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Messages - friendlyguy

Pages: [1] 2 3
Game Discussion / Re: Occasional Server Anniversary Survey
« on: November 20, 2024, 09:54:55 AM »
Hello there
1. 2010 year, spend my childhood there
2. Playing on your server since opening with small breaks due real life
3.Been playing Blade and Soul MU online ..
4. I would like to play new games with content like Archlord based on the pvp and pve farming
5.First class Sorc, then my fave Ranger
6.Most balanced in Justac i consider Orbiter, and most damaged one Ranger
7. Why not worth a try
8. I consider both PVP AND PVE because both are part of this game
9. 1-10 = 5, the economy is pretty bad for new players and hard to catch up if they dont spend hard grind
10. Pretty hard to get the items if u are solo i would say 4, in team its easy 8
11. I can say 10, because every team can outfight every other team with the right combo and knowlage of the players behind the monitor
12. Rate 3. Pretty hard imo
13. 10 the store is fine
14. Pretty nice changes, improvements and new stuff but yet still in the concept of org Archlord high 10 !
15. I would rate at 7 not too bad not perfect but i belive u guys trying hard
16 Official Discord with bot helps ( Discord bots ) for new players fast reply etc forum are deads

Justac Original Design Event / Re: Desing Event Poll
« on: December 02, 2023, 11:41:49 PM »
3 / 4 /13

Curious how rules for one side must be, but for someone else can be easily skipped and act blind.
there was no 2 minutes (at least) duration of vidéo
- /fps on
- try /w the player since normal chat can be off
- try trade
- try pt
But yet the player is still banned how? why? are there double standards and is someone superior in your eyes?
Its shameful reaction and decision from yourside.Because when EUROPE players try to report need to take care of every detail.
Act equal or dont act at all.Or do botting check yourself. Im disgusted from this
Later dont worry why your events are only participed from 15 players and why your server is in the state where it is right now. An update wont save you, but a fair judgment and acting equal towards your community might give you a shot

Images and videos from players / Re: Images
« on: June 09, 2023, 11:17:25 AM »

Suggestions / Re: Some suggestions
« on: April 24, 2023, 01:41:27 PM »
Item like Release of Agreement but allows u to remove only 1x stone from the item and u can choose which one

Support / Re: Unable to Trade or Use Auction House
« on: April 05, 2023, 10:59:19 AM »
you need to write in normal chat the code /unlock 123456 so u can unlock the trade / auction house
its for safety by justac  :)

Game Discussion / Re: Volunteer Application
« on: March 26, 2023, 01:46:01 PM »
Lure can be a great Volunteer, even more easier because he speak good english and he can be helpful towards chinese community

Suggestions / Re: Party buffs portal to Ancient Dungeon
« on: March 24, 2023, 11:16:25 PM »
I dont see rog on picture  :o
Also u the one full buffed  :-X

Nerf halt and narcolepsy a bit yes, lower the chance of narcolepsy because u can basicly perma sleep players  for xx period.But dont completly remove it whats a sorc without halt and narcolepsy, its meant to be a part of the character but now its to a point where its too much. A good sorc with proper team can tank and play it well.
Remove anti magic absolute NO. Mage is based on it for years its a part of Mage just like halt part of SORC. First target ofcourse because u already explained why mage is deadly even without using other debuffs.
Mage can tank aswell with proper team and builded items. Ofc dont think it will be a She Hulk  everyone dies anyway when more ppl focus on 1 player.

Suggestions / Re: Party buffs portal to Ancient Dungeon
« on: March 24, 2023, 05:46:52 PM »
 I agree with the suggestion that the party buffs should be restricted in the area, and keep it without party. Because camping on the portal with party buffers and coming full buffed because they cant offer a fair fight inside is bullshit.
I also agree with blind that some players always cry no matter what u suggest. The justac staff should reconsider many suggestions and keep the suggestions out of trolling comments. Only real facts (ofcourse not every suggestion can be liked from everyone i dont ask such thing)

Promotion Videos / Re: Valentine's Day Event Screenshots
« on: February 14, 2023, 11:37:14 AM »
Here my Valentine picture
Char ingame: Pandore

Best in Class / Re: When is the next BOEC?
« on: February 14, 2023, 09:45:15 AM »
Hello, we will try to run the event on Best DMG and BEST DPS first, there are still some technical details to be worked out, we will release it for public testing as soon as possible.
What do you mean by this BEST DMG BEST DPS first?
U wanna make two titles ?
Are we supposed to build our chars differently now? More info when its possible

Game Discussion / Re: DISCUSSION about current state of Tesseris
« on: February 12, 2023, 09:35:54 AM »
I agree with suggestion 3 or 4 the best options which are offered are those.Not only easier for all thet sides ingame but even solo people will be able to sneak and get some of the bosses because no one like this will be able to fully control it and people will need to put effort into it.Also i think it will bring more fights ingame.

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