« on: June 11, 2024, 02:31:38 AM »
Archers have the fastest movement speed and completely unrestricted abilities in the game, and even possess 100% first hit skills with high damage that are guaranteed to hit. The cost of replacing these attributes is a very fragile physique (similar to the opposite direction of Swash). If you need to increase the archer's output ability or survival ability, you must sacrifice your movement speed or skills that can be restricted or unsealed.
Regarding mage, I think Justac has completely forgotten the meaning of this character's existence, similar to a mascot? The most common topic I've heard about Justac on other servers is: Hahaha, their people's ability to avoid stun almost cannot deprive them of ptbuff, cannot reduce attribute resistance, and has become a complete mascot assistant
Regarding Sorc: I can no longer express the performance of this charismatic character in the current version in words. I can only say that most Sorc players demonstrate this through actions, such as Xsouron and Malalala, where Sorc players were independently killed by archers and eles in 1V1, and died in full buff within three seconds. Making a character feel non-existent in the game itself indicates a problem.
Finally, if you are standing from the player's perspective, don't just stare at those players who are constantly shouting, why not ask other players why they left just?
If you are standing from the perspective of GM, please let new players/independent players/fully fledged players have something to do, not shining in the jungle every day