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Topics - Nymeria

Pages: [1]
Tutorial / Swashbuckler's Tutorial - The Swashbuckler & her specificities
« on: September 03, 2022, 11:07:01 AM »
The swashbuckler and her specificities

The Moon Elf Swashbuckler (or warrior), is a melee class. Regardless of your choice to play crit or cast, you will be a close range fighter.

When it comes to the weapons, you have two options:

Play with a 1-handed sword
Play with 2 weapons: A rapier & dagger combination

The best option is rapier + dagger, for several reasons, but the main one being the debuffing part. Indeed, there are some debuffs that you wouldn’t be able to use with only a 1-handed sword.

⚠ If you use Rapier + Dagger, you always have to equip the rapier first. The dagger automatically goes off if you unequip the rapier. This mechanic is very similar to the scion summoner. ⚠

As mentioned earlier, you could play it, cast, or crit. As you can guess, it means Swash, is a hybrid class.

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Tutorial / Swashbuckler's Tutorial - In-depth look at the abilities
« on: September 03, 2022, 11:06:32 AM »
An in-depth look to the abilities

One thing I did not mention in the earlier parts, is that Swashbuckler is pretty much a teamfight oriented class (at least if you chose cast for fights).
Just like any other it has some pros and cons but in this part we’ll go through the swash abilities, the things she’s good for.

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Tutorial / Swashbuckler's Tutorial - Building your Swash
« on: September 03, 2022, 11:06:05 AM »
Building your swashbuckler depending the choice your make

When it comes to building a swash, and as you can guess after this whole tutorial, you will have three options, Cast, Crit, Hybrid.
The only things that will be different between all three Swashs, are :

- The weapons
- The Gloves & The Boots
- The Uniques

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Tutorial / Swashbuckler's Tutorial - Conclusion
« on: September 03, 2022, 11:05:41 AM »

As you may understand now, Swashbuckler is an absolute monster of versatility. Just like any other class it has strong & weak points.. And of course, pros & cons.

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