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Suggestions / Re: Party buffs portal to Ancient Dungeon
« on: March 25, 2023, 07:34:29 PM »
Yep, just to show the lvl of beeing hipocrit - level republic of criers xD

GL with your suggestion Proteus xD

Suggestions / Re: Party buffs portal to Ancient Dungeon
« on: March 25, 2023, 06:52:13 PM »
Not that I'm against your idea Proteus but before posting such suggestion look for your own members who are doing exact same thing to weaker players. Just one example..

Have a nice fight :)

open another topic for this - it's not about it .

so here you grab your ultimate weapon - insult. Even on this you are just looking dumb because you have no arguments to show. there are plenty of sorcs and mages that are used for exact reason I said - sleep and antimagic. My team of 3-5 people is fighting almost every day vs 8-15 of your people and you still bring 1-2 mages nad 1-3 sorcs to anti,sleep,halt and you for real think you are the better one? don't be closed minded - open your eyes.

who is alanza?who is vojvoda?who is khonsu? just farmers. no use in pvp.
its liek counting all sorcs who are farming. yesterday we were fighting vs jul1us,kaponi and allca so what u talk about? it was in 1 fight xD
for mages - i saw centipiede many times(yest for example), redwitch, rybka, xiangxxx and another mage from chn, daves mage = 6
now stop making yourself looking even more dumb than u are. I belive in  you beeing not that stupid...

Now learn from your leader - he can set his arguments and use common sense. all you do is saying people are dumb and finding idiotic examples.


only 3 swashes playing, only 3 archer playing, only 4 zerks playing, only 3 ele playing, only 3 knights playing. what u talk about? XD there are not many players and if we count all the sorcs i see 3 sorcs just from batards so before calling me piece of shit have a look on server population and classes that are beeing played. there are also 4 mages around + the mages that get summoned for anti.

I'm sure if I would play it you would again say "switched class again because shot on previous " xX

Are you serious? you really say sorc and mage are weak? sorc is one of the tankies characters currently if proper built. For the skills mage and sorc have they should be weak in defence or the op skills should get nerfed. Making narco an target skill instead of AOE would already make enough difference in my opinion.

As I said - I know people would cry about no antimagic so I suggested an proper nerf.

BTW> learn from nutella - he knows how to argue. All you do is kind of trolling but on the other hand I sure you just think you are 100% right and every other view is dumb so you must be not trolling but just being that closed minded. Crying about sorc/mage beeing weak is just too dumb. It's like I would say swash is weak because of low ele res xD

Also I never switched class because of beeing bad or losing. I always switched classes for beatter team work because it's what team mates do fir improve. First you talk about me beeing to dumb to debuff and then u want me to play knight in a team of 1knight(not me), 2 slayer. Ofc I switched class to swash for betetr debuffs. Same I did when I was playing archer and we had 3 archers. I switched to an class I never played before just to get more debuffs. This is what people do for a team . Now stop using your dumb arguments and look how many ppl I have so I need to play characters that fit into my current team.

All you can do is insulting . Learn how to argue - it will be helpful in real life aswell. Beeing known for something isn't a good reason for no change. Mages have no other job than antimagic. It's an useless character if it's just for antimagic. What do you need all the other skills when it's job is to antimagic? People would actually start learning how to play this character instead of antimagic only.

No arguments as always, picking other topics you have also no idea about. I hope admin at least realizes why making any suggestions on forum makes no sense - there is no arguing - always "qq", "you are stupid", "go delete". Put your brain cells together and start an logic argument. I know people kinda stop knowing how it works but I'm sure if you get educated a bit you will learn how to make suggestions and what an argument is.

Mage that wouldn't have antimagic but gets an antistun probably wouldn't be first target which would make mages more enjoyable. We all kill mages first because of anti, not becuase of other skills.

Suggestions / Change skills that have too huge impact on team fights
« on: March 24, 2023, 10:18:24 PM »
There are few skills that have too huge impact on team fights and since characters that have these skills got boosted on defefence it should be changed in some ways.

It's specially about narcolepsy on sorc and antimagic on mage. These 2 skills have just too huge impact in fights.

We all know that most teamfights are on full buffs but if there is just 1 person spamming antimagic or mages getting summoned for just this one purpose - antimagic - it makes the fights just about who will anti more or who will be more lucky on anti. In worst case anti hits your essential buffs and u get down right after 1 anti. in best case you can survive few antis. With free uniuqes on lvl 130 I see more and more mages lvl 130 which get free uniques and are made just to antimagic. Since we will get VP for killing low lvls you kinda need to wait for the mage to take skull which is really dumb. I wish we could remove this skill at all and change it for something like stun skill or antistun or halt but as I know people will cry my suggestion is to nerf this skill . M
y opinion: skill stage lvl1-5 1 skill removed / 5-10 2 skills removed / 11-15 3 skilsl removed.

About narcolepsy:
Sleeping a whole team of like 5 people in fights for like 30sec or even more if the sorc is puting narcolepsy is just too much. The duratrion should be lowered or succesrate beeing lowered a lot aswell as making it target instead of AOE skill would nerf it. with 2 sorcs an whole team can be slept for few mionutes straight. It has just too huge impact on team fights.

These 2 skills are destroying a lot specially combined with all halts/repress/restrain/toxic hand skills.

Sorcs and mages got boosted on defence a lot because people were crying about beeing killed too fast but none sees that those classes have skilsl that can change a whole fight just if these classes survive longer than 15 seconds. In my opinion these classes should either be less tanky or the skilsl should be nerfed a lot.

I hope for some good discussion. Thanks

Suggestions / Re: Party buffs portal to Ancient Dungeon
« on: March 24, 2023, 04:37:17 PM »
No matter what kind of suggestions you post batard payers will come to say "cry?" . Useless to suggest anything. Things will always get abused and since there are people who are enjoying it you will not have any chance to change it
 Play same way or lose. This is how it works. There are many things that are abused and just ridiculous but there are enough people to vote against so it will not be changed.

Suggestions / Re: Stun
« on: March 10, 2023, 11:07:46 AM »
Then on the other hand it should work for slow and sleep aswell . If you don't perma stun an sorc your team can be slept for few minutes straight. All the stunable classes got boosted on defense (specially sorc and ele) compared to before the fire. Ranger indeed got nerfed a lot and is kinda weak in almost every aspect but it's an archer class so it has to struggle somewhere. I would suggest to make assistance skills target skills so it can be used in ancient aswell.

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