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Topics - exconi

Pages: [1]
Support / Change email
« on: August 16, 2022, 10:34:07 PM »
Hello is it possible to change emails that are connected to account

Want to Sell (WTS) / Wts sorc level 123
« on: February 26, 2022, 10:02:42 AM »
Everything is here

My discord : Sefic#8890

Suggestions / Suggestions 1 2 3
« on: January 25, 2022, 04:51:39 PM »
Hello everyone I have a couple of suggestions in my mind that I would like to point out.

1. Make thursday and sunday 2nd RvR give every buff to everyone logged and placed in BG.
By this way a lot of people will have access to bonus exp ele or dim att cooldown which is needed atm and etc.
2. Announce the 3rd episode informations earlier.
Make a teaser or leak video, with this people will be kore interested in whats going on and people will play more farm more so they cant have everything ready for
3. Stop mixing chantra bag order
One time i log in my combi is on top. Next time i log in my combi is in the middle of chantra bag. If you have 100+ items im pretty sure it takes aroundn2 minutes to find them.
4. Being able to toggle off lens
Make lens and lens+ being able to toggle off just the 5k ones. Sometimes I turn on my lens+ and go to test crit or just to farm in cf i lose a lot of lens+ for bad cause. Myself alone dont like to spend money for nothing since its hard to earn one.
5. End latria event.
 I think no matter who takes it. Its been there for too long

I would like to hear everyones opinion on this. I wont take them for granted
The more opinions the better

Suggestions / Swash
« on: December 09, 2021, 09:03:02 AM »
Hello, I would sugfest to give swash either better mov speed scaling eitjer give mov speed back on smart force. At this stage of the game swashes lack a lot of mov speed. We are not able to keep up with all these characters having 300 mov speed

Suggestions / RvR buffs
« on: December 09, 2021, 05:29:28 AM »
My suggestion is to GM. Give free RvR buffs to everyone thats connected when in BG its much easier to everyone like that.

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