There are many references to dragons in the Archlord game!
Let's see how many of them you can find!
1. Take a screenshot of the dragon theme in the game and your character's name visible (it could be, for example, an in-game object, a pet, a mount or NPC). The Dragonscion Summoner character or his summons does not count

2. Post screenshot to the forum in this topic,
warning: do not edit post! If you made mistake delete it and post again!
3. One player can publish one screenshot and one post.
4. The same theme cannot be repeated! What matters is who publishes the post first (the same objects can appear in different places, only one, the first counts)
5. We are waiting for 20 applications, each qualified application will be awarded 1b gold.
6. If we do not get 20 entries, we will close the topic at midnight.