Author Topic: Ranger tutorial #Event  (Read 15726 times)

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Ranger tutorial #Event
« on: August 23, 2022, 11:06:54 PM »
Hello everybody,

This is a tutorial for especially beginners, I will try to talk about every aspect of PVE and PVP with ranger and PVE part will also be separated to two parts as farm and leveling. If it is your first character in the
game ranger is a good way to start because you can farm some gold and then start your main character and sorry the for the grammar mistakes etc. Please feel free to ask questions and make comments.


Ranger is one of the best characters to farm on cf and uniques at desert(if the mobs 22 lv or higher otherwise archer might be a better choice) and note that at this part I am assuming that it is not your first character in the game
and you have some gold,items etc.
if its your first character you can directly jump into leveling part. It has good attack speed, high resistance you will not have any trouble with surviving. You can farm by using cast build or critical build but I
recommend you to use critical because it is more efficient because the mobs dont have very high hp and you can kill them very fast with critical. If you use cast build to farm  you will lose a lot of time to bring mobs
together and mobs will die very fast again you will spend more time to bring them together. It is not a very efficient way to farm. You should use bow as the weapon since the buff you learn for bow gives
you a lot of attack speed(+%40 at 10 rank). Try to find +2 rank armor hence you can have +10 rank with the uniques you will use and try to find a gloves with attack speed,critical damage and bonus drop rate and try to
find them low level so you can use it at any level. The items you will use does not have to be op you can put lv 3 prayer stones in them (You can check prayer stones part if you don't know which stone to put inside of your items).
Put x2 level 3 agility and lv1 ring spirit stones to your event ex baroms and put x2 lv 3 agility prayer stones and lv 1 wing into the event rings. Event gift also includes lv 1 wings and lv 1 ring spirit stones.
If you have a mouse which supports macro(Otherwise it is illegal) you can make a macro which presses Tab+3. Note that you should not be afk while your macro is on because if you get caught afk while your macro is on you will
be banned. If you do not know where to go to farm a unique you can check

Before starting to this part I would to say that if you have good items and 2 excellent ohkeroses you can directly start leveling with cast build.

At 1 level go to event npc(red dragon in the starter village) and take your 1 level gifts. Until level 80 and you find 2 excellent ohkeros rings I recommend you to use critical build until that point because in most occasions you
will be farming gold,uniques etc. and you will not have very good items, you might struggle while casting. I recommend you to use this tutorial for leveling it is a very basic tutorial.
You can jump barom-shuta farm because event will give intelligent shutas,excellent baroms and intelligent-excellent karkaen. Just make some gold and you can comeback to that part when the duration of your accessories end and  you have
some gold for refinery with a new character. If you have good items and enough gold just go level in bg straight away then go to level heaven's hell around 95 level and go to eclipse when you become 120-124 level. I recommend you to buy
Excellent ohkeros ring with minimum 2 slots and I will assume you have minimum 2 slots excellent ohkeros rings. I would like to add that casting with ranger is much faster than using critical if you are leveling especially as your level
gets higher.

Stones you should put inside your rings:
Crit build:
Excellent Baroms(Event): x2 Level 3 Agility prayer stones and level 1 ring spirit prayer stone(also given with event gifts)
Excellent Karkaen(Event): x1 Level 3 Agility prayer stone, level 1 elemental cloak and level 1 wings which you get from event gifts

Cast build:
First 80 level:
Intelligent shutas(Event):x2 Level 3 Stamina prayer stones and level 1 ring spirit prayer stone(also given with event gifts)
Intelligent Karkaen(Event): x1 Level 3 Agility prayer stone, level 1 elemental cloak and level 1 wings which you get from event gifts

After level 80:
Excellent Ohkeros 0/2:Level 6 Mana recovery and Level 4-6 ring spirit prayer stone put Ultimate jewel if you have 3 slots.
Excellent Ohkeros 0/2 (Other one):Ultimate jewel and Level 4-6 ring spirit prayer stone put Level 6 Stamina prayer stone if you have 3 slots.
Intelligent Karkaen 0/2(If the duration of event gift ended): Ultimate jewel and Level 4-6 Elemental cloak
When you become 120 level change Intelligent karkaen with Excellent Faren if you can and put Ultimate jewel and Level 4-6 Dimensional cloak inside.

Stones you should put inside your items:
Cap: Ultimate Jewel
Armor:Physical resistance,Skill Awakening,Curse removal and Stamina buff/increase
Critical:Light speed and Critical hit rate
Caster:Fragment of Ashtal
Kilt:Physical resistance,Skill block
Boots:Movement speed,Fragment of ashtal


Critical builds(Bow):
Skill build for shuta farm(level 30):
Before giving the skill point to life extinction go to flame bear spot at orc territory and test your character if your character does well you can give the rank to eternal soul.
Level 50:
Level 80:

Cast builds(Cast):
Level 30:
Level 50:
Level 80:
Level 120:

Cast build is the strongest one ranger cannot hit good damages with critical. Energy bolt,mortal dagger and Eye of the ranger are the debuffs you should use to kill your opponent. You should use power kataria against casters to debuff their cooldown
and hence they will not be able to kill you easily. If you feel that you will that you can use bad friends and elemental favour and run away. Bad friends removes every slow effect and gives you stun protection. Elemental favour gives you a shield against
elemental damages. You should choose wisely when you use the elemental favour and bad friends if you use them at right time you can survive and kill your opponent. I recommend you to use elemental favour
when you get elemental resistance debuffs but if you have full items then your elemental resistance will still be 80. You should also learn which class can decrease your elemental/dim res under %80 this will be very helpful at pvps.

Skill build:
There are two skill builds since I cannot use every skill point we have at 150 level.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2022, 01:35:32 PM by Lapoli »