Author Topic: [Justac Tutorial] How to trade/seal character in game  (Read 25938 times)


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[Justac Tutorial] How to trade/seal character in game
« on: April 09, 2022, 02:03:32 PM »

Character Trade / Seal guide

Pre Steps:

If you sealed or re-named your character before you have to send a ticket to justac team via TAB Helpdesk.
They will free it for you so you are able to do following steps:

open both accounts
Account 1: the one with the char on it, you wanna seal.
Account 2: the other account where u wanna transfer it.
The second account need to have minimum 1 char slot left. If its a new account, create a lvl 1 char on it.

Log on Account 1:
Clean All lists on the seal character (no guild, no items in item trader, etc)
[make sure, the character u want to Seal, have no "daily sign operation" running]
Relog on a different character (so not the char you wanna seal. create a seperate one, if its needed)

now do following steps:
Account 1:
1.- Buy the the Seal Item from ecoin shop

2.- Go to the service NPC (Blue Dragon)
3.- Select the option ''Seal character service'' and then ''seal character''
4.- Select the character which need to be sealed, from the list.
5.- Confirm it.
6.- You receive an item in your chantra bag called ''Kerarium Orb''
[the orb displays the information of the character, level, experience, class and race.]

So basically that orb is the character you selected, you can trade it to a person and you're literally trading a character in a safe way.
Yes the item is 100% tradeable.

Account 2:
1.- Go to Service NPC again
2.- Choose ''seal character service'' and then choose ''life seal character'' option.
3.- A small screen will pop up saying select clarion wand  to lift the seal and upload to the slot'
    Just ignore that, drag the orb you bought to this empty slot.
4.- Confirm it
5.- go to the character select screen. the character will be there and ready to be played!

« Last Edit: July 15, 2022, 01:10:54 PM by D0gm4 »
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