Author Topic: suggestion for new pve content  (Read 5389 times)

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suggestion for new pve content
« on: January 18, 2024, 09:29:47 PM »
Dear justac team,

I want to give a suggestion for new pve content that could be implemented very easy into the game and would give us as an active playerbase some new and challenging pve content. The suggestion is to rework the HH throne as a "dungeon". This dungeon could be played alone as single mode, in a party as a 5 man group and as a guild in a 10-15 man group ( maybe later even with different difficulties). A short run-down of how
it could work.

You can go inside the dungeon via a npc. There would be a lockout on the char (e.g. 5 runs a week with a weekly reset). The reward of this could be a new currency which can be exchanged for cc items. Combi, lens, sum or ring/wing/cloak chests or maybe even for new material / title materials.

Now some gameplay details which I think could be cool:

- balance the dungeon the way that you need critters and caster. Maybe even give mobs antistun/slow so that its not a macro fiesta where you just stand afk and burst with macro.

- give the dungeon a timer. For example you got 30 min the clear everything. If you achive to clear the dungeon in 30 min you get  lets say 1000 of the new currency but if you clear in 25 min you get 1250 and if you manage to clear in under 20 min you get 1750 currency as a reward.

- give us new pots with low recoverytime, so you need to care about how long you are tanking mobs

- give us new items to handle the dungeon. Aoe Heal item, aoe cc, aoe dmg boost, aoe buffs, ae taunts to make it more interactive

- add mini bosses or a endboss with special spells

These were my thoughts on new pve content. The good thing about this is that nearly everything is already programmed and does just need to be looked at and can be fixed pretty easy. I think that beside the
last point everything is already programmed into the game and does only need a refresh.

At last I want to mention that this is a personal suggestion from my side and yes I know the core of archlord endgame is/was and will be PvP but maybe it would be worth to think about this suggestion. Feedback is welcome from everyone and of course the dungeon would need a lot of balancing and testing but a lot of us are playing archlord for 10 or even more years now and some fresh new content could bring back some players.

best regards

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Re: suggestion for new pve content
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2024, 11:09:53 PM »
I like the proposition but in my opinion, since the population of the server is not really high, if you multiply the possible playing locations of the players, its gonna scatter the people and make the server even more «empty » or « inactive »…