Author Topic: About game  (Read 34190 times)


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About game
« on: November 10, 2021, 09:32:54 AM »
Hey. Here is my suggestion about this nice game. Do not even play. Why? Its really easy. Let me tell you. 1 : The drop rate is lower than an ant. There is an example. I farmed 15 hours lv1 and lv2 stone what i needed and i got 1x lv2 and 2x lv1. Interesting huh? 2 : Refinery rate. What is that? Is this ingame already or still not? Because i also tried to refine stones, and first 10 tries was 1 succesfull, others went to the bin. R.I.P money and time. 3 : Bugs, crashes. They dont know how to fix game, how to fix crashes and bugs. They deleted infernum, because they dont know how to fix it. Such a lazy guys. Impossible to play the game without c++ or something else. I love this game really, but jesus. Im wasting my time here, my energy, my money, my everything, and what I/we get back? Big zero nothing more. All of this is good for them because we are invetigating to this game, especially lot of ecoin buyers and etc. So they can provide food for their family, but what about we guys? What we get from them? Imo nothing, seriously. Im so sad about this situation and I didnt mention the issue about charisma pont. They will not lower it, because if you have your char already high level, you need to buy lens+ / combies / suits etc to farm your charisma, so they earn a lot of money from you, but you not getting back anything, not even uniqs. 6 hours farm and u get 3 uniqs, that is normal? I can write more but no point, please let me know what you guys think about it and share am I right or not. Sorry for my bad english. Have a nice day.


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Re: About game
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2021, 09:52:00 AM »
+1 totally agreed. The old justac was so better but in someone's brain ''Now its so much better'.
Anyway this game is dead long time ago, and now the last 100 fans lets say (players) are united on one server to enjoy it, but instead of making the game funny someone want to make the game pay2win so he make benefit from you.Its 2021, and we still get c++.

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Re: About game
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2021, 10:11:36 AM »
I am 100% with you.
Everything that happens now is just there to fill your own pocket again.
The fun on this server is lost, the server is lost.
The community is also shitted if it does not bring in any money.

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Re: About game
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2021, 10:23:42 AM »
+1 old justac was better this is just shit like webzen.Could Webzen have bought the Justac? Because it was so much better before the fire...

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Re: About game
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2021, 12:22:42 PM »
Considering how much we all lost on this server in the past years due to Paragon trade hacks, dupped gold and items which affected fair farmers and ec sellers when everything got removed, TWICE, ending with the fire which made us lose everything, it makes no freaking sense to force players to farm for weeks to obtain a set of excellent uniques, is not our fault that server burned, why freaking struggle so much to rebuild our characters ?
Building up a character should be easy and fun, not a struggle, this is a god dam game not a full time job, and GM seems to not understand it.
The casual players/small guilds are treated like fools here, not everyone is unemployed like chinese players are, not everyone is able to farm 16 hours per day like they do, most of the european players have a job, school, family responsabilities and limited time to play.
How on earth is this fair ? how is ballanced ? maybe not everyone wants to buy already made accessories and armors via paypal.
Events that benefits the stronger side only; dumb changed refinery ( old one from justac was giving you guaranted 3 slots upon excell attemp, here not; guaranteed 3 slots normal uniq, here not, so you waste 1 mil to get same 0/1 uniq back, great logic ).
4.5 mil per HH skill rank + 3000 charisma another dumb change
Previously we needed around 40 - 50k charisma maximum, now is 150 k, why ? i don't want to make a new char and waste more money for what? because you don't inform players properly ? no
Where is the "greately increased gold " from HH mobs ? IS NOT
Why lvl 120 chars were not informed properly about this change so we wouldnt rush to make high lvl ? thats how you treath loyal and active players?
Right right, we have Proof of Vengeance and Carvin or Courage from Battle Square, which is controlled again by unemployed chinese and their friends which are camping there nonstop.
GM, why is it so hard to be transparent and social with the players? to collect best sugestions from the majority and make a fair ballanced enviorement for everyone so we can properly enjoy the game ?
Make  announcements that contains the full information, so we know what to expect and prepare for the updates.

The big money, if thats what you are looking for to get, is made from players fighting eachother : Lens +, Combi pots, Suits, pets high lvl, destiny stones, GEM of Origin  & return orbs to improve builds for fighting, fortune manuals to max our the gear  and so on.
While for farming what do you need ? a crappy minus  toa for 30 ec and a toh for 30. So 60 ecoins for 24 hours. Compare it with the ecoins needed for PVP !

Allow players to build their characters faster if you want to make more money, is simple as that. The main reason why  90% of us are playing this game, is because of the unicity and beauty of the PVP sistem, not to freaking waste our lifes on farming.
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Re: About game
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2021, 12:44:42 PM »
come play New World because NW is dying after 2 months from start :(


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Re: About game
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2021, 12:47:21 PM »
As Cobra says, we lost items 2 times once due paragon and second due fire.Isnt a logic way for players to be easier now so gm keep them playing not making things even harder?! And i can say on old justac cc pots were free but now even thats pay2win for fuck sake GM?People should get your support so they play once again but instead u made things even harder.Also to stone a proper top u need to burn 60 stones which is way harder than old justac.

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Re: About game
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2021, 12:52:44 PM »
+1 about that. Wasted a lot of time and money on this and I honestly feel jaded and fed up now. Atm I don't have anything left to do but leave the game. I can't really farm charisma as a crit knight 115+ so no point in trying to anyway. After this charisma change I lost all my will to play and I don't even bother logging in for any events/RvR etc. I just can't take this anymore, drop chance low, bots selling billions and nobody is questioning how they get that kind of money, refinery is a joke, normal fortune manuals cost 200 cc and I had to use 4 to stone a shield with a lvl VI sb stone (you do the math how much gold those 3 fails cost me) and so on... Only thing left to do is sell and move on from this crap or just change servers

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Re: About game
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2021, 01:22:03 PM »
I love this game but if it continues like this, there will be more quitters. I'm afraid it will end like webzen.

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Re: About game
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2021, 01:31:10 PM »
Sad to have agree with guys, but this game needs to do something about listed problems. Drop rate is terrible, refine rate as well, reinfor success critical!! There is lack of gold on the server generally, even tho they increased gold rate. And don't wanna talk even about bugs/crashes which are happening daily, living in 21st century and having game with that many bugs and crashed is not acceptable! One guild is taking everything which make no sense for other players because it gives them space enough to be way stronger than anyone else on this server! I think sooner or later many people will stop to play the game because of these issues (including me as well)!

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Re: About game
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2021, 01:36:40 PM »
I agree. For a private server that is supposed to be fun, its everything but fun. Its very clear that the GMs dont care about the players. Why would they punish their active playerbase who fought their way on the first week of HH to get to lv120+? The charisma requirement is a big middle finger to the players quite honestly. They gave us 20 (!!!) XP Talisman Boxes as a level up reward, and a week after we get screwed over for actually using them. What the F is that. Yes we knew we need charisma for HH skills, but the amount required is very unexpected, and quite stupid for a PRIVATE server. You can tell the system is broken, when its easier to start a new character, farming 120k+ charisma, level up to 120+ THAN actually meeting the requirements with ur main character. What about the time, energy and money invested in those "main" characters? Not a lot of ppl are willing to throw away their names(their identity), and their bound Ecoins.
Needless to say the game has many obvious problems(which are listed in this topic) and the HH skill requirements are just clearly showing they dont give a flying F.

The normal unique accessory drop rate is higher than Webzen, but whats the point, when the refinery system kinda counteracts the whole thing?

I could go on and on about the topic ....

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Re: About game
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2021, 02:01:32 PM »
Sad but true. We don't get any information about the updates. We have to find out everything by ourselves and if we find something like an event mob that shouldn't be there you ban our accounts ( for example the x-mas trees in the beginning) so we basically never know what is a bugg , what is an event and what is true . This is one of the points of no information .
The 2nd point is the economy which makes us struggle a lot. Before 2nd stage there were nothing to do the last 2/3months, gold was worth nothing. Now none has gold, people who are willing to pay any amount of money are just buying 99% for pp so there is a huge difference between a normal player and a pay2win player.
Before the burn there was an need for event like worm hunt but for now it's just feeding those who are already fed up. Small guilds have no chance at all. Middle guilds are dominated by enemies who are pay2win, using tons of tactics like protective passports, mages who are there only to Antimagic, playing 2 accounts same time (1critter on auto attack and 2nd caster) .
For now there is much to do ingame but ppl are just tired of bad refine rate, bad reinforcement rate, no gold on server and all these little things that make us struggle .
On the other hand it's an paradise for botters, farmers who sell stuff for pp. Ppl buy 100mil for 10 euro. For an country, wre you earn 1-5euro per h it's a huge chance to earn money so there are a lot of "farm for food" players which just want to make most money for pp. They are not afraid of botting cause they just run 3,4,5 + PCs and botting everywhere just sitting there with macro and watching movies while money is flowing in like crazy.
Old justac was way better in some cases, some are nice here . Those points we are taking about make many players quit so please - rethink it!
R.I.P. :
Eternalshot lvl 150 Archer
Mjolnir lvl 141 Zerk
And all my other 30 twinks :(


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Re: About game
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2021, 03:22:49 PM »
ye hard to keep the moral high. when all you get is shyt :-)
R.I.P. Missen


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Re: About game
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2021, 03:58:02 PM »

which is controlled again by unemployed chinese and their friends which are camping there nonstop.

Butthurt much :D buy my CoC special offer only 150M now on AH
« Last Edit: November 10, 2021, 03:59:43 PM by burba_cz »

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Re: About game
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2021, 04:17:45 PM »
I agree with the others. The game should be fun and not a burden.

This current patch could be a paradise to the farmers, but noone wants to farm, beacuse they are discouraged. Who wants to farm hours/days/weeks, when others are botting with multiple accounts for the very same thing. The gold is concentrated among few people who have billions, while others have no money. The market has collapsed, the people who got gold to spend have already got what they wanted with botting, and the ones who still need stuff can not afford it.
The refining rate of uniques and lv4-5-6 stones is terrible, and the drop is also shit.
We have jobs, and we dont have the time to farm 10 hours, just to get archondrite or 1 or 2 slotted versions of the items we need with 3 slots. Each and every Excellent try should give uniqs with minimum 2 slots.

One half of the server solved the charisma problem with the Carving of courage item, and the other half is botting for charisma in Battle Ground. The game cannot be built upon the fact, that we will have ways in the next patch to get charisma. We are playing the current version of the game, and not whats coming in the future and we wanna enjoy the current game, not what its going to be someday.

The balance on the server has been tipped completely. One side is ruling everything everywhere. Only people from RetardMafia, CHN and BlackSheep participate in the worm events, the Moonster event is almost the same. Both Latria events are only boosting the stronger one side even more, and that makes the gap between the two sides even greater. In Battle Square there are only CHN members all day long and its impossible to get anything done there. They have monopoly over carving of courage.

Its up to each individual to decide why this is the case now, whether because of p2w, wrong choices of one side, or the unequal proportions of players on each side. One things for sure, the weaker side is gonna get bored of struggling for nothing.

Furthermore the playstyle of european, american, or eastern people is also completely different. There is a reason why other games have multiple servers for different regions.

I also find it quite concerning and not normal at all that players can buy everything with PP, even gold. The botters and the ammount of p2w has killed the fun in the game.

The lv100 level up reward has become a very bad joke in terms of charisma, and because of that the higher level players were punished. The reward has become useless, because the average person wont use them above lv100, since we need charisma so bad