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Messages - Game Operator

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Events / Valentine's Day Event
« on: February 11, 2022, 12:58:18 AM »
1. A Beautiful Date
Make a screenshot in a romantic Archlord scenery with the person you like. The pair can be male-female, male-male, female-female, we do not judge :) Post screenshot in this thread, nicknames should be visible on picture. Each of the couples in the picture will get a surprise gift. One picture from 2 real players please! Post it by the end of Monday. If we see a significant effort to take a beautiful photo, we can decide on an additional reward.
2. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach
At random times, a message will appear, run quickly to Auction House to hunt various cookings for 1 gold.
3. Secret Word
Saturday and Sunday
When you meet a GM on your spot while she checking bots, tell her "love" and you will get a gift.

Report / Re: Game won't start after todays patch
« on: February 11, 2022, 12:31:02 AM »
Hello, please try to unpack the entire client again and update again.

Announcements / Re: Updates info
« on: February 10, 2022, 09:36:43 AM »
You can see more buffs and debuffs now. We increased max fps to 120. We have fixed the bug with the invisible players in several locations in first dungeons.

Episodes Informations / Re: Ancient Heroes TBA
« on: February 05, 2022, 12:59:57 AM »
L'histoire des héros antiques

Nous les connaissons que par des histoires pour enfants et de vieilles peintures dans l'une des tombes. Il y a longtemps, avant même que les Elfes de la Lune (Moonelfs) n'arrivent et avant que la race Dragonscion n'évolue, il y avait deux races au pays de Chantra : les Humains et les Orcs. Les deux races se sont battues pour la domination du continent, oubliant que leurs ennemis communs sont les monstres qui se cachent partout.Un jour, l'un des mages de feu humain nommé Lydia partit en patrouille pour nettoyer la zone des monstres. Elle a rencontré un sorcier de glace Orc qui combattait un monstre puissant. Le jeune Vainton s'est aventuré sur les terres humaines à la recherche de renommée et de gloire. Alors que le jeune sorcier commençait à perdre le combat, Lydia se joignit à lui et ensemble ils vainquirent le monstre. Accepter l'aide d'un humain était une grande honte pour les Orcs à l'époque, c'est pourquoi Vainton blessé est devenu enragé par Lydia. Elle s'en fichait et commença à le soigner, puis l'escorta jusqu'à la frontière du royaume humain. En voyageant ensemble, ils ont découvert qu'ils avaient un objectif commun : renforcer leurs capacités magiques pour combattre les monstres qui affligent le monde de Chantra. Leur voyage ensemble et leurs nombreux combats les ont rendus très puissants. Ils ont également remarqué que la magie du feu et la magie de la glace peuvent se compléter. Pendant de nombreuses années, Lydia et Vainton ont cherché la paix entre leurs races, mais ces derniers les ont déclarés comme des traîtres et ont continué à mener la Grande Guerre. L'amour qui est né entre ce couple était plus fort que les préjugés raciaux. Une fois qu'ils ont acquis beaucoup d'expérience, ils ont décidé de faire l'impossible. Après un long combat acharné, ils ont réussi à enfermer le Balor King dans Asylum. Malheureusement, Vainton a été mortellement blessé au cours de ce combat. Aucune des deux races ne voulait que le héros soit enterré dans leur royaume, alors Lydia l'a enterré dans l'ancienne tombe du territoire sans homme. Ceux qui ont entendu leur histoire et leurs réalisations ont commencé à parler de plus en plus fort de la conclusion de paix entre les races. Lydia les aida et leur donna de précieux conseils jusqu'à sa mort. Selon ses souhaits, elle a été enterrée dans la même tombe que Vainton. La légende dit que Lydia veille toujours sur cette dernière.

Episodes Informations / Re: Ancient Heroes TBA
« on: February 04, 2022, 05:10:38 PM »
Die Geschichte der antiken Helden

Wir kennen sie nur von Kindergeschichten und alten Wandgemälden der Gräber.
Noch lange bevor die Mondelfen hier ankamen und bevor sich die Drachen entwickelten,
gab es in Chantra nur zwei Rassen:
Menschen und Orks
Sie bekämpften einander, um die Vorherrschaft des Kontinents zu erlangen,
vergessend, dass die Monster, ihre gemeinsamen Feinde, überall lauern.

Eines Tages, als die Feuermagierin Lydia patrouillierte, um das Gebiet von Monstern zu säubern,
begegnete Sie einem Ork Eis-Zauberer, der ein starkes Monster bekämpfte.
Der junge Vainton, wagte sich auf der Suche nach Ruhm und Ehre in das Gebiet der Menschen vor.
Als Lydia sah, wie der junge Zauberer den Kampf zu verlieren drohte, beschloss Sie ihm zu helfen und bekämpfte das Monster mit ihm zusammen.
Zu dieser Zeit, was es eine große Schande für einen Ork, Hilfe von Menschen anzunehmen, weshalb der verwundete Vainton auch sehr verärgert war.
Lydia war dies jedoch egal, heilte ihn und eskortierte ihn zu den Grenzen des Menschenreichs.

Auf diesem Weg erkannten Sie beide, dass sie eigentlich ein Gemeinsames Ziel haben:
Ihre magischen Fähigkeiten zu stärken um die Monster die Chantra heimsuchen zu bekämpfen.
Die gemeinsame Reise und zahlreichen Kämpfe, machten sie sehr mächtig.
Sie bemerkten, dass sich die Feuermagie und Eismagie zusammen abrunden.

Lydia und Vainton suchten viele Jahre den Frieden zwischen ihren Rassen,
aber sie wurden zu Verrätern erklärt und der große Krieg ging weiter fort.
Ihre gemeinsame Liebe war jedoch stärker als die Vorurteile und nachdem sie so viel Erfahrung erreicht haben, beschlossen sie das Unmögliche zu tun.
Es gelang ihnen, nach einem langen und harten Kampf, den Balor King einzusperren.
Leider wurde Vainton dabei tödlich verwundet.
Keine der Rassen erlaubte es den Held auf ihrem Gebiet zu begraben, somit bestattete Lydia ihn im Niemandsland.

Die Taten und Errungenschaften begannen sich zu verbreiten und machte den Wunsch nach Frieden zwischen den Rassen laut.
Bis zu ihrem Tod, unterstützte Lydia diese Bewegung und wurde auf ihren Wunsch, im selben Grab wie Vainton beigesetzt.

Die Legende besagt, dass Lydia noch immer über Vaintons Grab wacht.

Announcements / Re: Monthly informations
« on: February 04, 2022, 05:03:55 PM »

The planned date for adding Stage 3 components is February 25.
The most important changes are:
opening the Eclipse map
new unique rings and necklaces (100% chance to refine from collected materials, list of stats below)
a new boss in CF and a second boss in Ancient Heroes dungeon necessary to get new accessories and a new title
end of Latria Events
changes for level rewards
adding Gold Ticket (no changes except shields - maximum 3 slots)
Cast Time change 99% and skill adjustment after 3 months from St3 opening (during this time we will analyse players progress)

Hestia Necklace
+2 Skill
+20% HP
+15% Elemental Resist
+15% Dimensional Resist
+15% Skill Block
+15% Block
+15% Dodge
+50 Heroic Defence

Fearless Necklace
+2 Skill
+10% Ignore Defence
+10% Critical Chance 200%
+20% Stun Chance 1s
+15% Attack Speed
+15% Movement Speed

Arcane Necklace
+2 Skill
+50 Damage
+50 Heroic Damage
+50 Elemental Damage
+50 Dimensional Damage
+15% Attack Speed
+15% Movement Speed

Delusion Necklace
+2 Skill
+10% Cooldown Time
+20% Cast Time
+5000 HP Recovery every 10sec
+15% Skill Block
+15% Block
+15% Dodge
+50 Damage

Reaper Ring
+2 Skill
+5% Resistance
+10% Elemental Resist
+10% Dimensional Resist
+10% Skill Block
+10% Block
+10% Dodge
+30 Heroic Defence

Eidolon Ring
+2 Skill
+5% Ignore Defence
+10% Critical Chance 200%
+10% Stun Chance 1s
+10% Attack Speed
+10% Movement Speed

Vengeance Ring
+2 Skill
+30 Damage
+30 Heroic Damage
+30 Elemental Damage
+30 Dimensional Damage
+10% Attack Speed
+10% Movement Speed

Void Ring
+2 Skill
+10% Cooldown Time
+20% Cast Time
+1000 MP Recovery
+10% Skill Block
+10% Block
+10% Dodge
+30 Damage

Protection Cloak
+1 Skill
+20% HP
+5% Resistance
+10% Elemental Resist
+10% Deimensional Resist
+5% Critical Resistance

Madness Cloak
+1 Skill
+30 Damage
+30 Heroic Damage
+30 Elemental Damage
+30 Dimensional Damage
+15% Movement Speed

Wonder Cloak
+1 Skill
+30% Ignore Defence and Ignore Elemental Defence
+30% Attack Speed
+15% Movement Speed
+5m Normal Attack Range
-20% Critical Chance (negative effect)

Stats are adjusted to provide the right balance of play and a variety of playstyles for different classes.
All changes are made to give players a purpose, extend the game, and promote the players who actually play.
Justac Team has to plan the game for the coming year, not just for the next month, and we hope Players understand that.

Suggestions / Re: small suggestions
« on: January 26, 2022, 02:36:45 AM »
1. Make a weekly, or monthly ban list
2. Remove pt buffs when entering Latria
3. Make letters of pardon stackable to 50 and make them tradable, yes you lose cc but you get back cc on scrolls
4. Announce new episode stats a week earlier or month atleast

The ban list does nothing but escalate hate and name & shame. Banned people are usually aware of the ban reason.
Latria Event is a guild event and players should be prepared for it as for group fights.
The penalty system is fairly light and we are not going to make it any easier.

Suggestions / Re: Suggestions 1 2 3
« on: January 26, 2022, 02:16:24 AM »
Hello everyone I have a couple of suggestions in my mind that I would like to point out.

1. Make thursday and sunday 2nd RvR give every buff to everyone logged and placed in BG.
By this way a lot of people will have access to bonus exp ele or dim att cooldown which is needed atm and etc.
2. Announce the 3rd episode informations earlier.
Make a teaser or leak video, with this people will be kore interested in whats going on and people will play more farm more so they cant have everything ready for
3. Stop mixing chantra bag order
One time i log in my combi is on top. Next time i log in my combi is in the middle of chantra bag. If you have 100+ items im pretty sure it takes aroundn2 minutes to find them.
4. Being able to toggle off lens
Make lens and lens+ being able to toggle off just the 5k ones. Sometimes I turn on my lens+ and go to test crit or just to farm in cf i lose a lot of lens+ for bad cause. Myself alone dont like to spend money for nothing since its hard to earn one.
5. End latria event.
 I think no matter who takes it. Its been there for too long

I would like to hear everyones opinion on this. I wont take them for granted
The more opinions the better

In a situation where most players refuse to participate RvR Battle and wait in fortresses, we can reduce the number of battles to two per week (original setting). Buffs will be more valuable and maybe it will motivate players to fight. Justac want to create challenges, not kill them. Free buffs will kill the challenge.
Most players know the Eclipse Episode and know what to expect.
We know about the problem with Chantra Bag and are still looking for a solution to the problem with different server time format.
At the moment, we cannot propose any other way to use the Lens Stone.
The Latria Event is designed to be a long-term guild event until the final map is unlocked.  The event is liked by players and there is no reason to give it up.

Report / Re: Xcrash report
« on: January 25, 2022, 01:03:28 AM »
Only two players sent us their xcrash report files. We kindly ask community to send more of them.

Game Discussion / MOVED: small suggestions
« on: January 25, 2022, 12:58:31 AM »

Report / Re: Xcrash report
« on: January 23, 2022, 07:28:24 PM »
To send crash.dmp you can use free hosting sites like and provide us the link in your ticket.

Announcements / Re: Castle Siege Informations and Rules
« on: January 22, 2022, 09:39:47 AM »
Information: We will try to conduct today's fight for Archlord on main channel.

Events / Stress Test Event
« on: January 22, 2022, 09:36:45 AM »
We invite all players to participate in the Stress Test Event. Its purpose is to check the server under higher load.
Event type: item giveaway
Event time: Sunday 6pm server time

Level +90lv:  1x Lucky Ticket 1x Warning of Asthal
All Levels: 1x each nectar and a Tiger Head suit

After giveaway Ghosts monsters will be spawned in Tullan City.

Important: this is a test, everything can happen, so be prepared for possible server restart and need to log into game again.

Announcements / Re: Updates info
« on: January 21, 2022, 08:46:36 AM »
In response to players request, changes have been made to limit the use of certain items in PvP. Added 15 minutes cooldown and changed price for protective passport, gate of phantom and summoning orb.

Report / Re: Event Camping Latria "CHN" Clan
« on: January 20, 2022, 04:19:30 PM »
I kindly remind you that Fat Green Worm Event is a guild event. For lone players there is The Moonster event which is available 24/7.

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