rvr should be modified slightly because some races can never get the buff because nobody comes to fight or too low players play this race
admin should give us more info before the updates so we can prepare for it
yeah cc bag is messed up it should be fixed
i think worm and moonster are fine it makes people wants to fight but im okay if we change the area because its true this area is too big to have proper fights example archer only runs or elem is too slow to follow some of the fights maybe change the area a little to add new things
and castles should gives more than what they give because because of worm and moonster catles givezs only 1b each week its so bad and since stull castles is in the hands of the gm you can just go to stull to buys things and not pay taxes something need to be done about that
in my opnion if we want to have fun and good fights somethings to be changed so we can all enjoy the fights
whats the point of playing a game if everyone trashtalk each others we are all here because we like this game and want to have fun on it