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Messages - Friend

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Suggestions / Charisma point spin
« on: November 10, 2022, 02:09:34 PM »
1m points for 1 spin [ 100m to refine the spin fee maby something else on the refinery to create it?]

30% - Superior manual
30% - Superior manual
30% - Superior manual
10% - Royal cloak


Free Chat / Re: So many Years , Still u guys play here
« on: November 08, 2022, 07:22:06 PM »
Seven years is like a fleeting time

So does Friend (weebz?)

omg i can't believe u found these old posts Q_Q dam i was so young back then ;_; this warms my hearth, thanks Lure


been so many years , i'm glad after all this time  there is a place to come back to  :'(

i'm sorry i don't know the code for how to pop-up the .mp4 images on screen xD

Suggestions / Summon orbs
« on: September 25, 2022, 05:23:07 AM »
hello, as i understand the cooldown of summon orbs was increased because of latria event now it is over, any chance we could get like at least 10minutes instead of 15 either way ppl use diffrent buffers to summon back to avoid cooldown as i understand and about HH  could it be possible to use them inside the HH  i don't rly see any reason why cant we use them in there :l

Tutorial / #Event Justac Beginners Guide
« on: September 22, 2022, 02:12:03 PM »
hello,  if you are new starting player and thinking about joining Justac server you might find something interesting or new from the video i made, (video start is slow  but it gets better), hope this helps a little bit on your adventures and enjoy your time with the game!


Report / refinery
« on: September 13, 2022, 01:28:43 AM »
please if possible rebalance refinery its really bad and its not on % chanse based or luck it always goes 1 way or 2 ways never 3 ways no balance at all always need to delete uniq to save space math does not work this way , when refining normal uniq B for the eclipse uniq  is almost always missing from the table maby only for my bellos/faren/ feather always missing intel / Rapid always missing Glor either way its bad balanced eatch uniq always stacks up to 10+ always have to delete for space  . keeping 20 intel and 20 Glor 0 Bril [of 1 kind uniq is madness ] not only i have to always destroy  combined uniq to save space for missing 3rd refined uniq but it puts limit on how many diffrent uniq  spieces i have to choose to keep... add more bag space or please look in to the refinery system when doing eclipse/lower tier uniq... had same issue with lower tier uniques too lol heres a meme for the admin i cant deal with this anymore 500 archons and not a single 3rd kind of uniq to try a chanse of exel uniq? yeah its not % based cuz if it is math is wrong. kekW video  is from guardimesh days i moved to eclipse its even worse..

Video :

 [ P.S im not complaining about fail rates the more archons i can get from fail  is very good, it's just its very bad balanced with gathering all 3 diffrent kinds of uniq to try chanse of exel (make less % for exel but improve of wasting inventory space) if i keep getting 10x in a row one kind of Glorous and its based on '' luck or % '' i might just go and buy lottery ticket with that kind of luck. lol]

image for eclipse..

Add cloak for farmers not only for tank/pvp ;-; ''Cloak of goblin'' gives 50% drop we as farmers are strong pillars of the server too, make it hard to refine but something for  farmers would be nice. k thanks bye

Support / Re: bug?
« on: May 09, 2022, 02:56:33 PM »
hi, if u have suit +1 try off and on again should fix

Suggestions / Re: Some suggestions on stage 3 of new justac
« on: April 27, 2022, 02:54:37 PM »
6. - if u remove cooldowns ppl can/will get harrased more easily
7.- i understand casters don't use tab to pull in mob pulls thats why it might feel u no need for tab targeting but you are punishing the crit char players that souly focuses on tab targeting / bots will bot they are coded with the ids of an object and not with tab targeting and don't forget to report bots.
P.s don't we already have the item bug that forces u to relaunch the game every 30min 1h and so on? i'm sorry bit new to this new justac i'm not sure why that thing exists but i assume its to counter bots no?

Game Discussion / Skill cooldown/Skill cast
« on: April 19, 2022, 10:11:50 AM »
hey some ppl say cooldown capped is 90 some 99 same with cast can anyone clear the confusion for me please?

Skill cooldown cap % = ?
Skill cast cap % = ?

Report / Re: Scam warning
« on: April 10, 2022, 05:25:15 AM »
please record your trades, especially big ones, :l now it's just your word against his, to make server more safe u have to show us what rly happnd, since the trade was canceled i dont think admins can see what rly happnd.And whats left of this situation is going to be back and forth of arguing with the guy and ppl defending one side over the other and vise versa friends gonna pick sides and so on... so best case of this post that u made will make more ppl to be aware  to record theyr trades so they can help the server to be more safe.

P.S players remember that if u did  2 big trades  with the same person,  it does not mean that on 3rd trade you won't get scammed from the same person that you built your trust on, always record your trades.  :-

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