collect everything because everything in this game have a value, sell the lvl 1-2 stones on Auction House and start collecting the gold
As low lvl u can farm some of the uniqs which are needed for the end game uniqs or sell them to make sure u make gold they are worth good money and can help u a lot
such as:
Excellent Necklace of Survival,
Excellent Fortune,
Excellent Loki ring,
Excellent Red Sign Ring.
Unique Accesories

2 base unique accories same kind can give = glorius 0/1 or brilliant 0/1 or intelligent 0/1 or archondriteor base 0/1~0/3

glorius +brilliant + intellgent =glorius0/1~0/3 or brilliant0/1~0/3 or intelligent 0/1~0/3 or archondrite or excellent 0/1~0/3
They can be droped from the mobs in color from the areas where u come from, to make this easier every older player uses the following page -- -- known as drwx here u can see many more informations for the game itself even the mobs which drop those uniqs and many more u will need in the future.
Lvl 10-20
Make sure if u are critter to drop a few baroms u will find it very useful for future farming after the event ones are gone.U will drop aswell plenty of stones on the mobs where barom is dropable.
Lvl 20-30
Time for shutas, head to the mobs which can drop shuta/lilin/podon etc.
Flame bears are the most good ones and u can find them easy on the drwx
Drop more and refine them to int or glo shuta, depends on your needs and your class
intell for caster, glo for critters
Lvl 30-40
Make sure to visit the CF ( Chaotic Frontier ) You can enter from every town from the specific unique portal easy findable.
There u are supposed to go and drop yourself a karkaen necklace, intelligent or excellent one depends on your class.
Beside that u will drop there armors which give better stats than the normal armors outside.
Make sure to collect all the jewels to create the Ultimate Jewel for the best stats, and lately needed for refinery of the end game rings and necks
When we talk about armors and gears the end armors are elite's but they are reachable by lucky tickets which u will find them later in the game.
After CF u are ready to visit the BG ( Battle Ground )
There you can reach lvl 100, and make sure to participe at all 3 rvrs per day to get buffs for your class!
70-95 level beside lvling you can visit the old Ice/Lightining/Posion world
drop yourself a ohkeros and create Exc one if u are a caster very helpful!
Aswell you can drop the True gear (realms) there.
Lvl 100 * Pick up the rewards at the red dragon where u took the lvl 1 already
i suppose u made enough gold by farming the stones, the excellent rings and maybe sold some of them for gold. You should buy Heavens and Hell armors or craft them, where u can find the items needed here, or if u are rich enough u can check the Auction House and take a look for some decent elite gear already spinned and for sale by the other players.
Lvl 100-120
Make sure to collect every ring and neck droped in the Heavens Hell worlds, you can enter there via the main portal in every main town
I suggest making a Exc Faren/Feathered or Glo Faren/Feathered for yourself as its very usefull.
Every other ring and neck are needed for the refinery of the end game uniqs.
Lvl 120   * Pick up the rewards at the red dragon where u took the lvl 1 already
The challlenge begins
You should head to the Eclipse where u can enter from the town named Deribelle.
The mobs there are hit pretty hard so u would like to have higher prismatic resistance or as known as Ice Lightning and Poison res.
I suggest lvling a buffers before you start your journey there,the lvling 120-150 is way easier if  u have buffers from other classes
You would definetly need a ranger,kinght,zerk and maybe a hunter to tank the mobs easier
If you want to kill the mobs harder make sure to create ranger swash mage and zerk buffers
Another tip you can kill the mobs even faster but with more effort How? ->
Create scion and then evolve it to an orbiter
Create zerk
Create mage
Create sorc
Use their skills which debuff stats of the targets resistance/physical res/elemental res
The minimum lvl of those chars should be around lvl 100-120
Make sure to collect all the Shards such as crimson emerald and sapphire there to create eclipse caskets where u can be rewarded with high items from the casket.
Lvl 130 u have rewards once again where u will get another event uniqs as support.
Lvl 140 wings chest cloak chest ring spirit chest mount chest
Lvl 150 Gold ticket + superior manual
What is gold ticket?
An item which allows you to expand slots on your gear so you can add extra stones to it.
What is superior manual
a 100% manual which allows you 100% success on the stoning your armor with a stone, 1 manual  100% per stone.
As u are 150 with the guild u already inside or u will join one start hunting the tessirises in eclipse they spawn 3 times per day, which reward u with lucky ticket,gems,and parts for the new title called Ancient Hero
What is Lucky ticket?
As i said with lucky ticket u can try your luck to get the very best armors in the game aswell gold ticket royal cloak and 100% manual
You can spin on the machines in every town
1 lt per spin

What is Royal cloak?
The most wanted Royal cloak is the cloak which gives +1 rank and bonus HP which is later used to make even better cloak u will find out as the game goes there are Cloak of Wonder,Madness,Protection which grants u big stats depends on your needs.
Make sure to visit the new cave
 Near Tullan from the East Gate u will see on the Map the Broken bridge
head there and enter the Ancient Hero Tomb once you are ready for it.
The tomb is opened every 15 min and u can drop many boxes which rewards you with nectars,gold ticket 100% manual good value of gold and when u clear all the mobs with your friends the Lydia boss will spawn which grants you the Lydia Tear which is needed for the latest title Ancient Hero.
Beside the Tear you will need  Set of Stolen Parts, and Remains From Kaligo
Where i can find Kaligo
Kaligo spawns every 15 min in CF by order
for example first Forest of Scream then Land of ice – f1 – f2 – forest of pain – tower of dissapiar and all of that in circle
By kaligo u get 1 Remain and 1 Kaligo box which can grant you with great rewards aswell
For the title you need
25 Tears from Lydia's Soul
25  Remains from Kaligo
100 Set of Stolen Parts
part 2  - >
I hope you guys find this useful and sorry if i have some writing mistakes cheers!
« Last Edit: September 21, 2022, 03:13:44 PM by friendlyguy »