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Topics - rredlin

Pages: [1]
Support / Battle Square babysitters
« on: February 28, 2023, 02:05:47 AM »
Battle Square I know its a PvP area, but the guys that babysit the boss fights don't give an inch! They max out there character to that floors max and use minus ToAs to never lv up, so they can do this all day and night. Ive checked , over the past 3 weeks, only they can run it, I m not joking .... all day and all night. its like 4-5 guys all and they have a set schedule for each of them. no one can get the boss fight, they are hording the Authority of looser Orb, its needed to refine the lv 2 and 3 combination stones, and complete the quest. Kind of not fair to the other players that spend money on CC when they play to be blocked out of something we should have access to.

Just saying ...... Haters gonna Hate

OK I figured it out ! its a room full of underage kids in some 3rd world country and the evil overlord is forcing them to get ALL the orbs or else no pudding cup for you.....

I have spoken

Report / false accusation of scammer
« on: January 27, 2023, 08:54:06 PM »
 minding my own business trying to sell on chat, and was being called a scammer, by someone I don't know or interact with.
here is screenshot

Then his friends started calling me a scammer, I have never scammed anything before, in any game.

2nd time with his friends

Support / does the refinery work?
« on: June 09, 2021, 03:34:50 AM »
ive tried on different accounts, i can not upgrade 10 of one type of elem stone to the next lv, just keeps saying not right items

also could not make a transcendence ring

is there a updated full list of items made at the refinery?

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