after the shienwood update I think maybe now it would be cool to change the system of drawing lacky tickets, namely now everyone needs boot, gloves, cap, kilt, top several pieces with the same stats to use ancient shard or rune.
also changing every elite item to 15 lvl gives you the opportunity to put every type of gloves/boots/top/cap/kilt into one draw.
Let's have less choice of what item we want to draw gloves/boots/top/cap/kilt.
Thanks to this, we can focus on one thing and draw all the time for a given item until we manage to make the perfect one.
thanks to that other elite items and appearance will be able to draw and give them new time in AL world, they won't be useless.
you will say it's a bit easier but still it's hard and for example to draw 10 caps with the same stats is a small chance and additionally to use rune or shard also.
in my opinion it would be a nice solution to randomize until you manage to do a part.