Swash is way too OP
She runs too fast, she cant be slowed or stunned
If she had a lack of tankiness it would be nice but she tanks most classes
Something has to be done for them
I agree for knight, something is missing for him to be better, he just has tankiness and nothing else, damage is low, yeah good you debuff dodge and block, but you cant kill most classes because they have too much crit resi and since everyone has a shit ton of HP good luck killing someone with that damage
Elem and orbi are quite slow imo, elem has a 100% chance slow (50%) but since she runs at 269% while most classes runs at 350+% she cant follow up
As for orbi yeah he debuffs 155% but its hard to put them in since none is 100% chance, and when classes runs at 350+% while you run around 270-280% good luck debuffing them
There is some balance to do in game we just need to find out how and what needs to be touched