Author Topic: Suggestions 1 2 3  (Read 37556 times)

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Re: Suggestions 1 2 3
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2022, 08:14:01 PM »
Weren't you guys qqing about moonster?? Suddenly you guys want to remove Worm. Pathetic

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Re: Suggestions 1 2 3
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2022, 08:20:19 PM »
Personally find it boring. The same event over and over again every day, and has been for months. Maybe bring something else ::)


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Re: Suggestions 1 2 3
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2022, 08:25:35 PM »
Mate i ve been playing this server for 2 weeks and im washed of latria... Wonning or loosing repetetive content is boring
-Swashbuckler Exconi

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Re: Suggestions 1 2 3
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2022, 08:35:20 PM »
1 = no (maybe a event, but there is already 3 times a day RvR)
2 = full info no, but slightly hints would be welcome
3 = would be very nice. wasnt like that on the previous server
4 = from my perspective not needed
5 = im twisted with that opinion. over all, its the only ongoing event, beside moonster. just sad, that all is reduced on worm actually.
i like spot fights more than latria,
but that doesnt mean it should be cancled.
maybe something new would be fine in the future. like Infernum, just not same map :)

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Re: Suggestions 1 2 3
« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2022, 08:39:21 PM »
+1 D0gma words

« Last Edit: January 25, 2022, 08:45:39 PM by Majinbuu »

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Re: Suggestions 1 2 3
« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2022, 09:10:03 PM »
The whole idea of removing the worm is way more than ridiculous. I cant understand how can you fall that low guys. Worm is a DAILY EVENT. I underline the term [Daily Event] that we have twice a day. They gave it to us so we have what to do every day. We have something worth fighting for. How come when we were playing on the old Justac server where we had a DAILY EVENT in the form of Tesseris Bosses + The Artifact nobody complained? We have the same thing over here but in the form of the Worm in Latria. When the new episode will be updated and worm will be replaced with the new daily event or they will give us daily Tesseris boss, and you will lose some fights again will to suggest to delete it as well?
Right now you guys are just humiliating yourselves with those type of actions and requests. Now it literally look like this:
-we cant get the worm because our enemies are abusing EC items in the form of protective passports and summoning orbs. APROVED BY THE ADMIN -> solution didnt work out so we have to think about something else.
-new idea came up! Lets suggest to remove the worm daily event. So your new suggestion is: we cant win the fights in order to get the worm so lets remove the worm from the game. If we cant have it nobody will have it then.
I would like to remind you that not so long ago you guys came up with a suggestion to add the Moonster boss to worm in Latria so everybody have equal chances to drop a royal, super manual, ashtals, scions, shapestones; during the whole day, not only during the daily worm event. And now you are not capable of getting either of the bosses, so you will approve the idea of removing the worm. Im just missing words to describe this whole situation because its way more than pathetic.
You always defend yourself guys with the Siege. That we dont show up on the siege. that we just fight on the worm, that we cant get a castle etc. Okay so let me tell you the truth about the sieges. You always have amazing amount of players on the siege that is extremely outnumbering us. So if we have just our usual numbers versus fifty players of you guys (and you call it equal numbers) it is obvious we are not going to come to lose a fight against something that is absolutely WORTHLES. Obtaining a castle is meaningless, just compare the reward for the castle that the guild has to split between all the players to the reward for the worm. Instead of complaining about the worm, try to suggest something new like increasing the reward for the castle so it would finally make the fight worth.
You guys are coming to Latria also with a insane amount of people that outnumbers us but we still pick up the fight because worm is worth fighting for, and anyway you still lose the fight and then defend yourselves with the siege. Great you have the castle congratulations to you guys.
Look at other games and compare it to our Archlord. Look how many daily events other games are running in the form of bosses, dungeons, races and other activities. Worm is our only daily activity and you want to delete it from the game and make it boring.
Guys really, we are all here as one community and we should work together in order to make the server work better and run properly as long as its just possible. Instead of devastating the game try to improve it and come out with more creative ideas. Try to suggest new kind of daily event, instead of deleting the only one the server has.

1. Absolutely not. RvR right now is very fun and there is a lot of players in the center every day trying to get the buffs or just fight for fun. Giving buffs for free to everybody will kill the rvr fights.
2. Absolutely yes. Letting us now about the new episode and giving us the view of what we will get or what can we expect from the new episode would be extremely helpful to all of us.
3. Absolutely yes. Looking for the same items all over the chantra bag to use them is extremely annoying and ruins the coordination of movement while playing, for example using summoning orbs or looking for combi pots when they go off during the fight.
4. Absolutely not. If you are not able to afford and play with lens stones dont buy them play without them. Simple
5. Absolutely not. The whole explanation is above.

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Re: Suggestions 1 2 3
« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2022, 09:17:17 PM »
1. If you want BG buffs you need to go fight for it. The system currently is very fair, if you can organize about 5-10 people of your race during rvr, you'll probably take the buffs. And since there are multiple times for BG throughout the day, everyone has a chance to get those buffs.

2. I agree with this idea, I think the addition of HH and BG was handled poorly and could be communicated/hyped up more for the new content in Stage 3.

3. This would obviously be a nice thing, but I doubt that it is as easy to do, as some people might want to believe.

4. I don't care

5. There's no valid argument for removing the worm. This is the only endgame pvp event, besides siege, that gives you a reason to attend. It's not a game with raids or endless dungeons. This is and always has been a pvp game, it's the whole identity and the biggest reason why most of us play it still, 15 years after it has been released.
If you want to take this feature away, you need to implement another worthy pvp endgame, like Arena for example, that we've seen from previous private servers. Otherwise this game will just die out.
Siege once a week, on Saturday main one at 7 pm  (a day where alot of people have social obligations), is just not going to cut it to keep people occupied and enjoying this game.

After having cc items nerfed because of the "unfair" use of these items by the outnumbered side (which is kind of the point of these items, to give the outnumbered side a chance...), to then having the gull to accuse the outnumbered side of "abusing food to cancel debuffs"...
This feels like the ultimate example of someone being a sore loser and instead of trying to improve their characters, communication or anything they're now looking to just remove the whole event from the game.

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Re: Suggestions 1 2 3
« Reply #22 on: January 25, 2022, 09:18:44 PM »
The whole idea of removing the worm is way more than ridiculous. I cant understand how can you fall that low guys. Worm is a DAILY EVENT. I underline the term [Daily Event] that we have twice a day. They gave it to us so we have what to do every day. We have something worth fighting for. How come when we were playing on the old Justac server where we had a DAILY EVENT in the form of Tesseris Bosses + The Artifact nobody complained? We have the same thing over here but in the form of the Worm in Latria. When the new episode will be updated and worm will be replaced with the new daily event or they will give us daily Tesseris boss, and you will lose some fights again will to suggest to delete it as well?
Right now you guys are just humiliating yourselves with those type of actions and requests. Now it literally look like this:
-we cant get the worm because our enemies are abusing EC items in the form of protective passports and summoning orbs. APROVED BY THE ADMIN -> solution didnt work out so we have to think about something else.
-new idea came up! Lets suggest to remove the worm daily event. So your new suggestion is: we cant win the fights in order to get the worm so lets remove the worm from the game. If we cant have it nobody will have it then.
I would like to remind you that not so long ago you guys came up with a suggestion to add the Moonster boss to worm in Latria so everybody have equal chances to drop a royal, super manual, ashtals, scions, shapestones; during the whole day, not only during the daily worm event. And now you are not capable of getting either of the bosses, so you will approve the idea of removing the worm. Im just missing words to describe this whole situation because its way more than pathetic.
You always defend yourself guys with the Siege. That we dont show up on the siege. that we just fight on the worm, that we cant get a castle etc. Okay so let me tell you the truth about the sieges. You always have amazing amount of players on the siege that is extremely outnumbering us. So if we have just our usual numbers versus fifty players of you guys (and you call it equal numbers) it is obvious we are not going to come to lose a fight against something that is absolutely WORTHLES. Obtaining a castle is meaningless, just compare the reward for the castle that the guild has to split between all the players to the reward for the worm. Instead of complaining about the worm, try to suggest something new like increasing the reward for the castle so it would finally make the fight worth.
You guys are coming to Latria also with a insane amount of people that outnumbers us but we still pick up the fight because worm is worth fighting for, and anyway you still lose the fight and then defend yourselves with the siege. Great you have the castle congratulations to you guys.
Look at other games and compare it to our Archlord. Look how many daily events other games are running in the form of bosses, dungeons, races and other activities. Worm is our only daily activity and you want to delete it from the game and make it boring.
Guys really, we are all here as one community and we should work together in order to make the server work better and run properly as long as its just possible. Instead of devastating the game try to improve it and come out with more creative ideas. Try to suggest new kind of daily event, instead of deleting the only one the server has.

1. Absolutely not. RvR right now is very fun and there is a lot of players in the center every day trying to get the buffs or just fight for fun. Giving buffs for free to everybody will kill the rvr fights.
2. Absolutely yes. Letting us now about the new episode and giving us the view of what we will get or what can we expect from the new episode would be extremely helpful to all of us.
3. Absolutely yes. Looking for the same items all over the chantra bag to use them is extremely annoying and ruins the coordination of movement while playing, for example using summoning orbs or looking for combi pots when they go off during the fight.
4. Absolutely not. If you are not able to afford and play with lens stones dont buy them play without them. Simple
5. Absolutely not. The whole explanation is above.
What RoGs gonna say now ??


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Re: Suggestions 1 2 3
« Reply #23 on: January 25, 2022, 09:37:53 PM »
The whole idea of removing the worm is way more than ridiculous. I cant understand how can you fall that low guys. Worm is a DAILY EVENT. I underline the term [Daily Event] that we have twice a day. They gave it to us so we have what to do every day. We have something worth fighting for. How come when we were playing on the old Justac server where we had a DAILY EVENT in the form of Tesseris Bosses + The Artifact nobody complained? We have the same thing over here but in the form of the Worm in Latria. When the new episode will be updated and worm will be replaced with the new daily event or they will give us daily Tesseris boss, and you will lose some fights again will to suggest to delete it as well?
Right now you guys are just humiliating yourselves with those type of actions and requests. Now it literally look like this:
-we cant get the worm because our enemies are abusing EC items in the form of protective passports and summoning orbs. APROVED BY THE ADMIN -> solution didnt work out so we have to think about something else.
-new idea came up! Lets suggest to remove the worm daily event. So your new suggestion is: we cant win the fights in order to get the worm so lets remove the worm from the game. If we cant have it nobody will have it then.
I would like to remind you that not so long ago you guys came up with a suggestion to add the Moonster boss to worm in Latria so everybody have equal chances to drop a royal, super manual, ashtals, scions, shapestones; during the whole day, not only during the daily worm event. And now you are not capable of getting either of the bosses, so you will approve the idea of removing the worm. Im just missing words to describe this whole situation because its way more than pathetic.
You always defend yourself guys with the Siege. That we dont show up on the siege. that we just fight on the worm, that we cant get a castle etc. Okay so let me tell you the truth about the sieges. You always have amazing amount of players on the siege that is extremely outnumbering us. So if we have just our usual numbers versus fifty players of you guys (and you call it equal numbers) it is obvious we are not going to come to lose a fight against something that is absolutely WORTHLES. Obtaining a castle is meaningless, just compare the reward for the castle that the guild has to split between all the players to the reward for the worm. Instead of complaining about the worm, try to suggest something new like increasing the reward for the castle so it would finally make the fight worth.
You guys are coming to Latria also with a insane amount of people that outnumbers us but we still pick up the fight because worm is worth fighting for, and anyway you still lose the fight and then defend yourselves with the siege. Great you have the castle congratulations to you guys.
Look at other games and compare it to our Archlord. Look how many daily events other games are running in the form of bosses, dungeons, races and other activities. Worm is our only daily activity and you want to delete it from the game and make it boring.
Guys really, we are all here as one community and we should work together in order to make the server work better and run properly as long as its just possible. Instead of devastating the game try to improve it and come out with more creative ideas. Try to suggest new kind of daily event, instead of deleting the only one the server has.

1. Absolutely not. RvR right now is very fun and there is a lot of players in the center every day trying to get the buffs or just fight for fun. Giving buffs for free to everybody will kill the rvr fights.
2. Absolutely yes. Letting us now about the new episode and giving us the view of what we will get or what can we expect from the new episode would be extremely helpful to all of us.
3. Absolutely yes. Looking for the same items all over the chantra bag to use them is extremely annoying and ruins the coordination of movement while playing, for example using summoning orbs or looking for combi pots when they go off during the fight.
4. Absolutely not. If you are not able to afford and play with lens stones dont buy them play without them. Simple
5. Absolutely not. The whole explanation is above.

+1 nice answer but you need to listen to this fisrt
We are not trying to cancel thi event because we are loosing it. We are trying to cancel it becausee people are leaving the game. So much repetetive content. Mayve if we cancel it new episode might come faster. Nothing against you having it all the time.
-Swashbuckler Exconi

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Re: Suggestions 1 2 3
« Reply #24 on: January 25, 2022, 09:47:18 PM »

After having cc items nerfed because of the "unfair" use of these items

this was an very old inquire, started on the old server, even from ur union member.
you guys will see the change on eclipse and maybe u will be appreciative then.
(even i dont agree with the price now)


tbh, my post is not much different to ur lists, isnt it? :)

have a nice day.
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Re: Suggestions 1 2 3
« Reply #25 on: January 25, 2022, 09:50:39 PM »
rvr should be modified slightly because some races can never get the buff because nobody comes to fight or too low players play this race
admin should give us  more info before the updates so we can prepare for it
yeah cc bag is messed up it should be fixed
i think worm and moonster are fine it makes people wants to fight but im okay if we change the area because its true this area is too big to have proper fights example archer only runs or elem is too slow to follow some of the fights maybe change the area a little to add new things
and castles should gives more than what they give because because of worm and moonster catles givezs only 1b each week its so bad and since stull castles is in the hands of the gm you can just go to stull to buys things and not pay taxes something need to be done about that
in my opnion if we want to have fun and good fights somethings to be changed so we can all enjoy the fights :)
whats the point of playing a game if everyone trashtalk each others we are all here because we like this game and want to have fun on it :)

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Re: Suggestions 1 2 3
« Reply #26 on: January 25, 2022, 11:47:17 PM »
Would be nice if it were every second day atleast, the worm i mean, or just weekends..idk
Having them every day ruins the game

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Re: Suggestions 1 2 3
« Reply #27 on: January 25, 2022, 11:59:26 PM »
So when next stage comes and tesseris comes are you guys going to get bored of that too?

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Re: Suggestions 1 2 3
« Reply #28 on: January 26, 2022, 02:16:24 AM »
Hello everyone I have a couple of suggestions in my mind that I would like to point out.

1. Make thursday and sunday 2nd RvR give every buff to everyone logged and placed in BG.
By this way a lot of people will have access to bonus exp ele or dim att cooldown which is needed atm and etc.
2. Announce the 3rd episode informations earlier.
Make a teaser or leak video, with this people will be kore interested in whats going on and people will play more farm more so they cant have everything ready for
3. Stop mixing chantra bag order
One time i log in my combi is on top. Next time i log in my combi is in the middle of chantra bag. If you have 100+ items im pretty sure it takes aroundn2 minutes to find them.
4. Being able to toggle off lens
Make lens and lens+ being able to toggle off just the 5k ones. Sometimes I turn on my lens+ and go to test crit or just to farm in cf i lose a lot of lens+ for bad cause. Myself alone dont like to spend money for nothing since its hard to earn one.
5. End latria event.
 I think no matter who takes it. Its been there for too long

I would like to hear everyones opinion on this. I wont take them for granted
The more opinions the better

In a situation where most players refuse to participate RvR Battle and wait in fortresses, we can reduce the number of battles to two per week (original setting). Buffs will be more valuable and maybe it will motivate players to fight. Justac want to create challenges, not kill them. Free buffs will kill the challenge.
Most players know the Eclipse Episode and know what to expect.
We know about the problem with Chantra Bag and are still looking for a solution to the problem with different server time format.
At the moment, we cannot propose any other way to use the Lens Stone.
The Latria Event is designed to be a long-term guild event until the final map is unlocked.  The event is liked by players and there is no reason to give it up.

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Re: Suggestions 1 2 3
« Reply #29 on: January 26, 2022, 05:32:58 AM »
maybe just another map with the same event. I like the idea of ​​D0gm4 bringing a world like Infernum clearly not with the same map it's not that nice. I prefer self buff fights