Author Topic: Everything to know about game. #Event  (Read 94494 times)


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Everything to know about game. #Event
« on: July 01, 2022, 05:13:06 PM »
Hello, this is a Guide to help players, I used some old tutorial and adapted it to Justac as much as I could, Hope it help and feel free to send me PM here or on Discord Amoswar#2335

Homepage direct Links
Password: (request password sending to ur mail adress)
game files:

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Logging into game :

Second Password :

Refinery post

Basic things to know (new stuff will be added on players demand)
Elite Gear
New Uniques refinery
Level UP reward
Infinity Wings Look

Small personnal guide for Leveling

Guide of each important world :
Chaotic Frontier (CF)
Battle Square (BS)
Battle Ground (BG)
Heaven Hells (HH)
Ancient -> Infernum
King proving Ground (coming soon)

Siege war
Old guide :
Character Creation
Classes description
Game Interface
Basic Control / Hot Keys / Help Button / Game Options
Player interaction
- Chat Type
- Friend/Ignore list
-Party Systems
-Guild System
Transportation Guide
Combat Guide
Items Guide
Trading Guide
Crafting Guide - Collecting Skill / Cooking Skill / Alchemy Skill
Map Guide
« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 01:22:29 AM by Amoswar »
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Re: Everything to know about game. #Event
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2022, 05:15:13 PM »
Logging Into Game
First of all, When installing clients, many of you will get error and wont be able to log,
When you download the game, you need to put your download folder and your game folder in the Exception of scan of your Anti-virus/Windows Defender
You might still have error if you dont have all the DirectX installed, so install all latest.

Its also advised to run your game in windowed mode to not have problem with Tabing out

Right clic on JUSTarchlord, and put : always start as administrator
The game wont start if you dont start it with admin
-If Game sitll doesnt start, delete everything linked to it, and extract game again following all previous steps.

Here is a Guide made by D0gm4 that might help :
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Re: Everything to know about game. #Event
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2022, 05:16:20 PM »
Second Password
Once you get into the game, if you previously had an account created,
you will need to unlock your trade to be able to trade or sell items on action house
-Regular command is /unlock 123456
(Relogging or restarting game will put back the passport, and you will need to unlock again)
Here's how to set one or change your second password

Here is a guide made by D0gm4 :
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Re: Everything to know about game. #Event
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2022, 05:19:46 PM »
Basic things to know
Starting back mean you will need help for stuff, there is a site that can you help with basic stuff
You can also use it to see stats of old uniques

Level Up reward
On each First city on the Red Dragon NPC, you can get reward for certain range of level (refer to list in Eclipse section)

To farm certain items you will need to use Toa Minus (-100% exp) on the CC shop. To use the toa, you need to activate it, then die once by mobs so it will trigger the effects. After the death you wont gain any exp while killing mobs until you relog or restart the game in wich game you need to get killed again
Battle Square

Basic Rules to Remember
-ALWAYS use a MiddleMan while trading important stuff, Current MM are Deatheijun2, D0gm4, Supercool are also Volunteer (V)
-Trading account isnt supported by Justac, you can trade character using sealing orb in cc
-Botting isnt allowed on Justac, if you are found without answering and killing mobs, you can receive a ban
-Insults toward 3nd person and racism arent allowed, you can also receive a ban chat or a Ban
« Last Edit: July 15, 2022, 07:18:41 AM by Amoswar »
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Re: Everything to know about game. #Event
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2022, 05:21:54 PM »
1)Character Creation

After selecting your server, you will be moved to the character selection screen. This screen is
designed for managing your characters.
Character Selection Screen

[1]You can create or delete selected character. If you will choose Delete, you will be asked for your password, after entering your password you can confirm deletion and character will be
[2] You can go back to the Server selection screen by Back button or Leave the game with the Exit Button. If you don't have characters on the selection screen, use the Create button to create a new character.

Character Creation Screen

[1] Enter name of your character.
[2] Select the race
[3] Select the class
[4] Select styles of Hair and Face
[5] Check the appearance of the character
[6] Use the zoom button for character detail
[7] You can see the description of the race
[8] You can check the class explanation
[9] You can confirm your creation with the Create Button
[10] Return back to the character selection screen using the Back Button If you have successfully
been create the character. You will find your character in the character selection screen. You can have total of 3 characters on the character selection screen for each server. Your characters will be displayed in the center.
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Re: Everything to know about game. #Event
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2022, 05:22:50 PM »
2) Classes Description
Humans are the great lords of the northwestern part of Chantra. Strength and honor are the most important values for them.

Knight – the lord of the sword. His strength is unbelievable resistance and perfect skills in fighting cold steel. It‟s hard to find a hero able to beat him.

Archer – master of the bow. His strength is a long distance fighting and ability to slow down your
opponent. Agility, speed and power–what else can you expect?

Mage – her attribute is a powerful staff. Mighty spells, controlling elementals, ability to make your
opponent almost defenseless are the greatest strengths of the mage

The south-east part of the world of Chantra is their kingdom. They are believed to be the children of the earth. Brutality and warmongering are their greatest pleasure

Berserker – the powerful warrior. Fighting with the cold steel is his mastery. Incredible strength and pain resistance makes them one of the strongest classes in the world of Chantra.

Hunter –  the queen of the crossbow. Distance fighting, powerful skills and high resistance make her almost unkillable.

Sorcerer – the master of the black magic. Strong, longrange elemental attacks and quick skill casting mastery makes him a powerful magician.


In the north - east part of Chantra is the Moonelves' hidden kingdom. Adept at hiding, some believe them to be the perfect assassins. Typically hidden in darkness, they at times come to wreak havocupon the world and are the only entirely female race.

Swashbuckler - mastery in fencing, high resistance, ability not to be affected by the other classes
skills make her an unbelievably strong warrior.

Ranger – hunter‟s defense, archer‟s speed and agility, and a knight‟s resistance culminate in a really tough warrior. Rangers are specialists in long distance fighting.

Elementalist – master of the elementals. Her strength is accumulated in her chakram and summ
oned monsters. One of the most unpredictable classes.

Dragon Scion was the last of the 4 races to arrive at the continent of Chantra. They roamed the world for 1000 years, searching for a place to settle down, finally reaching south - west of Chantra.

Slayer - A Dragon Scion, who has trained with destructive body power, will turn into a Slayer who
uses huge claws as a weapon. This class is the most muscular among the Dragon Scion after the

Orbiter  - Those Dragon Scion, who indulge in knowledge, will turn into an Orbiter, who gives life to friendly but death to the enemy. The Orbiters lost their wings in exchange for control over life.

Summoner - The Dragon Scion, who is versed in wisdom and spells, will turn into a Summoner, wh
o summons various types of powerful dragons.
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Re: Everything to know about game. #Event
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2022, 05:23:35 PM »
1) Game Interface

[1]The Party List is located on the top left of the screen, this is where the list of your party members is located. You can click any of the members of your party in the party list to be able to trade with them, invite them to your guild if you are a leader, whisper them, and many other options.

[2] The Mini map is defaulted at the top right of the screen. You can expand the mini map using the + and – signs. To open the map press Shift + M.

[3] Your gained experience percent shown in bars

[4] Your level and experience percentage

[5] HP and MP pots. You place the use

[6]  Skills and buffs. You can use the shift key to switch to the next “bar” where u can place more buffs. There are a total of 4.

[7] HP and MP. The HP and MP displays will, by default, have 2 small golden triangles located on the far left side of them, these allow you to auto - heal when your health reaches that mark. Your pots will automatically be used as either your HP or your MP get to that point if you have health or mana potions in your bags.

[8] On the right hand side you can find clickable ways to move into the guild and party and friend and ignore and other such menus
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Re: Everything to know about game. #Event
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2022, 05:25:00 PM »
2) Basic Controls
Movement of your character occurs by clicking the left mouse button onto the location you wish
to move to on the landscape. Keep in mind that areas that are blocked or that have a significant
difference in altitude cannot be reached and a shorter initial midway point will need to be selected. The characters destination may be changed whilst in movement by clicking a different point on the landscape.

3) Hot Keys

4) Help Button
Even if you forget everything else in game, or decide you do not want to read any more of the
beginners guide, all you really need to do is remember the F1 button. This will give you instant in
game help, which although less detailed, can usually cover most of the basics that you need.

5) Game Options
The game options are down to personal preference really, most people turn all the settings down to the lowest for the massive PvP castle sieges though.

As you may of noticed there are 2 tick box‟s at the top that allow you to turn settings to and to turn other players skills off, these options are very useful when finding the game taxing on your computer system.

This is where you can set all of your sound settings.

This is where you can set all your display options for in game options for yourself and others you see during your time playing.

These options will allow you to control who will interact with you, when your grinding you may wish to block people from trading you.
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Re: Everything to know about game. #Event
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2022, 05:33:48 PM »
Player Interaction

1) Chat Types
The ArchLord Community options allow you to communicate with other players in various ways Including General Chat and Chat Room.
The chat types in ArchLord are described below.


General chat is in white. It is at times also referred to as White Chat. This is the most simple of chats used to talk openly with people within your area. To use General Chat press enter and type and press enter to send. This can be blocked by blocking general.


Whisper chat is used to speak privately with another person. To use whisper chat you can press enter and then type “/w Player name text.” This chat appears as a pinkish color. This can be blocked by blocking whispers.


Shouts are used to speak with all players within a region. Such as Tullan, Delfaras, Limelight,
Silancium, etc. The default color of shouts if blue but can be edited to different colors. To do a basic shout, the command is “/s”. To change the color of your shout you can use codes such as
“/s <;HHFF0000> “to make red. These can be blocked by blocking shouts.


Party chat is used to speak specifically with the people in your party anywhere around the map. It
shows in green and the command is “/p”. This can be blocked by blocking party chat.


Guild chat allows you to  speak with anyone in your guild and your entire guild is able to read it. To use this chat, use the command ”/g”. This chat is orange. This can be blocked by blocking Guild Chat.


If your guild has a union guild or guilds (max of 3 in a union) you can use the command “/u” to chat with every person in the union. This is the only chat that cannot be blocked. This chat is green - yellow.

Race Trumpet

Race trumpets are viewed by everyone of your race and appear as pink. The command is “/race”
Shout of Elemental These are special WC shouts that can be read by everyone on the server. They appear in yellow but the color can be changed as normal shouts can. This can be blocked by blocking shouts

Warning of Ashtal

Another special WC communication, a Warning of Ashtal can be seen by everyone in the game, These appear in red. This can be blocked by blocking shouts.

Chat Room

To establish a Chat Room select the „Create Room‟ option found under the community tab on the
menu bar. You must enter a name for your Chat Room and decide whether it will be an;

Open room
where anyone can join.

Secret room
where only people who know the password can join.

Guild room
where only members of the same guild as you can join.
If you choose to create a "Secret‟ Room you will need to enter a "Password‟ which you will give to players you wishes to join the room.
The Chat Room will open as soon as you click the "Create‟ button.

To find a chat room select the"Find Room‟ option from the community tab on the menu bar. Enter
the Rooms name and click the Enter button. The chat room will then be opened, you may however
be presented with a password box if it is a "Secret‟ Chat Room.


Once in a chat room type your message in the text box and press the Enter key to confirm your
message. You can invite other players to the chat room by clicking the "Invite‟ button
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Re: Everything to know about game. #Event
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2022, 05:34:56 PM »
2) Friend/Ignore List

Selecting the "Friends‟ option from the community tab will access the "Friends list‟. In this window you can register players as friends, then see if they are online and their current location. You can also invite them to a party or whisper them. To remove a player from this list, simply click delete when the player is selected in the list.

Choosing "Ignore‟ from the community tab on the menu bar will open the "Ignore List‟. Here you
can register players who you wish to ignore. You can select a combination of Chat, Trade
and Party Invite Blocks for each player in this list. To remove a player from this list, simply click delete when the player is selected in the list.
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Re: Everything to know about game. #Event
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2022, 05:35:39 PM »
3)Party Systems
A party in Justac Archlord is a group of people who can speak to one another using the /p command and who can gain benefits from certain leaders and who can share party buffs. A party also allows a group of people to share experience or drops while killing mobs. To create a party you can click a person and  then click the menu to the right of their name and then click Party, or you can press P and type their name, or if they are on your friends list you can click party on your friends list while they are selected, you can also party people through the guild member list by cl
icking their name and clicking party, and finally you can add someone to party by using the command /Pin “player name”

[1] Party Options
In the party menu (press P) you will see the party options. Here you can adjust between
Free - for - all drops, Contribution drops and Round - Robin drops, and you can also switch between contribution experience and Level share.

[2] Individual HP bars will appear on left hand side of the screen for each party member.
As the Party Leader you can choose how both the XP and any loot from monsters are shared between party members.  Press the „P‟ Key to open the Party options window.

[3] To change Split Loot to;
Contribution: Loot is given to the player who caused the most damage
Round Robin: Loot is consecutively given out to all party members
Free For All: Loot will drop on the floor unbinded to any party members

[4] To change Split XP to;
Contribution: XP is shared dependant on damage dealt to the monster by each party member
Level Share: XP is split between party members dependant on their level.

[5] You must click "Apply‟ before any changes are made to Party options.
If you are a Party Leader and you wish to leave the party but allow the other members to continue being grouped, you can authorize another member as the Party Leader.

[6] By clicking on the player‟s name (on the party member HP bar) and choosing the “Make Leader” option from the user menu.

Party Leader

The Party Leader is the only person who is able to invite or kick people from the party or change the Party Options, and depending on the type of character the leader is, the entire group can gain a bonus.

Party Leader Class and Relative Party Buff

Warrior Class Attack power increase
Archer Class Defense power increase
Mage Class Max HP increase/ Max MP increase

Party Buffs
A party buff is any buff that can be given to the people in your party. The people have to be close to the person casting the buff when the person uses it for the others to gain the effect of it.
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Re: Everything to know about game. #Event
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2022, 05:36:35 PM »
5)Guild Systems

There are 2 ways to become a guild member. Finding a suitable guild in the Guild list (Press G) and clicking Apply, or having a guild leader invite you to the guild.

Create Guild
To create a Guild your character must be level 20 or above and have 10‟000 Gold available. You must see a Guild Registrar NPC to establish your Guild. You must enter a name for your Guild. Then create and confirm a password. Make sure you use a memorable password, as you will need it for certain Guild Options in the future.

Dissolve Guild
To delete your Guild, use this option. You must enter the Guild name and then confirm the password. You will then be asked to confirm the deletion. This action cannot be reversed and
all Guild; members, Statistics, rankings etc will be lost.

Guild Mark
When your Guild has 10 or more members and you have a certain amount of Skulls you can create a Guild Mark. Using this option will present you with a Guild Mark window. Here you can   choose a "Background‟ and select its color, then choose a "Trim‟ and select its color, finally choose a "Symbol‟ and select its color. Then click purchase to complete the Mark creation. If you wish to amend your Guild Mark at a later date, it is as simple as going through the above steps again.

Guild Member
Increase When your Guild has 20 or more players you can increase the overall member limit to 70. This process this requires greater quantities of gold per increase in numbers.
As a guild leader you will have the opportunity to decide who you let in and out of your guild. You can accept people who apply by finding them on the guild list; they will have the word JOIN next to their names, just click Accept at the bottom to let them in.

Leaders also have the ability to invite people to their guilds by either clicking their names, using the drop menu on the right, or by using the command “/gin” just type “/gin Dagus” and the player Dagus will receive an invite to your guild.

A leader can also kick a player he doesn't believe fits in the guild well. There are many reasons a
leader may kick a person from a guild, but if you find yourself kicked, you may want to speak with the guild leader and find out what you've done.

Guild Information Tab
The Information tab shows you information about your current Guild. Also Guild Masters can send
Guild Notices from this window.

Members Tab
The Members tab shows a list of all the members in your Guild and their respective level, class, race and current status. You can send „Whispers‟ to players, send „Party Invites‟ and also request to "Quit Guild‟ from this window. Guild Masters can also use this window to approve any awaiting Guild Join Requests.

Ranking Tab
The Guild Ranking tab shows a list of all available Guilds, their current number of members and their ranking with Victory Points. Players can request to join a Guild by selecting it from the list and then clicking the "Join Guild‟ button. A Guild Master will then either accept or decline their join request.

6) Guild vs. Guild System

Guild Battle Challenges
A guild master whose guild has more than 10 members can challenge another guild to a guild battle. The challenged guild must also have at least 10 members. You can issue a guild battle challenge by selecting a guild and hitting the challenge button in the view guilds tab of the guild information window. The guild battle starts after a specified countdown - only if the other guild accepts your challenge.

Guild Battle Points
Guild battle points will be awarded depending on the actions of the guild members. Points are
awarded differently based on the kind of battle. The kinds of guild battles are: point match, knock
-out match, guild survivor – group, guild survivor – individual and chief death match.

Point match
The team that gets more points in the given time wins. Your opponent takes your points when u dies or disconnect. If one team gives up, they lose regardless of points. In a point match,  different points will be given depending on all players‟ levels.

Knock out match
The team that gets more knock - out points wins. Your opponent takes your points when you die or disconnect. If one team gives up, they lose regardless of points. In a knock - out match, points are given according to the number of enemies you defeated regardless of their level.

Survivor (Group)
Two groups battle each other for a given time and the team that wins more often wins the battle. If you disconnect during the battle you can rejoin the battle by reconnecting as long as the battle is still in progress. However, when one of your members disconnects, the other team receives 1 point.
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Re: Everything to know about game. #Event
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2022, 05:37:48 PM »
Transportation Guide
1) Portal
In every corner of Chantra you can find different portals. They help you to go faster to town or other places, but usually you are charged gold to use them.

2) Passports and Phantom Gate
While you are grinding you will drop several passports. You can use passports to go back to the last visited town or to go to different areas like Chaotic Frontier or the other realms.

[1] Passport A 'one way ticket' to the last visited town
[2] Round trip Passport A passport back to town and back to your spot again.
[3] Chaotic Frontier Passport. You can either drop them on mobs that are around the level range      of the dungeon, or you can just buy them at the Item Trader. For each dungeon of chaotic frontier
you need different passports, like the following one.
[4] If you have used the Round trip Passport by click the icon you could go back to your sport again.
Lightning and Poison passport

They look like Chaotic Frontier passports and you will be able to drop them in the realms or buy them with gold coin.

Phantom Gates:
You can buy them from the WC shop and you can just port on other player, no matter where they are by typing /go Nickname. The only character phantom gates won't work on is the Archlord.
Passports to towns and caves:
Also available in the Chantra shop there are several passports. Passports to the major towns, or to caves
Protective Passport:
A protective passport helps you to port to the last visited town even if you are in a fight. These are often included in leveling up gifts, and can also be bought from the Chantra Shop. They don't work in Chaotic Frontier and Battleground.
3) Mount

[1] Mounts and Mount Weapons can be bought from Animal Breeders.
[2] You can find Mounts in different level ranges
When you reach level 35 you will be able to use Mounts, which will greatly reduce your travelling time around the world. They can also be used in battle if you purchase a mounted weapon such as a Lance, Partisan or Langderine. To purchase a mount visit the Animal Breeder NPC who can be found in your own race‟s towns. Mount Weapons can also be purchased from these NPCs. To Equip avpurchased mount and mount weapon, double click them in your inventory. Like Wearable items Mounts have a rating that determines their durability or health. It is listed as Time Left, when this reaches 0 Hr(s) 0 Min(s) the Mount will become unusable. At any point before this
reaches zero the Mount can be taken to an Animal Breeder NPC and rested in exchange for Gold.
Apart from the regular mounts that can be bought, there are other mounts that can be found in premium boxes (chantra item) These mounts have 250% movement speed race specific lv35 mounts. These mounts are Golem, Teah, Spider, Griffin, Mitchell, Legend of Roux and Milfi’s Candy Cart.
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Re: Everything to know about game. #Event
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2022, 05:38:32 PM »
Combat Guide

1) Player Versus Environment (PVE)

[1]  Placing the mouse cursor over a target will show their name and HP bar above them. Clicking on them with the left mouse button will select them and the  condition window will appear at the top of the screen.
[2]  Monster types: Normal, Elemental (Earth, Magic, Air, Water,  Fire), Named, Elemental Named and Dungeon Bosses.
[3]  Name & Level: Target‟s name and their respective level, also a  gauge showing the  remaining HP of the target.
[4]  Combat  Status:  An  orb  appears  when  you  are  in  combat  with  a  target.  Combat  is  initiated by another click of the left button mouse button on the target.  If the monster has elemental powers then the "Elemental‟  button  will  appear.  Clicking  on  this  menu  will  show  the  elemental  details. Killing monsters will increase your level of experience. However if the monster is 6 or more levels below your own then you will not gain any XP from killing them.
[5] Buffs: Buffs of course are also a key part of the game. They are non combat skills that increase the stats of yourself, your party, and some help your guild. Some are dependent on having a shield; some are dependent on having a certain type of weapon equipped.
[6]  Normal  Attacks: When in combat with a monster, battle begins automatically upon double clicking. The  fight  will  continue  until  you  have  moved  or  selected  a  new  monster.  You  cannot  attack  while moving.
[7]  Skill Attacks:  It is more effective to use skills while grinding and in many situations in PVP. You must learn skills from the trainer in the land of your race and you must set the skills onto your Quick Slots on the bottom of your screen. You can then use the skill you have on the quick slot by either clicking on it or  pressing the corresponding key on your keyboard. Most skills require a weapon to be equipped and also require you to have enough Mana to cast it. Magic classes consume Mana even for Basic (Normal) Attacks.

2) Player Versus Player (PVP)

You can attack and be attacked by players from both the same and different races in ArchLord.   You become eligible for PVP at level 6. PVP will not work in certain safe zones such as villages and towns. To attack a player you must click on them with the "left mouse  button‟ to select them. Then left click them again while holding the "Ctrl‟ key to start the attack. This will change the color of their name   (In Target Condition window) to red.

(Purple) = First Attacker
•This cannot be removed for a minimum of 20 minutes
• Eligible to be freely attacked by any other player for 20 minutes.

(White) 40 Villain Points = Rogue Level 1
• Guards will attack you
• Trading between players is disabled
• This cannot be removed for a minimum of 120 minutes.

(Yellow) 60 Villain Points = Rogue Level 2
• Rogue level 1 disadvantages
• Trading with all NPC‟s and the Auction House is disabled
•This cannot be removed for a minimum of 120 minutes.

(Red) 100 Villain Points = Rogue level 3
• Rogue level 1, 2 disadvantages
• 10% XP loss upon death
• 50% decrease in XP gain
• You cannot be the 1st attacker
• This cannot be removed for a minimum of 120 minutes

3) Deaths

[1] Revive in last visited town:  You will revive in the last town or village that you visited. So make sure if you go on a long journey  that you pass through towns or villages on the way!   You will suffer a 3% loss of the XP gained during your  current level. You will never go below 0% XP  so you will not drop levels.

[2]  Use revival item:  If you have a  Resurrection  Orb you can use it to revive where your corpse lies. Resurrection Orbs can be bought with WC or found from killing some mobs.  They allow you to revive without moving back to town and without the experience penalties.

Skill Guide

Skill trainers are located in all main towns; every time you level you will gain a skill point which you may spend at these NPC‟s to gain new skills/spells or even upgrade current skills/spells. You will soon notice if you are an  Orc trying to use the human skill trainers it will not work, you must use you own skill trainers as all of your spells/skills are class and race specific.

[1] „Trainer NPC‟ is located in various towns and villages.

[2] You can learn your clicking „Skill‟ button

[3]  There  are  4  types  of  skills  available;  Combat  Skills  such  as  combo  hits,  Buff  Skills  such  as temporary  stat increases,  Class Skills that are class  specific and Passive skills that are permanent stat increases.

[4]  You obtain a skill by selecting it.  Once you have obtained a skill it can be upgraded to the next level by buying the same skill again.

[5] Learn your skill by clicking "Learn‟ at the bottom of the skill window.

[6] You can reset your skills by clicking "Reset‟ button.

When using skill points do be careful, there are ways to reset the points but it will cost WC credits. The first full reset is free, and you will be refunded the costs of  your skills but you will not be refunded the additional tax you have spent on them in the towns while you were training. Occasionally therefore, if you choose to do a full reset for the first time, you may not have enough money to re -  purchase all the skills again after you take the additional taxes into account.

Skills can be learned in 2 different ways:

The first is the standard method of random purchase, you click on the skill you wish to buy and that is it. The second way happens once you get to the  Combo Skills or if you decide to play a Dragon Scion Character. These skills must be learned in a specific way (a skill tree) and you cannot purchase some skills until you have achieved a minimum level in other skills.

Although  it  sounds  complicated,  it  is  fairly  self  explanatory  when  you  get  to  learn  them.  The  only difficulty you may encounter is if you wish to reset one skill on a skill tree you usually have to reset many others too so it can be a very expensive reset.
Once you have purchased your skills, press K to bring up the skill menu and then drag the skills down to the toolbar. Skills can be cast by right clicking with the mouse, or by pressing the corresponding number across the top of the keyboard.
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Re: Everything to know about game. #Event
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2022, 05:39:20 PM »
Item Guide
1) Item Equipping

open your character menu and your  inventory and click and drag it to the desired slot. Sometimes you can switch armor sets while buffing, this can allow you to have a much better build depending on the additional skills that come with the armor set.  This does not always work with weapons though, swapping weapons after buffing can cause the player to lose the buffs he or she has already cast.

2) Item Stats

Wearable items are split into 5 groups; White = Normal, Orange = Rare, Purple = Unique, Gold = Elite, and Blue  = Combination. Normal  wearable  items can be purchased from NPCs in villages   and towns, but Rare, Unique and Elite items are only found in monster loot, and Combination must be made by a player  using  the  Combination  method.  Both  Weapons  and  Armor  have  a  durability  rating  which  is shown as a fraction.  When this rating reaches zero the  weapon will be broken beyond repair and anew weapon will need to be equipped. While  a weapons durability rating is anywhere  above zero it can be taken to a Blacksmith or Animal Breeder NPC and repaired in exchange for Gold.

To  equip  an  item  a  character  must  meet  the  item  requisites.  Some  items  may  require  a  certain character  level,  race  or  class.  Item  conditions  of  use  are  displayed  within  the  item  stats  which  are shown  when the mouse icon  is held over  an item in the Inventory or relevant  character slot  in  the character window(C).

[1] Required Level: A character must meet or exceed the stated character experience level.
[2] Required Race: Some items are race specific, others can be used by any race.
[3] Required Class: Some items are class specific, others can be used by all classes

3) Item Repair

Blacksmiths can be found in almost every town and village you visit. You can use the blacksmith to
either upgrade weapons using or repair your armor parts. When using the blacksmiths located in each town you must have all the items you want to repair unequipped in your inventory. Then after selecting the repair option you must click and drag the items from your inventory to the repair window then  click repair all once all your chosen items are in the window.

4) Item Upgrade

Upgrading  items  is  a  very  important  aspect  of  the  game,  each  “+1”  to  your  armor  or  weapon  will increase its basic physical stats. For amour the defense shall increase and for weapons the physical attack  power  will  increase.  To  upgrade  you‟re  armor  or  weapons  you  need  reinforcement  potions. Once you have entered the upgrade item menu you will notice your reinforcement potions are already listed, all you have to do now is select which armor or weapon you wish to upgrade and drag it into the top slot.

Now  all  you  must  do  is  right  click  Upgrade(and  hope  that  you‟re  lucky)  reinforcement  is  done  by chance so it may take 10 potions to get to +10 or may take 99.  If you fail the  upgrade  it randomly reset  the  weapon.  And  if  you  success  the  upgrade  the  weapon  is  now  +1  with  increased  physical damage.  There are items available from the CC shop that can improve your chances of success, but even they do not guarantee a 100% success rate.

5) Item Combinations

Similar  to  other  forms  of  crafting,  (as  in  you  collect  items  together  to  produce  a  different  item)  but combinations are done in the  refinery , and require no prior experience or minimum level in crafting skills.   The refinery can be used for several purposes;

- Upgrading Potions
- Combining stones to make bigger stones
- 50 one way passports can be combined to make a round trip passport
- Creating Combination Accessories.
- Creating Combination Weapons
- Upgrading Shields

Combination Accessories

For those of us who have not been lucky enough to find a unique accessory we can try and make
combination accessories. The items we need to make each combination can be found listed under the F1  help  file  in  game.  After  making  sure  we  have  all  the  required  items  we  can  put  them  into  the refinery.

Each attempt at combining  accessories has a success rate, similar to that of reinforcing. Sometimes the items will fail, other times you may be left with an item that is not as good as you hoped. Another thing worth mentioning is that the accessories made using this method can gai n additional stats as the level of the player increases.   Therefore if you have a higher level character too, it is always a good idea to put the item on that character as well to check for any additional stats.
OLD Leader of RetardMafia

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