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Messages - Lure

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Suggestions / Re: What I have to say
« on: May 27, 2024, 05:06:45 AM »

In fact,  I think the version is balanced.

Many players do not have all the gears Max, u don't know new DMG , so they feel that there is a gap in damage.

The purpose of this version is to increase the damage and make solo kills possible.

If the damage is reduced and you can no longer kill alone, it will be no different from the previous version.

Instead, you will waste a lot of time and energy redone and upgrading gears~

have a good day ingame or life.

Support / Re: About freezing game / Xcrash / HELP
« on: May 22, 2024, 06:25:41 PM »
try change diffent windows , my guild member meet this and change a lot of windows, it's sloved atm.

his laptop is 4070TI maybe urs too

Suggestions / Siege C++ Run Time Error
« on: May 21, 2024, 02:17:52 PM »
hello EveryOne,

    when siege or Server has many players online , we buffs up and use transport or Sum orbs ,

3060 / 3070 / 4060 / 4070 Ti     C++ Run Time Error Always.   buffs up and run 2-3 steps  C++ Run time Errors~~

    It's quite Bad Game failings, we old , it's hard for us have passions to siege at 1:00am to 2:00am to make server some team fights.

    we hope server could slove this problem , and if u have same problems ,please post here also.nor it's hard for server have some team fights anymore.~

have a good day ingame or life

Suggestions / Re: about hh map
« on: May 13, 2024, 05:21:32 AM »
i agree with u

if lvl up there with buffers run into the lvl3 hh map

have a good day ingame or life

Suggestions / Re: What I have to say
« on: May 10, 2024, 11:28:02 AM »
as a sum,

pvp be killed by Proteus a lot , then "Archer" is too powerful ,  "need nerf damage" ^^

try chose good stats gears and put the right stones or something else into it and Max Everything and operate well which help a lot

have a good day ingame or life.

Report / Re: Non stop runtime errors since latest patch
« on: April 21, 2024, 04:01:21 PM »
my guild has the same problem too

for me the same,  when full buffs use passport / NPC transport /  even simple run some steps , it happen.

we have reset computers a lot of time , but it still ~~

have a good day ingame or life

Suggestions / Re: Few suggestions for the current state of game
« on: April 18, 2024, 05:22:08 AM »

maybe some daily quests/events for solo palyer is good suggestion

in my sight, server has more solo than before , so maybe could do something also for them

have a good day ingame or life

Suggestions / Re: Mage Antimagic Reskill Update
« on: April 05, 2024, 02:27:23 PM »
i don't think mage need any care anymore


#1 super fast movement (full buffs 390 more or less)

#2 anti-stun

#3 at present, it is not the first and second target to kill

#4 some 100% skill att

what need to do is relearning how to play this class again.

i think should back 15% movement or change phy res to passive about swash

bcuz she is full buffs 330%+ movement , it's a little hard for her to debuffs or run / chase

she need a little movement or a little tank to swash in team fight.

have a good day ingame or life.

Suggestions / Shrinewood Bridge & First Class
« on: March 28, 2024, 06:42:15 AM »

#1 we often stuck in pictures shows location

At present, there are many popular class such as Archer etc.

So I suggest starting a First Class competition

Exclusive royal cloak style which could choose from new royal clock doing now   &   First Class Mark

when Next First Class comes  former winners' royal Clock style go to normal  like now Cloak of Madness etc.

Suggest: Video promotion Event

Judgment good or bad based on video Play quantity.  For example: 2000times > 500 times

The promotion platform can choose Titok(Douyin) YouTube Bilibili etc main platform.

Reword: Maybe First New kind of Royal choose or  parts of Mats for New Royal

have a good day ingame or life.

Suggestions / Re: hello about new shinewood
« on: March 25, 2024, 02:52:36 AM »

I also think there is no need to change anything now

former , we players just could try one class but now set could try a lot

it's decrease the  boring felling of playing just one class

have a good day ingame or life

Suggestions / Re: Some views and suggestions on this update
« on: March 21, 2024, 03:13:04 AM »
The wtt on Discord is already obvious. Archers and Berserker have to change their careers, which proves the imbalance of this update! Don't always lie!

I have no idea why you are crying so much. You guys need to use your head a bit more and not be so quick to cry. This update in my opinion was HUGE for EVERY class except critters. Archers dont nearly have the mana issues of a hunter and now being able to use HH skills as normal skills? Their damage alone has went up, they are STILL the fastest class in the game, cannot be slowed OR stunned. Also on zerkers, zerkers hands down next to summoners are THE BEST to farm shinewood and infernum which is the two main farming spots in the game right now. They also have very high defensives which allows them not to worry much of being killed. Their are classes that NEEDED help like mage, now mage for once since ive started playing this game is not a secondary class this was an amazing update. Also hunter, there was 2-3 active hunters in the game and want to know why? Solo hunters cannot kill anyone. Now at least we have more dot damage and more mspeed. The administration did an amazing job on this update. You guys are so quick to be negative especially "KTV" guild. Stop crying of archer and zerker these classes both benefit from the HH skill update and already was top tier. Let other classes possibly be top tier for once. Once again, GREAT work from the administration on this update. My only input is i think it is time to do something for critters, possibly an easy update just make crit defense much lower to monsters in shinewood therefore helping them farm. As for PVP they are fine. Thanks


correct spelling "You guy need to use your head" / Not  "You guys need to use your head"

i like this update to make justac , Not Only A farming Game but also Some Life.

#1 if possible, server may need take care of Critter on shrinewood mobs , No need like eclipse but some promote on mobs

#2 if possible , server may need some "boss" to fight

#1 #2  / It was yesterday player communicated with me. some things wish me to give some feedbacks / so i put

as for sum / archer , i don't think normal sum players have good engouh to kill archer.  (100+ cast debuff)

if u want to test , u could make a sum and try fight Proteus / Darkness / Haikuotiankong  which i think is top three archer ingame

have a good day all

Game Discussion / Re: Cloak Desings Discussion
« on: March 20, 2024, 02:11:35 PM »
i like
6 / 26 / 27

Game Discussion / Re: Shinewood
« on: February 29, 2024, 01:54:16 AM »

    Due to the success rate of tools especially lvl 4-6  &  long time teamworks clean the shrinewood = drop some points on gears / weapons

    which makes a lot of adult players think it was just wasting time and energy  in shrinewood or game.

    Not a week or more time farming in shrinewood which make gears / weapon drop some points.

   we hope that we put time in shrinewood, it can steadily improve the gears / weapons , which no need veryfast , but somehow steady.

   at least it's my opinions as an player

Suggestions / Re: choice of cap/top/gloves/boots/boots in lottery system
« on: February 23, 2024, 01:32:04 AM »
my poor english

i read serveral times,which change do u want to change to lottery system?

add new ancient stats to lottery system?

Suggestions / Re: archondrites in shienwood on 1 & 2 wave some % of drop
« on: February 20, 2024, 01:42:36 AM »
about archondrites:

#1 archondrites price going up  bcuz server's golds is more and more , some from infernum and some from pure golds farmer and many other way.
like I mentioned before, server need more way to decrease golds or decrease golds outcome.

#2 bcuz #1 , a lot players don't sell it for golds, they do it for alipay / pp etc. so u couldn't see enough archondrites in AH.

#3 archondrites isn't worth too much farming , bcuz u have many choice atm , like infernum farming / eclipse farming / eclipse tessris / eclipse tesslon / shrinewood farming / race bosses / cf boss / pure golds farming etc.
which bring more income than archondrites

#4 archondrites consume is more than before /  like we do it for shrinewood box /  tools upgrade  etc.

in my opinion , archondrites is just an beginning of golds , if it last the golds outcome , other good items will be missing in AH too.

I hope server is aware of this and make some proper actions.

have a good day ingame or life

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