Justac Forum

General Discussion => Suggestions => Topic started by: wang162710 on August 15, 2023, 03:22:33 AM

Title: 地狱的改动
Post by: wang162710 on August 15, 2023, 03:22:33 AM
Title: Re: 地狱的改动
Post by: Amoswar on August 15, 2023, 04:42:17 AM
Google traduction :
There are too many gold coins falling from hell now, causing the in-game coins to be out of circulation, and the official cannot get more recharges! It is suggested that Hell can no longer be opened to gold coins! In this way, novice players who can't fight monsters in hell can also play game coins and trade golden tickets and good luck with old players! If there are too many gold coins given all the time, then novice players can't get anything!

By gold coins, do you mean Gold, or Gold ticket ?
or you refer to the reward of Events ? or the fact that infernum is open all the time and its easy to make money/gold ticket ?
Title: Re: 地狱的改动
Post by: Justseeyou on August 15, 2023, 05:58:45 AM
Strongly agree. That area should be fighting PVP, not farming for gold. otherwise, new players have no place to survive. we should keep more places for new players to farm until the can join the fighting.
Title: Re: 地狱的改动
Post by: Amoswar on August 15, 2023, 06:14:09 AM
To be clear,

You suggest to remove "Silver coins" from infernum drop ?

So that new players have a chance at farming the same as old players and not have a map giving that much money to strong players and make it harder for new players to get it since its a fight zone ?

Did i get it right ?
If yes, would still need to make gold accessible somehow, maybe put 50/100m on Lydia so it actually become a useful boss ?
Title: Re: 地狱的改动
Post by: Lure on August 15, 2023, 08:46:30 AM

infernum indeed comes out too much golds

before golds refine mostly by gold tickets / uniq / lucky tickets , now Only by some refine uniqs or lucky tickets.

it's quite good ideas for make infernum boss  Great Agains  (Lydia or Eidolon / Reaper all good ),  no matter add some golds /

box with royal / wing chest / Lens + etc .  something need Fight / Challenge to Win

Title: Re: 地狱的改动
Post by: Nymeria on August 15, 2023, 09:01:45 AM
No, it is not a good idea.

Gold ressource so far is hard to get except in infernum (and you need gold for anything you want to refine).
Any new/solo player can snag a few because at the very moment infernum opens 24/7 and that makes the time zone farmable for absolutely anybody. If you nerf Infernum's gold, it's going to be the same problem as before, when ancient was opened with ceisure -> only castle holders have gold (which basically means the guilds who can fight it, new players will again give up on having gold).

Reworking Lydia loot could be a fair idea. But I really don't agree she should give the possibility to obtain royal or anything close like eidolon in the past. But again, bare in mind that any change will lead to a lot of abuse by the same players that already make sure to abuse their numbers for anything.

I really believe that infernum is one of the places that requires least changes as so far they can't abuse anything there and that makes a lot of people try their luck and especialy new/returning/solo players.
Title: Re: 地狱的改动
Post by: Aook on August 15, 2023, 09:11:05 AM
No, it is not a good idea.

Gold ressource so far is hard to get except in infernum (and you need gold for anything you want to refine).
Any new/solo player can snag a few because at the very moment infernum opens 24/7 and that makes the time zone farmable for absolutely anybody. If you nerf Infernum's gold, it's going to be the same problem as before, when ancient was opened with ceisure -> only castle holders have gold (which basically means the guilds who can fight it, new players will again give up on having gold).

Reworking Lydia loot could be a fair idea. But I really don't agree she should give the possibility to obtain royal or anything close like eidolon in the past. But again, bare in mind that any change will lead to a lot of abuse by the same players that already make sure to abuse their numbers for anything.

I really believe that infernum is one of the places that requires least changes as so far they can't abuse anything there and that makes a lot of people try their luck and especialy new/returning/solo players.
I completely agree with what Nymeria said, Infernum is good as it is right now.

The fact is when i farm i and if no one of my guild mate is against it, i let solo players farm along with me, i leave them 2 spots in general so they can cycle throught them and get some gold/nectars/chance of getting gts and manuals

The thing is Lydia right now should have her drop reworked, what proposed Nymeria sounds good since before in infernum there was Eidolon that gave you the chance to get better items than what lydia does, probably her loot should be reworked. like she drops 5 boxes instead of 10, those boxes can give you either new ashtals/new scions/royal/gts/manuals/gold coin of the rich and maybe add a 100% pet manual which could be droppable in this box OR make this a craftable item with all the pet manuals that we drop inside infernum

But i don't see why we should remove gold from infernum while its litteraly one of the only source of gold for engame players (apart from castles), and even new/solo players are able to get there just look at khonsu/dageda/phobos/blindarrow and some others, i don't really see the point that you are trying to make if you can explain
Title: Re: 地狱的改动
Post by: Blindarrow on August 15, 2023, 09:18:28 AM
Infernum as it is is currently a really good area for gather materials, gold, manuals, gold tickets, nectars for new and old players.

I'm not sure how this would change the whole thing but maybe lowering the rate on GTs/100% manuals but making the respawn shorter could make the farm a bit better because currently if there is no fight max 2-3 ppl can farm and still need to wait for respawn. I can understand that it must be like this because otherwise we would drop GT/manuals every few minutes so my suggestion is to lower it's rate but also the respawn time.

What is way more needed in infernum - make all skills being useable/working. Restrain for example isn't working and it's a pretty important part of archer.
Title: Re: 地狱的改动
Post by: D0gm4 on August 15, 2023, 09:28:55 AM
Infernum is end-game area.

As a new player or comeback player, they should grind in Eclipse first.
Use the droped gold to refine Rings and sell Archondrites.
This Gold u can use to refine Castkets.
Aditionally u have the option to go from time to time to Infernum, since it isnt all time covered by guilds.
to get some Nectar and some additional Gold and maybe more.

So idk why there should be a change for now.
Only few player have the option to grind there 8+ hours, so they get tons of gold ofc.
But that doesnt count for everyone.

have a nice day
Title: Re: 地狱的改动
Post by: Lure on August 15, 2023, 09:42:53 AM

100% pet manual from Lydia's box maybe a good idea or Something rly Need fight for.

if Golds from infernum remains, Need more Available ways consume Golds.

That makes Golds worthy something ,trade more with golds , get more from golds.  Not always PP.

As for Sige : 

siege is a important part of Archlord.

siege is an optional existence now, somehow no need Team Fight for a mark / 3B Golds

Bcuz 3b golds is Not much as Infernum Gives.

at least we show our points from all sides

have a good day ingame or life.

Title: Re: 地狱的改动
Post by: TOAD on August 15, 2023, 10:07:28 AM
Title: Re: 地狱的改动
Post by: TOAD on August 15, 2023, 10:15:54 AM
+1 for devil Lure
Title: Re: 地狱的改动
Post by: wang162710 on August 15, 2023, 10:17:00 AM
Title: Re: 地狱的改动
Post by: Aook on August 15, 2023, 10:35:06 AM
From google translate : "I think hell should really stop issuing gold, so that novices can trade GT and 100% with old players after paying hard work to sell gold from junk equipment. If old players can get everything in hell, how can new players get it? GT and 100% ? If a novice player enters the map, you will kill him, and the game currency will no longer be in circulation! The life of the game server will also end for this!"

To be honest right now, i know some people are out of gold or low on it (like me) because of the crafts i do or the things i buy to build chars, the most gold is detained probably by your guild because of the number of players you have that farms and the amount of bosses and castles you got in the past, and even if you used a lot of it you guys can make it easily with all the mats gathered that you can sell

To be honest you would sell more if you would review your prices down because asking 400m for one new ashtal while complaining that new players don't have gold its just nonsense to me, i know there is a high demand of new ashtals even myself am seeking to get them
But since you hold the highest amount and solo/new players can't really get thems through kaligo or tesslon yeah they can't actually do something beside farming gold to buy items (which is what i am doing aswell)

I understand the point of infernum being hard for new players, but this map is litteraly an endgame map, you can't make it easier for people that just came back or joined the server because that would make the engame players stop coming, before going in infernum you need to farm in eclipse, then when you are around 145 you can go in infernum to start gathering mats, nectars, gold and so on

Like D0gm4 said there is plenty of time when infernum is empty, and to be honest i know that when a player needs like one or two spots i just let them have it because what is the point of locking solo players out when we need them to actually join and make the server populated

I want to hear from those solo/new players, not from a big guild because you speak for them right now, but i want them to speak for themselves and give us their feedbacks
Title: Re: 地狱的改动
Post by: Aook on August 15, 2023, 10:37:31 AM

100% pet manual from Lydia's box maybe a good idea or Something rly Need fight for.

if Golds from infernum remains, Need more Available ways consume Golds.

That makes Golds worthy something ,trade more with golds , get more from golds.  Not always PP.

As for Sige : 

siege is a important part of Archlord.

siege is an optional existence now, somehow no need Team Fight for a mark / 3B Golds

Bcuz 3b golds is Not much as Infernum Gives.

at least we show our points from all sides

have a good day ingame or life.

By the way i have a lot of things when it comes to lydia, because to be honest its a boss but her drop is really bad, kaligo should have his rate changed also because getting level 4 prayer stones 24/7 is awful but thats just my POV since im not lucky probably im just the only one who complains about it lol
Title: Re: 地狱的改动
Post by: LeafaSenpai on August 15, 2023, 11:01:15 AM
no infernum is good the way it is right now its meant for endgame players and should stay for endgame players even more sice you need a lot of gold to craft LT archondrites new uniques Royals etc .
if you all remember at stage 2 gold was so hard to get and we couldn't craft anything or had to keep gold and buy with real money cause nobody had gold we shouldn't go to that system again .
they need first to fix the bugs that are on the game before changing anything like mutation narcolepsy restrain that are bugging in infernum and bugging your stats its a priority and now that everyone has new uniques they should look for ways to balance more the classes .
at least its my opinion .

- Hildaliv -
Title: Re: 地狱的改动
Post by: Bosscrit on August 15, 2023, 07:15:48 PM
+1 what Hildaliv says.
Completely agree Infernum should stay the way it is.
Everyone has gold problems sooner or later and infernum is a good way to compensate the problem.
Title: Re: 地狱的改动
Post by: dabshiree on August 15, 2023, 07:30:18 PM
+1 also, there is already a huge issue with BOTTERS in HH and BG and CF. So its very obvious which players are abusing these botting areas for gold and archondrite by looking at the market. For the players who are at end game and do not BOT these low level areas infernum is our income for gold beside siege. Infernum drops the most gold, also nectars, GT's, Manuals, Pet Reinforcement Manuals as it should. It is end game content meant for the strongest end game players. Infernum is perfect, like a few others said if we need to focus on anything pertaining to infernum it should be the issues with mutation on an Ele, restrain on an Archer, and some of the very minor map fixes. Ill also add compared to what ive heard about the previous infernum GM's have done an amazing job on the fixes already applied. But yes once again infernum gold is perfect, and no one can control infernum 24/7. Its hands down the best map we have and the best drop - to - risk ratio. Lets focus on CF party buff issues, as that is the real issue at hand and the public seems to be very much in favor of making this change.
Title: Re: 地狱的改动
Post by: Blindarrow on August 15, 2023, 07:31:35 PM
As a solo player (not by choice :p) I can say that infernum offers me a good possibility to drop some nectars/gold/GTs/manuals even if I go inside few times a week. Map itself is awesome and the only thing I'm really annoyed of is the unseeable players (a dot about head would be enough , cause sometimes some classes melt into intoenvironment) .
I think the issue is that many players made "gold farmers" which are tab+3 farming half a day to make gold and now as people get their own gold income these farmers aren't that needed anymore. For me it's better since I prefer to fight and farm in infernum and get some gold, nectars and items than sitting Infront of pc watching my character farm and sell items every minute ...

So in the end : don't change the gold drop in infernum :)