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Messages - whatisthatsht

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Block items before selling
« on: April 06, 2023, 09:44:43 PM »
a button to sell all in invertory and pet

bot-friendly interface?

Game Discussion / Re: DISCUSSION about current state of Tesseris
« on: February 15, 2023, 10:56:03 AM »
we want to motivate player to bring their wishes here.
If you are afraid to get hatred, you can send it also to Amoswar or me and we will do the job for you.
(to original PMs only GM would have access and we will post it incognito for you)

many inquire was more about the fact to decrease the Kaligo/Ancient OFF time and to increase the break between 3rd and 1st round.
in any case of change, the economy would need to be monitired.
stay safe

no way, don't do that.  if they afraid hate they can post from other account. opinions should be seen by all, it's too important change

first suggestion is ok, but  they can lower HP of tesslon

Game Discussion / Re: Peoples Point of View about the server
« on: March 04, 2022, 07:07:03 PM »
these people are an unfunny joke. first they spam forum to block protectives, which didn't help them anyway, and now they are rage quitting because they cannot rule server like for few past years

Suggestions / Re: Elite castle siege
« on: February 19, 2022, 08:08:57 PM »
+1 Galadriel and gabesz6
I forgot what they said but +1

Suggestions / Re: Elite castle siege
« on: February 19, 2022, 02:55:56 AM »
pluto pussy rog troll tell me
why your biggest union on server afraid to come Latria? you have 5x times more people than CHN when they hunt worm
is there any magic barrier that prevents you from entering?
what is excuse this time?

Suggestions / Re: small suggestions
« on: January 30, 2022, 05:29:23 PM »
look! they can talk
did D0gm4 remove guild ban on speaking?

Suggestions / Re: small suggestions
« on: January 24, 2022, 09:47:52 PM »

2. Remove pt buffs when entering Latria

Don't forget about cooking food ban.
Don't forget  to ask all guild copy and paste here same suggestion.

And  most important suggestion: don't allow Blacksheep and Goodfight enter Latria in group more than 3 people, fight must be fair!

Report / Re: Event Camping Latria "CHN" Clan
« on: January 20, 2022, 04:49:49 PM »
Even with "The Moonster" you are intercepted by them you can't even get into Latria because the entrance is camped out... so how am I supposed to get to "The Moonster" if I can't even get into the area?

join RoG -they get all worms evening everyday

Suggestions / Re: Suggestion about protective passports
« on: January 05, 2022, 02:09:19 PM »
yeah you won

without discussion without asking other players opinions
great server

Suggestions / Re: Suggestion about protective passports
« on: January 05, 2022, 01:31:57 PM »
Trolls like "Leo" and  "whatisthatsht" will always be around.
I am sure GM can tell the difference between serious players and trolls.

greatest troll has spoken

I hope GM also will see difference when one guild forces changes as they want
especially that you often arrange such actions on your communicator (yes yes we know about it)
your ego is biggest here so you feel you can dictate rules on this server

Suggestions / Re: Suggestion about protective passports
« on: January 05, 2022, 11:26:23 AM »
So instead stop camping entrance and bring fight deeper inside Latria you decided to spam admin for help?
And you call yourself proplayers?

it's pointless it must be like rog wants
give up dude
gm is tricked already by them

Suggestions / Re: Suggestion about protective passports
« on: January 04, 2022, 01:26:53 PM »
Every forum account that posted here is related to a main character inside game, GM can ask for proof if needed.

There is a reason why all players have to work hard if they want to have strong characters, by getting elite armours, weapons, accesories, be creative with the buffs, passive, skills, main goal being to be strong and not die, to help the team to win the battle.

Using a protective passport in a battle requires no skill, no effort, no knowledge and on top of that, there is no penalty upon usage, the user still gets to keep his own buffs + all the party buffs.

Being able to savefly travel back to city, and a few second later use a summon orb to be brought back into the fight which he was suposed to die few seconds ago, creates a huge unballance in pvp.

We already have EC items like Combi potions, Lens +, suits and pet that gives players a boost, but comparing those with protective passports, is a huge gap.

If everyone becomes afraid to die like some already do, it will end up in a protective passport war, with nobody dying, meaningless battle with no outcome.

When Eclipse will be released, there will be a similar behavior, this time involving gate of phantom, resurrections orb and summoning orb.

Example : Mage class has the ability to remove buffs from an enemy target. Some players used this class as Kamikaze, by not having good equipment on it, not even buffing up during a fight, the only purpose is to use Antimagic first, let themselves die so they can :
1) be summoned back into the fight and use antimagic again
2) use revive orb and use antimagic again
3) revive in the city, use /go (gate of phantom ) on the enemy target and use antimagic again

Gate of phantom has a 30 minutes cooldown upon usage, but the 30 minutes cooldown time can be reset to 0 by doing a simple relog, this way can be used over and over again.

The beauty of the fight is ruined when some players start to be so addicted to these items and this situation brings up the question : what is the point of putting so much effort into building a strong character over months of farming, if :
1) you can't kill your enemy because he avoids death by using protective passport every time
2) the ones you killed are being summoned back over and over again/revive on spot/gate on target, and on top of that you get to lose your buffs because of Antimagic skill (Eclipse incoming update), is like having a endless battle against a ghost which you always kill but keeps coming back, and after few antimagics you will lose all your buffs, and the friends of ghost will finally be able to kill you because they still have their buffs and you don't.

I hope there is a GM out there to see the big picture, connect the dots and make the right thing by changing how these items are being used :

1. Protective passport should remove all buff ( own buffs and party buffs ) upon usage
2. Summoning orb should have a cooldown of 10 minutes
3. Revive orb should have a cooldown of 10 minutes
4. Gate of phantom already has a 30 minutes cooldown but has to be fixed since relog can reset the cooldown time.

Best regards.

don't create story for stupid ideas troll
you are biggest union on server but you still don't have enough power so you trying lame methods
keep fooling GM

Suggestions / Re: Suggestion about protective passports
« on: January 04, 2022, 06:12:48 AM »
you talk a measure together, it's not about worm but about Perma Protectiv Passport because fighting is not fun. But RoG are always the bad guys on the server anyway


I tried to be calm but I had to make forum account and write this .
GM are you fkin blind ? Don't you see one guild made  obvious manipulation ?
So that's how suggestions work here now ?
One guild spam same message , they even created fresh acccounts for that and you say 'ok we change' ?

Protectives are in game from very beginning , they are since episode 1 and they were always like that .

You din't give a chance others to write opiinion about change , you just say 'ok we change it' . Without any substantive discussion , without any vote . Are you serious right now ?

Do you want to change one of oldest item in game because rog say 'no fun' ? ? ? ? ?

This server becomes a joke

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