im not trolling, so plz do not feel offended or that i want to block ur inquire.
I just would like to point out, what ur request would change at all:
Relog/Crash/PWR OFF/ALT+F4 => out of the competition => at log back in => selfbuffed at the spot.
Killed => out of the competition => ResOrb => selfbuffed at the spot.
Relog/Crash/PWR OFF/ALT+F4 => Killed => out of the competition => at log back in => Dead => ResOrb => selfbuffed at the spot.
since u pointing on this matter:
If they would of died they would of had to run back to the spot from entrance. Easier to control if the enemies can only come from 1 direction.
the only way, to find a solution, which follows ur suggestion to fix it out, is to make the area like CF / Latria.
or am i that wrong?
maybe its just me, which thinks too complicated.