Author Topic: Occasional Server Anniversary Survey  (Read 34825 times)

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Re: Occasional Server Anniversary Survey
« Reply #30 on: November 21, 2024, 02:28:26 PM »
1. How long have you been playing Archlord (you can specify the year or episode)?
near end of 2008 on codemasters/brumhart,then on webzen
2. How long have you been playing on our server?
3 year,then stop and from 1 year again
3. Have you played/are you playing games similar to Archlord, if so, which ones?
i try lot mmo,like lineage,aion,raiders,soul,terra....
4. Would you play new games inspired by Archlord?
no,i like original
5. Which class was your first choice, and which one was your favorite?
first,second,....all time berserk

6. Which class do you consider the most balanced and which one the least?
most berserk,least ele

7. Would you play a mobile version of Archlord (classic Archlord with modified controls)?
no,mmo is for pc/ps not mobile
8. Are you a PVE or PVP player, or are both of these issues equally important to you?
im on pve ,i love to farm with my wife now ,buy notebook for 1000 eu to can farm togeder  :)
9. Rate the economy in the game on a scale of 1 (worst) - 10 (best).
4,just becouse server need more players
10. Rate the ease of obtaining equipment on a scale of 1-10.
for lazy people like me,maybe 5,for farm 24/7 maybe 7 for ecoin users 9
11. Rate the level of balance in group fights on a scale of 1-10.
i no have exp in group fights but shall be good ( 7-8)
12. Rate the level of ease of play for a new player on a scale of 1-10.
till 120 very easy,120-150 easy
13. Rate the cost of playing on a scale of 1-10 (don't rate RMT between players, this is just about in-store purchases)
14. Rate the changes in the game over the years on a scale of 1-10 Justac vs. the original game.
15. Rate the efficiency of the Helpdesk on a scale of 1-10.
16. What form of communication with us and other players suits you better, the classic forum like it is now or creating an official Discord channel.
forum,but need be more active


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Re: Occasional Server Anniversary Survey
« Reply #31 on: November 21, 2024, 05:36:14 PM »
1.    2008
2.    From 2015 to the present
3.    NO
4.    NO
5.    berserker  and Swash
6.    Sorc seems to be most balanced.  Least balanced are summoner
7.    I wouldnt
8 .   90% PVP 10% PVE
9.    7
10.  6
11.  9
12.  3
13.  7
14.  8
15.  2
16.  There should be a dedicated online GM to take care of some things or answer some questions! It's available online at Discord

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Re: Occasional Server Anniversary Survey
« Reply #32 on: November 21, 2024, 08:44:15 PM »
1.   The beginning of the game in 2015, released earlier, but I'm back now
2.   He has been playing on this server for half a year
3.   No, I'm only playing the one game
4.   No
5.   My favorite character is the Knight.
6.   I have no opinion on this matter
7.   I'm willing
8.   I love farming and dropping, I'm in favor of PVE
9.   7
10.   6
11.   6
12.   3
13.   7
14.   7
15.   9
16.   creation of an official Discord channel.

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Re: Occasional Server Anniversary Survey
« Reply #33 on: November 28, 2024, 07:32:54 PM »
Hi, first of all thank you justac for keep running the game.
It's the only game i play  ;D

Please keep your answers concise.

1. How long have you been playing Archlord (you can specify the year or episode)?
Since 2009

2. How long have you been playing on our server?
From the first time

3. Have you played/are you playing games similar to Archlord, if so, which ones?

4. Would you play new games inspired by Archlord?
Maybe, depends on the game system

5. Which class was your first choice, and which one was your favorite?
Archer was my first choice. And it's still. But atm I play Ranger and Sorcerer

6. Which class do you consider the most balanced and which one the least?
Most balanced: Ranger
Least balanced: Elementalist

7. Would you play a mobile version of Archlord (classic Archlord with modified controls)?

8. Are you a PVE or PVP player, or are both of these issues equally important to you?
More PVE.

9. Rate the economy in the game on a scale of 1 (worst) - 10 (best).

10. Rate the ease of obtaining equipment on a scale of 1-10.

11. Rate the level of balance in group fights on a scale of 1-10.

12. Rate the level of ease of play for a new player on a scale of 1-10.

13. Rate the cost of playing on a scale of 1-10 (don't rate RMT between players, this is just about in-store purchases)

14. Rate the changes in the game over the years on a scale of 1-10 Justac vs. the original game.

15. Rate the efficiency of the Helpdesk on a scale of 1-10.

16. What form of communication with us and other players suits you better, the classic forum like it is now or creating an official Discord channel.
I think the modern and faster communication now is discord

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Re: Occasional Server Anniversary Survey
« Reply #34 on: November 29, 2024, 09:03:09 AM »
1. How long have you been playing Archlord (you can specify the year or episode)?

2. How long have you been playing on our server?
Since 2013 after the End of Webzen Server, but with breaks

3. Have you played/are you playing games similar to Archlord, if so, which ones?
Other MMORPGs like Dragons Prophet or Black Desert Online

4. Would you play new games inspired by Archlord?

5. Which class was your first choice, and which one was your favorite?
Berserker and Berserker

6. Which class do you consider the most balanced and which one the least?
I Think Balancing is ok, each class has its strenght and weaknesses

7. Would you play a mobile version of Archlord (classic Archlord with modified controls)?

8. Are you a PVE or PVP player, or are both of these issues equally important to you?
PVE, but PVP is also fun sometimes
9. Rate the economy in the game on a scale of 1 (worst) - 10 (best).
10. Rate the ease of obtaining equipment on a scale of 1-10.
Systems like Kaligo make it hard to obtain the necessary items for casual players. Kaligo gets farmed by only few different players, all others have no chance

11. Rate the level of balance in group fights on a scale of 1-10.

12. Rate the level of ease of play for a new player on a scale of 1-10.
Easy to 120, then difficult cause of PKers and no real chance to get the items for better equip

13. Rate the cost of playing on a scale of 1-10 (don't rate RMT between players, this is just about in-store purchases)

14. Rate the changes in the game over the years on a scale of 1-10 Justac vs. the original game.
8 I really like it, that the game got new Levels, new content, new areas, new challenges

15. Rate the efficiency of the Helpdesk on a scale of 1-10.

16. What form of communication with us and other players suits you better, the classic forum like it is now or creating an official Discord channel.
Forum, Theres too many things on Discord and its too chaotic to find the relevant informations.

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Re: Occasional Server Anniversary Survey
« Reply #35 on: November 30, 2024, 08:38:47 PM »
1. How long have you been playing Archlord (you can specify the year or episode)?
2. How long have you been playing on our server?
i have play 3 mouth in the first justac serveur but im in the second server since opening
3. Have you played/are you playing games similar to Archlord, if so, which ones?
4. Would you play new games inspired by Archlord?
yes maybe
5. Which class was your first choice, and which one was your favorite?
sorcer in first class, i dont have favorite class
6. Which class do you consider the most balanced and which one the least?
most balanced: berserker
least balanced: elementalist
7. Would you play a mobile version of Archlord (classic Archlord with modified controls)?
yes maybe depend the activity in the serveur
8. Are you a PVE or PVP player, or are both of these issues equally important to you?
70% pvp 30% pve
9. Rate the economy in the game on a scale of 1 (worst) - 10 (best).
10. Rate the ease of obtaining equipment on a scale of 1-10.
11. Rate the level of balance in group fights on a scale of 1-10.
12. Rate the level of ease of play for a new player on a scale of 1-10.
13. Rate the cost of playing on a scale of 1-10 (don't rate RMT between players, this is just about in-store purchases)
14. Rate the changes in the game over the years on a scale of 1-10 Justac vs. the original game.
15. Rate the efficiency of the Helpdesk on a scale of 1-10.
16. What form of communication with us and other players suits you better, the classic forum like it is now or creating an official Discord channel.
discord official is better


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Re: Occasional Server Anniversary Survey
« Reply #36 on: December 01, 2024, 01:56:32 AM »
1. 8~10around,busy for work , trun focus on normal life and work ,but still login on ,but nonthing to do , just stand near the safekeeper

2. 7~8around,keep going until the fired and coming back after the new`s 1month opened 

3. yeah ,MU  before ,and CABAL, and class set like LineageⅡ

4. maybe, but i think i`ll never palying other archlord server , especially running by chinese ,its all of shlt , they just need ur money but nothing care for us

5. moon-swash,moon-ranger moons beautiful enough , and why no elemen , i`m not the fking Epstein XDDDD

6. i think most balanced is ranger ,cos the  attack speed add to fix the low critical , and the least of the scion-slay    got toomuch critical damage and got the debuff of the critic hit res

7. non,i hear that are the version for the mobile but never see it coming, but i think i`ll not turn to mobile as the mobile virison never get the soul like the PC

8. 100% PVE do not like time used on the QQ or someing like ,there a many funs in the game , i like buddy system before , alchemy  cook  else , cos all of these can controled by my time , run and catch , or QQ and QQback got too much time need

9. 4  market not active  just few new ppls joined , and many items or equipment are not be traded on AH or between the players , most of them hold the resource  of the high worth and make it by himself without market ways , so it`ll trun to selfplayed style but not the network game style ,
there a only 1 things be easy to make it deal ,
1st ,EC  selling
2nd, cheaper selling

10. 7 cos the huge Lucky ticket droped  shinewood inf map opening alldays ofc YES , i can make my critic bow with full stat in 10Mins to 8/8 AND +16

11.  6 ITS A party fight game , or it called  more kill the less, if got the same PALYERS FIGHT , its  turn to running and  catching ,running faster can kill or been killed just because he is along

12. 8,justac is the more easy to new players  ,but lookaround other server .they got fking fantacy wings can move ,wings flutter gently,thats COOOOL , we should working hard , maybe we worth this too in justac , right?

13. 8, everything can buy and on other side ,yeah i can been richer with no paying but just for farm , chinese got a bltch  couple, they played day and night to rule the BS  Kaligo , turn before ,they rule the 49/79 maps to get money ,
and yes , ofc for normal players they paying on ec ,and most for the event of discount or double ec get

14. 9 , 9 for the best to do already ,1 for waiting the more news , there are many thing to do ,

15. 9 , each of TICKET `LL RE IN DAYS  , chinese got no V atm , we lost the LURE , he just quit , so manys are not good at english . manys events or change they cant know intimes , lost many and need to know ,anything can to fix the communication to be more quick and short connect

16. now is ok but more kkkkkkkkk for the re be better, and can any gm join the chinese tencent chat group or wechat group  or anyelse  , if so ,that`ll be best
« Last Edit: December 01, 2024, 02:43:50 AM by Beautifulshow »

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Re: Occasional Server Anniversary Survey
« Reply #37 on: December 01, 2024, 10:52:33 AM »
Please keep your answers concise.

Please keep your answers concise.

1. How long have you been playing Archlord (you can specify the year or episode)?
2. How long have you been playing on our server?
from the beginning
3. Have you played/are you playing games similar to Archlord, if so, which ones?
New World
4. Would you play new games inspired by Archlord?
No, Archlord is always fun to play and farm
5. Which class was your first choice, and which one was your favorite?
6. Which class do you consider the most balanced and which one the least?
 no plan
7. Would you play a mobile version of Archlord (classic Archlord with modified controls)?
8. Are you a PVE or PVP player, or are both of these issues equally important to you?
9. Rate the economy in the game on a scale of 1 (worst) - 10 (best).
10. Rate the ease of obtaining equipment on a scale of 1-10.
11. Rate the level of balance in group fights on a scale of 1-10.
12. Rate the level of ease of play for a new player on a scale of 1-10.
13. Rate the cost of playing on a scale of 1-10 (don't rate RMT between players, this is just about in-store purchases)
14. Rate the changes in the game over the years on a scale of 1-10 Justac vs. the original game.
15. Rate the efficiency of the Helpdesk on a scale of 1-10.
16. What form of communication with us and other players suits you better, the classic forum like it is now or creating an official Discord channel.

MFG Jigsaw

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Re: Occasional Server Anniversary Survey
« Reply #38 on: December 01, 2024, 04:04:16 PM »
1. How long have you been playing Archlord (you can specify the year or episode)?
At the start of webzen
2. How long have you been playing on our server?
at the of first justac
3. Have you played/are you playing games similar to Archlord, if so, which ones?
4. Would you play new games inspired by Archlord?
yes maybe
5. Which class was your first choice, and which one was your favorite?
Mage/Sorc at the start of justac and now ZERK
6. Which class do you consider the most balanced and which one the least?
most balanced: berserker
least balanced: elementalist
7. Would you play a mobile version of Archlord (classic Archlord with modified controls)?
8. Are you a PVE or PVP player, or are both of these issues equally important to you?
75% pvp 25% pve
9. Rate the economy in the game on a scale of 1 (worst) - 10 (best).
10. Rate the ease of obtaining equipment on a scale of 1-10.
11. Rate the level of balance in group fights on a scale of 1-10.
12. Rate the level of ease of play for a new player on a scale of 1-10.
13. Rate the cost of playing on a scale of 1-10 (don't rate RMT between players, this is just about in-store purchases)
14. Rate the changes in the game over the years on a scale of 1-10 Justac vs. the original game.
15. Rate the efficiency of the Helpdesk on a scale of 1-10.
16. What form of communication with us and other players suits you better, the classic forum like it is now or creating an official Discord channel.
On discord


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Re: Occasional Server Anniversary Survey
« Reply #39 on: December 03, 2024, 10:54:48 AM »
Thank you for participating. We will soon prepare a summary of the survey and draw prizes.

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Re: Occasional Server Anniversary Survey
« Reply #40 on: December 08, 2024, 01:29:49 AM »

1. How long have you been playing Archlord (you can specify the year or episode)?

The vast majority of you have been with the game since its beginning, with over 75% of you in the first 3 years of the game. This is impressive considering that next year will be the 25th anniversary of the game's release.

2. How long have you been playing on our server?

Here too, there are definitely many people who have been with us from the very beginning. Thank you for the time spent together!

3. Have you played/are you playing games similar to Archlord, if so, which ones?

Many of you play or have played similar games, but there are also people who have chosen only Archlord as their MMORPG.

4. Would you play new games inspired by Archlord?

Opinions on this topic are fairly even. As in other communities, some say that the MMORPG genre is dying and it's not worth creating new games. But there are also true fans who would play new version of Archlord.

5. Which class was your first choice, and which one was your favorite?

Since most started in the first episodes, it is not surprising that Dragonscion was not chosen as the first character. It is also not surprising no Hunters, it was considered a difficult character for a long time. Players often started with the melee classes, but the most often choice was Archer.

Many of you play different classes, but when choosing your favorite, you most often chose two ranged classes, Archer and Ranger. In some cases it was definitely sentiment, in others ease, and in others originality of gameplay.

6. Which class do you consider the most balanced and which one the least?

The question wasn't easy, but it served to confirm what we often see in your suggestions. It's hard to answer it unequivocally, which is why some of you skipped the question. As always, players' personal preferences also had big impact for answer. The Berserker received the most positive opinions about the quality of balance, the Elementalist the least. We've always tried to balance our server so that classes complement each other, and that was the main assumption, because the game is designed mainly to build group vs. group interactions.

7. Would you play a mobile version of Archlord (classic Archlord with modified controls)?

A large part of you are against mobile versions of MMORPG games, even if it was Archlord. We realize that generational differences and nostalgia can have an impact on such opinions. Players are accustomed to certain forms of MMORPG games and it is difficult to convince them to revolutionary changes.

8. Are you a PVE or PVP player, or are both of these issues equally important to you?

Here the differences weren't big, we have both definitely pvp and definitely pve players, but there are also players who feel good in both game modes.

9. Rate the economy in the game on a scale of 1 (worst) - 10 (best).
10. Rate the ease of obtaining equipment on a scale of 1-10.
11. Rate the level of balance in group fights on a scale of 1-10.
12. Rate the level of ease of play for a new player on a scale of 1-10.
13. Rate the cost of playing on a scale of 1-10 (don't rate RMT between players, this is just about in-store purchases)
14. Rate the changes in the game over the years on a scale of 1-10 Justac vs. the original game.
15. Rate the efficiency of the Helpdesk on a scale of 1-10.

Averaged scores from individual questions.
In some aspects we are satisfied with the score, especially the very important point 14 for us, thank you for your kind words.
In some it is clear that some things should be improved and these are the two most difficult tasks.
The game economy, which is a difficult thing to control and depends largely on the players, their involvement and their number on the server.
We also received low scores for point 12. The problem is difficult, growing mainly through the life of the server. Our server was not planned as a periodically reset server, so that players could start over from a common start every now and then. Therefore, the longer the server runs, the harder it is for new players to catch up with players with long experience. We try to make this pursuit easier for them from time to time, but we also have to maintain an economic balance.

16. What form of communication with us and other players suits you better, the classic forum like it is now or creating an official Discord channel.

The vast majority definitely expect to be able to contact us via Discord.

It is doable, but some things really hold us back.

The first is the lack of greater control over users. As you know, there have been many people who have wished our server bad in recent years. The possibilities of blocking such people on the forum are much greater than on Discord servers, where the administration does not have access to the user's IP, for example. In addition, there are many types of attacks and spam to which popular platforms such as Discord are susceptible.

Moving to Discord would also eliminate verification during events such as one prize - one player.

The second is the lack of a sensible ticket system. The current forum has a fairly clear system, where many administrators or moderators can participate in solving the same problem, which shortens the response time.

Another important factor for many is readability. Some materials are difficult to present on Discord channels to make it look clear. The search options are also weaker.

Nevertheless, for quite some time we have been considering launching such a channel as a supplement to the Forum.

Thank you for participating in the Survey, thank you also for your contribution to the life of the server, which would not exist without you.

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Re: Occasional Server Anniversary Survey
« Reply #41 on: December 08, 2024, 01:42:19 AM »

Royal Cloak   Chn-b777
Royal Cloak   Goldeneye
Royal Cloak   Katsumiz
Royal Cloak   Zoya
Royal Cloak   Friend
5b Gold   D0gm4
5b Gold   Leafasenpai
5b Gold   Pepovski28
5b Gold   Jebac17
5b Gold   Vonzo

The rest except above will receive 1 Gold Ticket.
And everyone will receive 200m gold for participating (please place a Normal Passport at this price on Auction House to receive the prize faster, winners of 5b gold may sell it for 5,2b).
Please send me a private message from the accounts that participated.
Write the nickname of the character to whom the prize should be transferred in the TITLE of the message.
