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Messages - Game Operator

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 27
Events / Re: Guild Ranking monthly event
« on: February 01, 2025, 01:00:16 AM »
Batard   4279
KTV   4023
WARRIOR   1599
RoG   1265
HUAWEI   904
BegForMercy   860
OOOOO   702
Unbreakable   701
Traktor   623
AncientHell   568
CHN   200
BegForMerci   199
Addicted   143
RetardSquaD   88
Error404   68
Death   49
Owned   40
HellFire   27
XIII   25
christmas   22
UnreasheD   20
GameBurg   19
Onkelz   17
Psychedelic   13
RetarMafia   12
VL   11
Magyarok   10
WarPigs   10

Highest points gain:

WARRIOR +1590  [12b]
KTV +1190 [6b]
HUAWEI +904 [3b]

We ask guild leaders to place Normal Passport on the Auction House.

We will analyze the process of earning points and try to evaluate the new motivation system for guilds. The parallel Event on another channel this month certainly had a significant impact. We believe that we will only get a full picture of activity after 3 months, so for now, the reward system remains unchanged for the top 3 guilds.

Announcements / Re: Justac 2025 — The New Chapter.
« on: January 29, 2025, 12:24:12 AM »
We have opened registration for castles on the Event server.
If you have any problems with registration, please report it to us.

Events / Re: Guild Ranking monthly event
« on: January 03, 2025, 10:46:24 AM »
After a break, we have restarted the Guild Ranking.
You can currently earn Guild Trophy from:
Kaligo x1
Tesseris x1
General Tesslon x5

The ranking has been shortened to simplify calculations and even out the odds with fewer points to earn. The order of the ranking has been preserved by removing the last number from the position.

The changes also concern the time to use the Guild Trophy at the NPC.
From now on, you have 12 hours before the item disappears.
Guild Trophy can no longer be stacked, this is due to their temporary availability. But from now on, every member of the guild can exchange points and you don't have to wait for the leader to do it.
We will be watching how it goes for the first month.
For now, the rewards for the first month will be:
12B Guild that gains the most points
6B Next guild
3B Next guild

Start Ranking:
Batard   4176
KTV   2833
RoG   1209
OOOOO   702
Traktor   623
Unbreakable   600
BegForMercy   549
CHN   200
Addicted   67
Death   49
HellFire   27
GameBurg   19
Onkelz   17
XIII   16
RetarMafia   12
WarPigs   10
Magyarok   10
RoGsLegacy   8
Dreads   8
AlphaPlus   7
TrsT   6
VL   6
christmas   4
DarkMagic   4
AncientHell   4
HunEmpire   4
BGF   3
BobsMuts   3
Chaos   3
OFF   3
MyGuild   2
TEST   2
Error404   2
Exist   2
Fatality   2
GottesZorn   2
EliteHungary   1
BlackTears   1
RetardMafia   1
PussycatDoll   1
Bastards   1

Events / Re: Christmas & New Year Events 2024!
« on: December 16, 2024, 01:27:25 PM »
5. Bad Santa Hunt & Wing Chest Hunt
Also: Givaways +145lv.

Sundays 22 Dec, 29 Dec, 5 Jan
Random time between 12pm-12am.

Merry XMas and a Happy New Year!

Game Discussion / Re: Occasional Server Anniversary Survey
« on: December 08, 2024, 01:42:19 AM »

Royal Cloak   Chn-b777
Royal Cloak   Goldeneye
Royal Cloak   Katsumiz
Royal Cloak   Zoya
Royal Cloak   Friend
5b Gold   D0gm4
5b Gold   Leafasenpai
5b Gold   Pepovski28
5b Gold   Jebac17
5b Gold   Vonzo

The rest except above will receive 1 Gold Ticket.
And everyone will receive 200m gold for participating (please place a Normal Passport at this price on Auction House to receive the prize faster, winners of 5b gold may sell it for 5,2b).
Please send me a private message from the accounts that participated.
Write the nickname of the character to whom the prize should be transferred in the TITLE of the message.


Game Discussion / Re: Occasional Server Anniversary Survey
« on: December 08, 2024, 01:29:49 AM »

1. How long have you been playing Archlord (you can specify the year or episode)?

The vast majority of you have been with the game since its beginning, with over 75% of you in the first 3 years of the game. This is impressive considering that next year will be the 25th anniversary of the game's release.

2. How long have you been playing on our server?

Here too, there are definitely many people who have been with us from the very beginning. Thank you for the time spent together!

3. Have you played/are you playing games similar to Archlord, if so, which ones?

Many of you play or have played similar games, but there are also people who have chosen only Archlord as their MMORPG.

4. Would you play new games inspired by Archlord?

Opinions on this topic are fairly even. As in other communities, some say that the MMORPG genre is dying and it's not worth creating new games. But there are also true fans who would play new version of Archlord.

5. Which class was your first choice, and which one was your favorite?

Since most started in the first episodes, it is not surprising that Dragonscion was not chosen as the first character. It is also not surprising no Hunters, it was considered a difficult character for a long time. Players often started with the melee classes, but the most often choice was Archer.

Many of you play different classes, but when choosing your favorite, you most often chose two ranged classes, Archer and Ranger. In some cases it was definitely sentiment, in others ease, and in others originality of gameplay.

6. Which class do you consider the most balanced and which one the least?

The question wasn't easy, but it served to confirm what we often see in your suggestions. It's hard to answer it unequivocally, which is why some of you skipped the question. As always, players' personal preferences also had big impact for answer. The Berserker received the most positive opinions about the quality of balance, the Elementalist the least. We've always tried to balance our server so that classes complement each other, and that was the main assumption, because the game is designed mainly to build group vs. group interactions.

7. Would you play a mobile version of Archlord (classic Archlord with modified controls)?

A large part of you are against mobile versions of MMORPG games, even if it was Archlord. We realize that generational differences and nostalgia can have an impact on such opinions. Players are accustomed to certain forms of MMORPG games and it is difficult to convince them to revolutionary changes.

8. Are you a PVE or PVP player, or are both of these issues equally important to you?

Here the differences weren't big, we have both definitely pvp and definitely pve players, but there are also players who feel good in both game modes.

9. Rate the economy in the game on a scale of 1 (worst) - 10 (best).
10. Rate the ease of obtaining equipment on a scale of 1-10.
11. Rate the level of balance in group fights on a scale of 1-10.
12. Rate the level of ease of play for a new player on a scale of 1-10.
13. Rate the cost of playing on a scale of 1-10 (don't rate RMT between players, this is just about in-store purchases)
14. Rate the changes in the game over the years on a scale of 1-10 Justac vs. the original game.
15. Rate the efficiency of the Helpdesk on a scale of 1-10.

Averaged scores from individual questions.
In some aspects we are satisfied with the score, especially the very important point 14 for us, thank you for your kind words.
In some it is clear that some things should be improved and these are the two most difficult tasks.
The game economy, which is a difficult thing to control and depends largely on the players, their involvement and their number on the server.
We also received low scores for point 12. The problem is difficult, growing mainly through the life of the server. Our server was not planned as a periodically reset server, so that players could start over from a common start every now and then. Therefore, the longer the server runs, the harder it is for new players to catch up with players with long experience. We try to make this pursuit easier for them from time to time, but we also have to maintain an economic balance.

16. What form of communication with us and other players suits you better, the classic forum like it is now or creating an official Discord channel.

The vast majority definitely expect to be able to contact us via Discord.

It is doable, but some things really hold us back.

The first is the lack of greater control over users. As you know, there have been many people who have wished our server bad in recent years. The possibilities of blocking such people on the forum are much greater than on Discord servers, where the administration does not have access to the user's IP, for example. In addition, there are many types of attacks and spam to which popular platforms such as Discord are susceptible.

Moving to Discord would also eliminate verification during events such as one prize - one player.

The second is the lack of a sensible ticket system. The current forum has a fairly clear system, where many administrators or moderators can participate in solving the same problem, which shortens the response time.

Another important factor for many is readability. Some materials are difficult to present on Discord channels to make it look clear. The search options are also weaker.

Nevertheless, for quite some time we have been considering launching such a channel as a supplement to the Forum.

Thank you for participating in the Survey, thank you also for your contribution to the life of the server, which would not exist without you.

Suggestions / Re: Suggestions for - reward draw methods
« on: December 07, 2024, 03:48:05 PM »
Since there were fewer participants than we expected, we are only planning a draw of 5 x Royal Cloak and 5 x 5b gold.

The remaining players will receive 1 gold ticket without a draw.

And everyone 200m gold for participating as promised.

Suggestions / Re: Suggestions for - reward draw methods
« on: December 07, 2024, 01:32:28 PM »
We thought it would be good if players also participated in the draw process, and finding an interesting and convenient solution for everyone would be useful in similar events in the future.

If there is no more interesting solution, we will use this site
and record a video of the drawing.
It allows you to eliminate a winner person for next draw, so no doubled winners.

Announcements / Re: Updates info
« on: December 06, 2024, 09:59:46 AM »
Blocked parties on all levels of Chaotic Frontier for the test period. We will watch how this affects the game.

Regarding the Guild Ranking, we are working on a solution that will allow every guild member to exchange points, so please be patient.

Summary of the survey and the prize draw on Sunday.
If you have an idea on how to make the draw public, we are waiting for suggestions (maybe using a suitable bot on Discord?). We can also make the draw private using available sites such as

Game Discussion / Re: Occasional Server Anniversary Survey
« on: December 03, 2024, 10:54:48 AM »
Thank you for participating. We will soon prepare a summary of the survey and draw prizes.

Events / Re: Guild Ranking monthly event
« on: December 02, 2024, 03:20:24 PM »

We ask the leaders to place Normal Passport on the Auction House in the amount of the prize awarded.

Suggestions / Re: Feedback to GM post: Guild Ranking changes
« on: November 30, 2024, 02:18:55 PM »
A gold reward that can be easily split between guild members is still the best fair solution. Buff rewards can affect character balance and occasional events, so the only solution would be gold/drop buffs. Item rewards, on the other hand, have often caused disagreements within guilds/unions in the past, and we've often heard about that in Helpdesk reports.

As places to get the Trophy, these will most likely be:
Kaligo - for weaker players (with the planned change to party buffs in Chaotic Frontier)
Tesseris/Tesslon - for guilds and stronger players
Lydia - challenge level allows both weaker and stronger players to get it

If they were to be introduced in the drop of regular monsters (Infernum, Shinewood), the chance of obtaining them would be much lower. We will leave this for discussion. We may change the rules every month or so to test different solutions.

Announcements / Re: Updates info
« on: November 30, 2024, 02:05:01 PM »
1. We will end the current guild ranking during Monday's server maintenance.
During this time, we will remove the remaining Guild Trophy.
The new ranking will start as soon as we solve the problem with the time-limited item, unfortunately the game mechanics do not provide for time-limited items that can be traded and stacked at the same time.
As for the rewards, we still invite you to the discussion:

2. We also invite you to take part in:

We will end the survey on Monday. In the following days, we will prepare its summary and the form of the prize draw.

3. After analysis we have decided to keep the Kaligo settings permanent.
The remaining events will end on Monday.

Images and videos from players / Re: Videos
« on: November 24, 2024, 02:59:50 PM »
Halloween + Anniversary Video Promotion Event Rewards:

D0gm4 - 10b gold
Tezz - 7b gold
Proteus 7b gold
Tassa  5b gold
Shado 5b gold

Congratulations! Please put a Normal Passport to  Auction House to collect a reward and send me a nickname.

Free Chat / Re: Archlord Battle log, September
« on: November 24, 2024, 02:42:41 AM »
[19:10:41] stamp guild: BGF

[19:10:47] time: 6

[19:12:46] stamp guild: ShadoOrder

[19:13:05] time: 18

[19:13:07] stamp guild: BGF

[19:13:15] time: 8

[19:16:12] stamp guild: ShadoOrder

[19:18:07] time: 114

[19:19:53] stamp guild: BGF

[19:20:01] time: 7

[19:20:02] stamp guild: BGF

[19:20:39] time: 37

[19:22:55] stamp guild: BGF

[19:22:56] time: 0

[19:22:56] stamp guild: BGF

[19:22:56] time: 0

[19:22:59] stamp guild: BGF

[19:24:25] time: 85

[19:24:54] stamp guild: ShadoOrder

[19:26:20] time: 86

[19:27:31] stamp guild: KTV

[19:28:28] time: 57

[19:30:37] stamp guild: BGF

[19:30:47] time: 10

[19:31:13] stamp guild: KTV

[19:31:13] time: 0

[19:31:13] stamp guild: KTV

[19:31:13] time: 0

[19:31:14] stamp guild: KTV

[19:31:18] time: 3

[19:31:19] stamp guild: KTV

[19:31:19] time: 0

[19:31:20] stamp guild: KTV

[19:31:20] time: 0

[19:31:22] stamp guild: KTV

[19:32:35] time: 72

[19:34:29] stamp guild: BGF

[19:34:29] time: 0

[19:34:33] stamp guild: BGF

[19:34:46] time: 13

[19:35:31] stamp guild: BGF

[19:36:04] time: 33

[19:36:35] stamp guild: ShadoOrder

[19:36:41] time: 6

[19:36:47] stamp guild: ShadoOrder

[19:37:55] time: 67

[19:39:33] stamp guild: BGF

[19:39:33] time: 0

[19:39:34] stamp guild: BGF

[19:39:34] time: 0

[19:41:47] stamp guild: ShadoOrder

[19:41:49] time: 2

[19:41:53] stamp guild: ShadoOrder

[19:42:57] time: 64

[19:43:17] stamp guild: BGF

[19:44:21] time: 63

[19:44:54] stamp guild: ShadoOrder

[19:45:14] time: 19

[19:46:04] stamp guild: KTV

[19:46:59] time: 54

[19:51:28] stamp guild: KTV

[19:51:29] time: 0

[19:51:30] stamp guild: KTV

[19:52:22] time: 52

[19:52:34] stamp guild: ShadoOrder

[19:53:03] time: 29

[19:54:03] stamp guild: BGF

[19:54:09] time: 6

[19:56:39] stamp guild: ShadoOrder

[19:57:05] time: 25

[19:57:39] stamp guild: BGF

[19:58:23] time: 44

[19:58:59] stamp guild: KTV

[19:58:59] time: 0

[19:59:01] stamp guild: KTV

[20:00:05] time: 64

[20:00:12] stamp guild: BGF

[20:00:29] time: 17

[20:00:51] stamp guild: BGF

[20:01:01] time: 10

[20:03:35] stamp guild: BGF

[20:03:35] time: 0

[20:03:39] stamp guild: BGF

[20:03:48] time: 9

[20:04:12] stamp guild: BGF

[20:04:35] time: 22

[20:05:19] stamp guild: ShadoOrder

[20:05:21] time: 2

[20:05:23] stamp guild: ShadoOrder

[20:05:57] time: 34

[20:06:18] stamp guild: BGF

[20:06:21] time: 3

[20:06:48] stamp guild: BGF

[20:06:48] time: 0

[20:06:49] stamp guild: BGF

[20:06:56] time: 6

[20:06:58] stamp guild: BGF

[20:07:04] time: 5

[20:07:06] stamp guild: BGF

[20:07:37] time: 30

[20:08:53] stamp guild: BGF

[20:08:53] time: 0

[20:08:55] stamp guild: BGF

[20:09:02] time: 6

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