Dear Justac Team,
Here are some thoughts on new content that could improve gameplay on the server as well as bring back a larger player base.
1st Thought: New Lottery Machines
There are plenty of things we could add to new lottery machines:
1st possibility: An Excellent Unique Lottery, maybe something like 500m for one spin, where you get a random excellent unique (every ring should have the same chance). Some players would rather try their luck on the machine than farm low-level uniques.
2nd possibility: A useful Chantra Lottery Machine. Add items like Proof of Winners, Carvings, Potions, maybe even GTs or 100% scrolls, and let players use their Charisma Points, as they are currently super useless.
2nd Thought: New Events
I personally liked the event server, and I think Justac should stick with these kinds of regular events.
1st possibility: Add the BiT maps for level 49 and 79 and rework the rewards. Regulate the gear that can be used inside this new event. Maybe set a max of CF gear for level 49 and max True gear for level 79, with no elite gear at all, to give every player a fair chance to participate in the new event zone.
Rewards suggestion: Give us tokens for killing mobs. After the event time, players can exchange the tokens for CC items, e.g., Ring Spirit Chests, Wing Chests, etc.
3rd Thought: Rework Ice/Light/Poison Zones
These zones are not used at all.
Add boss spawns with rewards or materials for a new title.
Set a max level of 80, 90, or 99 in these zones and let players farm tokens or boxes that can be exchanged for items like Proof of Winner, Nectars, CC items, etc.
Make the tokens account-bound (not soul-bound), so players can farm on a twink in Poison and transfer the CC items (which could be soul-bound) to their main character for Siege, Shinewood, Infernum, etc.
4th Thought: New Titles
Give players the option to specialize more in tank or damage without just swapping uniques.
A Tank Title that reduces damage taken.
A DPS Title that increases damage output but reduces HP (e.g., -20% HP) so that players have to play more carefully but can finally kill in 1v1 situations again.
At this point, player skill doesn’t matter much anymore—8/8 players just swap to tank uniques and can go grab a coffee.
It would be great to have an open discussion about new content that could improve the game.
Best regards,