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Speedleveling World Record Event / Re: World Record Event - Rules
« Last post by Game Operator on Today at 12:25:48 AM »
The 150lv range will allow us to check the current difficulty level of the server and the level of the final XP setting in the game. After the event is over, we will evaluate the whole thing and perhaps in the next edition we will make a shorter level range.
Perhaps we will do it only on a designated map so that the event also includes PvP elements.

We understand the concerns of some players, but there are 30 prizes, even if you play occasionally, there is a chance of winning a prize, especially with less popular classes.


Main reward is Best Class title.  We believe that the best player should demonstrate not only PvP skills but also PvE knowledge, and this event is intended to show it.
The gold reward is universal, you can use it for all the rewards you have listed.

But how can you determine a player is better than another through PVE,
Or, rather, asked different : how can a player that has real life duties compete with another that has free time to push his char to max lvl. Are you going to watch the number of hours the char was played to determine who has been better / faster ?

Also, a player can be a beast at leveling, but struggle due to having no team to protect / support him against pkers (which is most likely gonna happen, some people aren't going to attend the event but prevent others to lvl up).

The idea beside the event is nice, but I think many things would need to be adjusted to give everyone an equal chance at winning.
After completing the task, write your nickname here.
End time 11 August, 11:59 p.m.
every event is  gold rewards , guild, sieges,AL , BS event and so on , releasing so much gold in to a game don't you think its bit bad for the games economy? why not spawn something else like uniq / ec /  normal cloaks / tools or whatever? this event will release what 200b + in to a game? add somekind of new gold sink update perhaps?

Main reward is Best Class title.  We believe that the best player should demonstrate not only PvP skills but also PvE knowledge, and this event is intended to show it.
The gold reward is universal, you can use it for all the rewards you have listed.
We will extend it to 11 August. First post changed.
Your start time doesn't matter, you may prepare everything you need during 2 weeks and start on last day.

Registration will be opended in 5 minutes. After creating a character, send its nickname in a private message. Please provide your nickname in this topic after completing the task.
i think event should start in the morning around  9-10am server time so mor popeple can participate .
do we get the best mak on the tittle of our choice ?
whats the point of getting 200% toas after completing the event ?
we should have a little more time to prepare annoucing today for tomorow is to short in my opinion

u have time till August 4, 11:59 p.m.) [9ish days]
the event finish august 4th XD
Speedleveling World Record Event / Re: World Record Event - Rules and Registration
« Last post by Friend on July 26, 2024, 11:27:33 PM »
every event is  gold rewards , guild, sieges,AL , BS event and so on , releasing so much gold in to a game don't you think its bit bad for the games economy? why not spawn something else like uniq / ec /  normal cloaks / tools or whatever? this event will release what 200b + in to a game? add somekind of new gold sink update perhaps?
Speedleveling World Record Event / Re: World Record Event - Rules and Registration
« Last post by Friend on July 26, 2024, 11:23:57 PM »
i think event should start in the morning around  9-10am server time so mor popeple can participate .
do we get the best mak on the tittle of our choice ?
whats the point of getting 200% toas after completing the event ?
we should have a little more time to prepare annoucing today for tomorow is to short in my opinion

u have time till August 4, 11:59 p.m.) [9ish days]
i think event should start in the morning around  9-10am server time so mor popeple can participate .
do we get the best mak on the tittle of our choice ?
whats the point of getting 200% toas after completing the event ?
we should have a little more time to prepare annoucing today for tomorow is to short in my opinion
Can we also have events where you don't have to be online 24/7. Such events make no sense for people with work/family
There are currently two such events active.
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