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Topics - Game Operator

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Game Discussion / Occasional Server Anniversary Survey
« on: November 18, 2024, 10:38:37 AM »
The survey will allow us to determine the current state of the server and in which direction it should go. Prizes are provided for participants, among those who take part we will draw:
5 Royal Cloaks
5 x 5b gold
10 x Gold Ticket

And for each participant 200m gold.
Please vote only from 1 account (this will be verified). Offtopic will be deleted.

Free Chat / Archlord Battle logs
« on: September 28, 2024, 09:09:52 PM »
[19:10:41] stamp guild: KTV

[19:11:20] time: 39

[19:12:11] stamp guild: RoG

[19:12:33] time: 22

[19:12:58] stamp guild: KTV

[19:13:26] time: 27

[19:14:01] stamp guild: KTV

[19:14:20] time: 18

[19:14:30] stamp guild: BLM

[19:14:30] time: 0

[19:14:31] stamp guild: BLM

[19:15:22] time: 50

[19:17:11] stamp guild: KTV

[19:17:43] time: 32

[19:18:40] stamp guild: KTV

[19:18:53] time: 12

[19:18:55] stamp guild: BLM

[19:19:11] time: 15

[19:20:08] stamp guild: RoG

[19:20:15] time: 6

[19:20:21] stamp guild: KTV

[19:20:28] time: 7

[19:21:10] stamp guild: KTV

[19:21:22] time: 11

[19:22:32] stamp guild: KTV

[19:22:32] time: 0

[19:22:36] stamp guild: KTV

[19:22:36] time: 0

[19:25:11] stamp guild: KTV

[19:25:11] time: 0

[19:25:11] stamp guild: KTV

[19:25:16] time: 4

[19:26:39] stamp guild: KTV

[19:26:47] time: 7

[19:27:33] stamp guild: KTV

[19:27:33] time: 0

[19:27:33] stamp guild: KTV

[19:27:33] time: 0

[19:27:34] stamp guild: KTV

[19:27:40] time: 5

[19:28:13] stamp guild: KTV

[19:28:28] time: 15

[19:29:06] stamp guild: RoG

[19:29:17] time: 11

[19:29:19] stamp guild: KTV

[19:29:19] time: 0

[19:29:22] stamp guild: KTV

[19:29:32] time: 10

[19:31:11] stamp guild: KTV

[19:32:12] time: 61

[19:33:38] stamp guild: KTV

[19:33:43] time: 5

[19:34:16] stamp guild: KTV

[19:34:16] time: 0

[19:34:17] stamp guild: KTV

[19:34:28] time: 11

[19:34:46] stamp guild: KTV

[19:34:51] time: 4

[19:35:28] stamp guild: KTV

[19:35:28] time: 0

[19:35:29] stamp guild: KTV

[19:35:31] time: 2

[19:35:32] stamp guild: KTV

[19:35:45] time: 12

[19:36:57] stamp guild: BLM

[19:37:59] time: 62

[19:38:21] stamp guild: RoG

[19:38:46] time: 25

[19:39:52] stamp guild: BLM

[19:39:52] time: 0

[19:40:57] stamp guild: RoG

[19:40:58] time: 0

[19:41:24] stamp guild: RoG

[19:41:56] time: 31

[19:43:20] stamp guild: KTV

[19:43:29] time: 9

[19:44:46] stamp guild: RoG

[19:45:36] time: 49

[19:45:37] stamp guild: KTV

[19:45:43] time: 6

[19:46:46] stamp guild: RoG

[19:47:24] time: 37

[19:47:27] stamp guild: KTV

[19:47:37] time: 9

[19:48:59] stamp guild: BLM

[19:49:07] time: 7

[19:49:16] stamp guild: KTV

[19:49:25] time: 9

[19:51:06] stamp guild: RoG

[19:51:19] time: 12

[19:53:22] stamp guild: KTV

[19:53:38] time: 15

[19:54:40] stamp guild: KTV

[19:54:44] time: 4

[19:54:45] stamp guild: KTV

[19:54:54] time: 8

[19:55:01] stamp guild: BLM

[19:55:45] time: 43

[19:56:04] stamp guild: RoG

[19:56:35] time: 31

[19:59:14] stamp guild: RoG

[19:59:28] time: 13

[20:00:44] stamp guild: RoG

[20:01:04] time: 20

[20:06:14] stamp guild: KTV

[20:06:14] time: 0

[20:06:15] stamp guild: KTV

[20:06:19] time: 4

[20:06:29] stamp guild: BLM

[20:07:15] time: 46

[20:07:38] stamp guild: RoG

[20:08:23] time: 44

[20:08:28] stamp guild: KTV

[20:08:37] time: 8

[20:08:40] stamp guild: BLM

[20:09:02] time: 21

[20:09:04] stamp guild: KTV

[20:09:09] time: 4

Events / Autumn Events 2024
« on: September 27, 2024, 12:56:20 PM »

1. Archlord Event
We remind you about changes in the fight for the title of Archlord.

Only this month!
Archlord will receive 5 resurrections after being killed (5 times the title will be restored in the event of the character's death). In the event of losing the title, please send me a private message because the title can only be restored manually.

+ Kaligo Hunt  during 1 hour after Archlord Battle.

Summer Events / Lord of The Rings Event
« on: September 07, 2024, 10:08:06 AM »
You can like or dislike these books, and certainly like or dislike the controversial tv series. Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten that the world of Archlord is practically largely inspired by the world of Tolkien.
Here we have elven and orc races. We have monsters based on goblins, trolls, ogres, ents. We have Balor King which is an obvious reference to Balrog.

The quest is dedicated to the roots of Archlord. The goal of the mission is to obtain 4 titles:
Expert Collector of Goblins
Expert Collector of Rock Torges
Legendary Troll Guard Hunter
Legendary Balor King's Hunter

Create a new character and obtain the titles (you don't have to obtain the last 2 titles with a new character, you can use Party).
Upload a screenshot of the obtained titles on the forum in the special topic.
The reward is 1b gold. You can join the event with only one character.
Event ends 16/09.

Summer Events / Back to school Event
« on: September 07, 2024, 10:07:33 AM »
The end of the holidays and all the children must return to school. New players must also train for whom we have a Tutorial section where experienced players have passed on the basics of the game.

Many players have problems with team fights. They need to be shown how to use debufs, how not to remove them from the opponent, what combinations of classes to use, or simply at what moment and which player to attack.
That is why we want you to pass on these basics of group fights to new players in a simple and fun way.
It can be a funny poem, a compilation of memes or a funny video.
You can post your works in the Back To School Event topic, which we will launch soon.

As usual, we will evaluate the idea and quality of the works and reward them with gold. We wait 2 weeks for your posts.

Game Discussion / 1st class new logo design - discussion
« on: September 07, 2024, 09:56:31 AM »
Here are the submitted proposals, we are waiting for your comments.

We kindly ask the authors of some images to send us the .png version (without the background) and all authors to send 128x128 versions so examples can be checked in game too.








Summer Events / Speedleveling Event Registration
« on: July 27, 2024, 12:15:50 AM »
After completing the task, write your nickname here.
End time 11 August, 11:59 p.m.

Summer Events / World Record Event - Rules
« on: July 26, 2024, 11:59:51 AM »
The rules are very simple, we break the record in achieving levels from lv 1 to lv 150.
1.The player must achieve the highest level in the shortest time.
2. The time is counted from the moment of creating the character until obtaining the World Record title at lv 150 (available from Title NPC)
3. There is no starting time, you can try at a time convenient for you over the next week (registration will be closed Sunday, August 11, 11:59 p.m.)
4. There are no restrictions apart from the
 1 player 1 prize rule and registered account sharing for duration of the event is forbidden.
 Each player can try with 3 characters. We will only consider the one with the best result.
To win, the player must demonstrate knowledge of the game, class, selection of spots and equipment.
5. After creating the character, report the nickname to me in a private message.
We will monitor characters to see if they use bots.
Register your character's nickname in this thread after completing the challenge. For double safety, take an original screenshot of the game after completing the task (.bmp file from the Screen folder)
You will not know your score or that of other characters until the event ends.
5. Rewards

For the Human, Orc, Moonelf races, each class receives 3 awards (3x 9 classes, a total of 27 awards). For the Dragonscion race, there is no division into classes and prizes are for 3 places regardless of the class used.

Rewards (each Human, Orc, Moonelf class):
Gold medal: 10b gold + Best Class Mark for 2 months
Silver medal: 8b gold
Bronze medal: 5b gold

Rewards (Dragonscion race)
Gold medal: 10b gold + Best Class Mark for 2 months (title chosen by the player from Best Summoner, Best Slayer, Best Orbiter)
Silver medal: 8b gold + Best Class Mark (title not chosen by the first player)
Bronze medal: 5b gold + Best Class Mark (title not chosen by player 1 and 2)

Each player who completes the task will receive 2 talismans 200% exp.

Batte Square Events / Battle Square Event Summer Edition 2024 Signs
« on: July 13, 2024, 10:08:23 AM »
You can sign character in this topic. We remind of the rules:

Start Time: Sunday 14/07 9:00am
End Time: Sunday 28/07 9:00pm or last signed for reward

1. Create a new character (only after the Start Time, it will be verified in the logs). DO NOT SHARE ACCOUNT WITH OTHER PLAYER DURING EVENT!
2. Win the last Battle Square title with this character (Battle Square Conqueror)
3. After winning the title, write character's nickname in proper topic  so we can check time (it will also be checked in logs)

Prize for the first person: 15,000,000,000 gold
2nd place: 10,000,000,000
3rd place 8,000,000,000
4th place 5,000,000,000
5th-15th place: 2,000,000,000

If no player has achieved the highest title by the end of the event, titles from lower floors will be considered.

Additional rules:
One player one prize. Do not use multiple accounts during the Event.
This also applies to "guarding" your character with other your characters. If you suspect that one player is using multiple accounts inside BS maps, please let us know and we will verify it (add good screenshots/video to report).

Events / Summer Events 2024
« on: July 01, 2024, 02:49:07 AM »
Hello. Some of the Summer Events have been launched.

1. Double Exp Event - duration 2 months.

2. Event NPC Unique Accesories (you can get for one week, duration of items 30 days)

3. Shop discounts 30% off (2 weeks)
Awakening Boost Chest(10)
Cloak Chest(10)
Wing Chest(10)
Ring Spirit Chest(10)
Dimension Cloak Chest(10)
Compound Potion(100)
Incantation Letter of Character Sealing (1)
Incantation Letter of Name Change (1)
Secret bag
Super Lucky Charm <14 days>(1)
Talisman of Awakening PLUS<14 days>(1)
Talisman of Heavenly Luck<14 day> (1)
2nd Chance For Cloak Desing(1)

Swimsuits and Jumpsuits price reduced to 150ec in limited offer.

4. Summer Edition of Best Damage title
- previous forum results will be cleared
- the rules remain the same as before
please do not use shared accounts during the event, we remind you that sharing accounts is against the security rules and is not supported by us
- the forum section will be closed at a random time in the last days of July, please don't wait to register until the last minute

Information about further events soon.

Support / Xcrash problems
« on: June 16, 2024, 12:15:09 PM »
Hello. We ask players to send us CRASH.DMP files when an Xcrash error occurs. Please also provide how much memory (in MB) is taken by the client (with one client running), information can be found in the Windows task manager.
Do not post the file publicly, send us the download link via the ticket system.

Events / Soccer Event 2024
« on: June 14, 2024, 10:05:55 AM »

1. Boss Hunt, this saturday/sunday (12pm-12am) random hours
2. Event food giveaways 145+,  this saturday/sunday (12pm-12am) random hours
3, Minigame "push the ball into the goal",
-enter with 1lv char, NPC Zero, Anchorville
-ball spawns every 3 minutes
-push the ball into south goal
-collect Guild Trophy and some gold

duration: until the end of the month

Also only this month: 3 top guilds with best guild points gain will get rewards
1st place 25b
2nd place 15b
3rd place 10b

Events / Easter Events 2024
« on: March 26, 2024, 09:00:38 AM »
Happy Easter!
1. Increased Exp event (2 weeks)
2. Set of all new accesories, go to Event NPC and press Easter Event to get rings and necklaces for 30days
- You can get this only for next 7 days (to April 2, server restart)
- You can get only one set
- Accesories are 0/6 please remember about chance of destroying while upgrading slots! We won't give another reward if you destroy it.
3. Limited Bunny Head suits in Chantra Shop with lower price. (2 weeks)
4.Shop discounts 30% off (2 weeks)
Awakening Boost Chest(10)
Cloak Chest(10)
Wing Chest(10)
Ring Spirit Chest(10)
Dimension Cloak Chest(10)
Compound Potion(100)
Incantation Letter of Character Sealing (1)
Incantation Letter of Name Change (1)
Secret bag
Super Lucky Charm <14 days>(1)
Talisman of Awakening PLUS<14 days>(1)
Talisman of Heavenly Luck<14 day> (1)
5. Bunny boss hunting  Sunday March 31 12pm-12am server time (random time and place after notice), same event also Sunday April 7
6. Giveaway Event  145+ Sunday, March 31, random time 12pm-12am, same event also Sunday April 7

Game Discussion / Cloak Desings Discussion
« on: March 20, 2024, 02:54:29 AM »
We present a dozen or so cape designs, of which we will choose a few.
When choosing the theme, we tried to match the colors to the wings, we know that many people care about this. But we also tried to add some artworks that contain direct references to the game.

Due to different light settings, classic plain capes look best in all conditions. Here are some of the suggestions:

Artworks may look a bit worse in the game (depending on lighting, color settings), but if you want such projects, we have prepared the following.

The capes are inspired by Archons:
Brumhart - the element of fire enchanted in the sword possessed by Zian
Evengarda -  the element of fire enchanted in the bow possessed by Gracia
Gaiahon -  the element of earth enchanted in the staff possessed by Ugdrasil
Volphyr -   the element of wind  possessed by Dikain

The colors refer to:
golden - Humans
blue - Elves
red - Orcs
turquoise - Dragoncions

Phoenix inspired capes:

Other artwork related to the game:

Free Chat / Year of the Dragon Screenshot Event
« on: February 10, 2024, 06:40:07 PM »
Details at 6.40pm

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