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Messages - Blindarrow

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Game Discussion / Re: Poll about time for this stage or next update
« on: July 29, 2021, 06:37:49 PM »
To not confuse anyone:
My suggestion about slow adding of future content :
Next month CF, after 1 month BG, month after BiT and king providing ground, after a month again BS and HH. This way lvl 120 and HH stuff would be even 1 month later ( for those who love the legendary epi 3 stuff) . It's my suggestion and i think it's worth overthinking.

Game Discussion / Poll about time for this stage or next update
« on: July 29, 2021, 06:28:30 PM »
Hello dear community,
Due to many of my friends leaving of being bored of current stage (some others known reason too but it's not about that!) I wondered who is thinking this stage is already long enough or too short. It's just a poll for the community , not done by justac staff.
Please vote your honest opinion once and don't troll.
To make sure it's not troll vote post your character name and lvl after voted.
Thank you :)

Report / Re: Summoner attack speed glitch
« on: July 25, 2021, 09:34:08 AM »
I really don't understand why you guys starting to make this post your "wishlist" ...
I don't understand even more why you complain about the only classes you played and didn't even see the struggle of other classes.
You guys don't compare between the classes, you don't think about chosing the right uniques . All I see is complaining about "weak crit on knight", "weak sorc" , "op summoner that needs 50% DMG reduction ", soon I'll see "nerf archer " (one of the most nerfed classes on the new server) .
Start using the right equipment and think about your skill build . I'm playing an crit zerk but I see critters are mostly now even using their skills. How ever - I can crit down many guys even if they are running. It's just a matter of a god team that makes each other strong.
Complaining about sorc that is already buffed too much ? For real? Phys res and crit res while your ele/dim res are passive, sb/dodge/block on passive ? It's like saying all archers skills should be unlockable or give archer Antimagic. Common guys. It's not about the class, it's about your incompetence .
So before you post your Christmas wishlist on a glitch abuse report post , think about how to play your character.

Suggestions / Slow adding of future content
« on: July 24, 2021, 06:34:47 AM »
Hello Justac-team and community,
As many people saying the server becomes boring I was thinking about what could be done to not be bored of either farm poison or going for worm hunt.
As the next stage itself shall bring around 5 new areas to farm , my suggestion would be to add them slowly one by one so people not get overwhelmed by the amount of opportunities and not get bored fast because nothing new will come for the next half year.
I would suggest to go like:
- CF
- BG
- HH
-farm areas like BiT
Of you add this content one by one there will be a fresh wind every 1-2 months, if the new content will cause problems or have Buggs it will be easier to report and work on them if there is only 1 new area instead of 5 new areas.

It's my personal opinion and everyone who is not here just to troll is welcome to share his own.

Thank you for reading :)

Report / Re: Summoner attack speed glitch
« on: July 23, 2021, 11:53:36 PM »
Summoner hitting 4k on full party buffed archer with 300+ attack speed. The DMG...well ok. But the attacks speed ???

Want to Sell (WTS) / Re: Blindarrows shop
« on: July 19, 2021, 10:54:56 AM »

Suggestions / Re: Event Suggestion
« on: July 17, 2021, 01:47:19 PM »
Thank God you got banned from discord server, which is a sign for all you don't belong there. Waiting for your ban here. Maybe you finally learn how to not be toxic and grow up. We will see :)

Suggestions / Re: Event Suggestion
« on: July 17, 2021, 01:42:10 PM »
1v1 or 3v3 or 5v5 events would be nice. Hide and seek could be nice but killing endless mobs for 10m ea is ridiculous on this stage.

Suggestions / Re: Event Suggestion
« on: July 17, 2021, 11:26:28 AM »
PvP Events could be a good possibility for fighting own team mates too.
Well ... 50mil from tree (if u got it first) was the same amount u could make in eclipse in 1-2 pulls. So before you call someone dumb get some knowledge. Getting stress-free 500k gold every some seconds for this stage is enough . For sure greedy trolls, who not even play , will say "50mil" for 1 second staying next to water.
Before you open your mouth or use your fingers in this case think twice about any logic in your dumb trolling posts.

Suggestions / Re: Event Suggestion
« on: July 17, 2021, 08:48:11 AM »
These kind of events are stupid for this stage. 10/20/50m for "fishing"? We got 50m from hunting Xmas trees on Xmas last year (just adding you were able to farm 1-3bil gold in eclipse ) .
500k gold would be enough. Making gold in-game is too easy, to add such events. Also making lucky tickets is pretty easy.
This game is made for team play and that's why single player think worm is for Vs or for op lvl 99 players.
If you want to play solo don't cry to be bad vs a good team.
If this game wouldn't be a team game it hadn't guild system...

Suggestions / Re: Change / Inquire
« on: July 16, 2021, 09:03:00 AM »
Well here is my opinion :

- drop can stay like this for this stage at least. This way the stuff maybe not lose its value .

- go back to past refine ( 3slot outcome) or at least remove 1slot outcome . This will also decrease the archondrite rate (my opinion after weeks of thinking about that matter)

- Go back to old siege rules - for now every single guy can run into siege field and kill who ever he wants. That's ridiculous!

- increase success rate of refining stones/reinforcement potion

- go back to "max slot" weapon/armours . Can't imagine to put 5(!) GTs on a rapier for example ...

- before nerfing/buffing an class - communicate with the community , make a poll . This could avoid problems . Like 5 players left after last update ...

- It would be nice if you would take our suggestions serious and think about them. I see almost every day players are leaving, are not motivated at all to play . I would like the server to stay alive, as I really like this old game but for you to keep it money is needed and to get money you need active players who are willing to spend.

Tank you for reading :)

Want to Sell (WTS) / Blindarrows shop
« on: July 09, 2021, 10:27:58 AM »
WTS followoing items :
- Lucky tickets (7) -  7 eu ea or 45 ea for all 7
- Chars: ranger lvl 70
- exc kark 1/1(forrest wings)
- exc kark 0/2
- Luke 3/3 (ulti, elw cloack lvl4, dark wings lvl4)
- glor logo 0/1
- Barom 3/3 (ulti, hp rec lvl6, res 6%)
- armours for almost all classes
- sorc ice cap
- True realms:
- scion ice armour
- zerk ice arms
- archer ice boots
- ele ice cap
- archer true pants 2/2 - sharp shooter/wind arrow - lvl2 res, lvl3 sb
-archwr true pants 2/3 - soul breathe/rock skin/heavy hand - sb lvl4, res lvl3
-archer true arms 2/2 - power bow - lvl3 crit/light speed

PM me here or /w in-game :)

Want to Sell (WTS) / WTS uniques, realms
« on: June 06, 2021, 04:38:50 PM »
Normal realm top for:
Mage, Zerk, sorc, Archer,
True arms for hunter (power bow/ snare shot)
- kark 0/2
- glor kark 0/1
- Luke 0/3

Want to Buy (WTB) / WTB uniques, realms, other stuff
« on: June 06, 2021, 04:34:31 PM »
- glor gaudius 0/2
- Zerk true pants
- glor Luke 0/3
- elite x-bow lvl 85-92 (20 all else/all dim dmg, other stats are bonus)
 PM me here, on discord or in-game (Blindarrow)

Suggestions / Cooldown and items for cooldown
« on: May 31, 2021, 10:16:47 AM »
Hello Justac team and also the community ,
could we bring back the original cooldown on nectars, title and also back on caps(5/6% max or sth around that ) so people don't need to use combi to use their basic abilities (for Archer it's free will, which gives dim res and protects from stun/slow) . Also adding cooldown on dropable weapons would be nice, as critters get their 20% advantage too. To be able to correctly play an Archer it takes around 80% cooldown so no way to use rock skin and this way - no SB and a self buffed Archer can be easy killed.
This would make the fights a lil bit more balanced in my opinion , also other classes would profit from this change.
Thank you !
Ps. Before you start trolling think twice about it :)

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