Author Topic: Justac 2025 — The New Chapter.  (Read 1598 times)


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Justac 2025 — The New Chapter.
« on: December 08, 2024, 10:55:37 PM »
Hello, dear Justac community, I came today with a bunch of good news for you. As you saw yourself, in the past 6 months we weren't doing any major updates. The absence of our main team member again caused delay of the content for the game. But in the last days we got a meeting and decided to continue our work. So now let's talk about good changes that will come for the Justac.

Firstly, we are opening a new time-limited event server channel to promote Justac for a new or returning players. This event server will have a direct connection to our main Justac chat by Shout of Elemental and will share the same accounts and E-coin balance of the main Justac. Furthermore, the server will have all E-coin prices reduced ten times, so for example, a pack of 5k Lens+ will cost 6 E-coins or Compound potion(5) will cost 16 E-coins. Of course, there is a catch to all that prices, after the event is finished, the whole event server content will be permanently deleted. So why you should bother playing that? While the event server is active, you will have a chance to get rewards based on the level of achievements you will get playing on the event server. Those rewards will be received on the main Justac server. More, we are creating a Hall of Fame for the main Justac. Place where players' highest achievements in the game will be permanently memorialized for all players to see in the game itself. And, of course, a fresh server is a nice place to have a lot of fun. The first iteration of the event server will have mirrored settings to a current Justac server. Yes, the first one because we won't stop server promotion on the one-trick pony. In the future, we're planing to give a community a decisive vote about event server settings, we could even start an event server for a request from the community in the time you like.

The Event Server will start on 3'rd January, 8 pm global server time, and will last for 60 days.

This is only the beginning of changes.
The event server run will give us time to prepare a very enjoyable new area for Justac. I would like to not spoil anything for you right now. We will do that right before the area is ready. 
More, the main server will receive some massive changes itself, mainly focused on new players' experience and boost, quality of life changes and more class balance.

After the new Justac area and changes are done, we will finally open official Justac discord, to level up our communication with our community. There, after all those years, you will have a direct communication with our team and with that, we can start a whole new chapter for the game that we love.

Justac team.
Design  / Content / Balance