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Messages - wang162710

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
Suggestions / Re: Please add a prop to the store
« on: Today at 06:06:07 AM »
Can you add a "Super Talisman of Heavenly Luck" prop?

Suggestions / Re: Please add a prop to the store
« on: Today at 03:03:59 AM »
"Talisman of Heavenly luck"
"Super lucky charm"
"Lucky charm"
What I mean is a more effective prop! Can you understand? Please do not express your opinions without understanding them again!A prop with higher effectiveness than the current drop prop! He can be more expensive! It's like a blue+50 and a yellow+100, but there's only one rare item drop! He should have a better alternative!

Suggestions / Re: Objective discussion
« on: May 29, 2024, 05:41:06 AM »
Than dont ally With batards ?
No alliance

Suggestions / Re: Objective discussion
« on: May 29, 2024, 02:58:59 AM »
I don't know if anyone thinks Saturday's battle for the Big Boss was very interesting! There should be no alliance! This is really crazy! Games should be like this.

The Battle was awesome, since we got finally 3 "different" sides fighting for it.
This test should be done months ago, but some decided different.
so i do not know what are u talking about alliance.

in the end, i enjoyed it and all sides did their best.

stay safe

What I'm saying is that no one's alliance is really great!

Suggestions / Objective discussion
« on: May 28, 2024, 03:06:26 AM »
I don't know if anyone thinks Saturday's battle for the Big Boss was very interesting! There should be no alliance! This is really crazy! Games should be like this.

Suggestions / Re: Sarcophagus box
« on: May 27, 2024, 11:22:30 AM »
The important thing is that the success rate of the tool is too low, so paying for refinement will make you feel like you are losing money! The success rate of the tool should be adjusted! For example, the success rate of LV1 is 30%, LV2 success rate of 40%, LV3 has a success rate of 50%, LV4 success rate of 60%, LV5 has a success rate of 70%, LV6 success rate of 80%, LV7 attributes+1, this is the result that everyone is satisfied with! And the difficulty of this game lies in the random attributes changed by SHARD, making it difficult to successfully change the 5 out of 5 attributes you want! If high-level tools do not have a high success rate, refining will not be meaningful! Unless he's free!

Suggestions / Please add a prop to the store
« on: May 23, 2024, 06:15:05 AM »
The drop rate of tools is too low. Please add a prop to increase the number of dropped items. The current prop effect is too low! I am willing to spend more money to purchase and use it! I believe other players are willing to do the same!

Suggestions / Re: Let's talk about lv7 tools.
« on: May 23, 2024, 06:11:09 AM »
Do you have any opinions on the topic of LV7 tool from the operations team? So far, do you have any statistics on how many lv7 tools have appeared on the server when combined? I've only seen three of them in a few months! If he can only+1, then you should think about why no one is refining! Even if you reduce the cost of refining materials, no one will do refining! Can you use your brain? If no one does this, then it means it's just dog shit! You should come up with a better solution or listen to the player's opinions!

Suggestions / Stupid success rate! Drafted
« on: May 23, 2024, 03:46:28 AM »
Can anyone tell me how to play this game? Did I draft the success rate of the tool! I used 9x lv5tool and 11x lv6 yesterday, and the final result was+0! Fuck you! It took me several days to accumulate so many tools! Garbage server!

Suggestions / Re: Siege C++ Run Time Error
« on: May 21, 2024, 02:19:25 PM »

Suggestions / What I have to say
« on: May 10, 2024, 08:13:58 AM »
Strongly recommendations: 1 strongly recommend decrease summoner damage and move speed. That is not fair that a class can kill evey full 8 class even other classes with tank uniques. it makes this game broken balance and much more boring.  summoner already have more HP than other class, if still have more damage, this game just want other class die as soon as possible, summoner should like swash, decrease one of the weap damage, and decrease the move speed, otherwise, please increase swash movement speed.  2 cut the full buff in most area of maps, each class should have less than 10X team buffs, it make critcal class have more servival area, and encourage critcal classes come back.  3 cut the gold drop in infernum, the gold price is inflation by days, the silver cion from infernum should be canceled or cut half drops.  Nowadays, a lot of nice goods cannot be bought from the AH. if you cannot control the inflation of gold, please make the EC can deal in AH like another service, which EC should be the main translations in game, and you can earn more money , don't be shy to recognize the disadvantage in this game, it almost die service if you do nothing to prevent unbalance in this game. Balance classes and stabilizing the economy is the most important for players. Thanks so much.

If you want the game back on track! Then you need to adjust like this!1 Cancel the gold bonus in the first row, 2 reduce the race item drop, 3 reduce the gold drop in inf

Suggestions / When exactly does this activity start??
« on: May 06, 2024, 09:58:55 AM »
GM will be making trades with players in Tullan.
For each necklace with a new royal, GM will give an empty identical necklace [0/3] and a new royal that was in the necklace

Suggestions / Re: chantra shop lvl10pet
« on: April 26, 2024, 04:30:48 AM »
Stores should sell LV10 pets! I completely agree! I am willing to purchase! I have money!
If the store is not selling, then the boss must drop!
The lv10 pet dropped by Ladya's should return!

Game Discussion / Re: Changes in Infernum
« on: April 25, 2024, 06:01:37 AM »
Infernum “Friendly Fire” settings will be restored. It was probably removed accidentally with the Infernum skill fixes. Thank you for your inquiry.
Since we've reached this point, the LV10 pet should also be restored!

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