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Messages - Noctis1290

Pages: [1]
Report / ORC Hunter Misleader Bug
« on: May 24, 2021, 10:01:20 PM »
Personal Chantra Bag Giant pots wont let Misleader buff take effect even though no relation in stats and no game console errors or warnings... Misleader will cast, just the effects of the buff don't take effect... so after a kind help of another player same lvl same class. they don't seem to be having this issue. They even watched me cast the buff but it didn't show when they clicked on me.

WORK AROUND ... so i had to use an evasion pot and override it with Misleader in order for the Misleader buff to work but this will only happen once and as soon as the buff runs out and i go to use it again it wont work
thoughts could be possible cache issue knowing what could be activated and what shouldn't be activated.

i cannot play my archer due to this issue i don't know if people have the same issue i've seen other archers without the issue any ideas would be grateful

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