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Swash nerf

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People really don't understand about basic stuff like what it means to be an archer class or melee class. Swash is an melee and the fact it can't be slowed makes it already op compared to other melee classes. If you cry about being slow and no possibility to catch with enemies then think about a zerk that can get slowed and is out of fight with 1 slow.

For lure - go post your own character problems. This topic is about swash nerf.


i didn't talk about my own character problems

i don't play swash、ranger、mage.

Lure(ranger) ingame isn't belong to me anymore (im not the owner or usrer anymore for some time)


--- Quote from: Blindarrow on October 25, 2023, 09:54:36 AM ---People really don't understand about basic stuff like what it means to be an archer class or melee class. Swash is an melee and the fact it can't be slowed makes it already op compared to other melee classes. If you cry about being slow and no possibility to catch with enemies then think about a zerk that can get slowed and is out of fight with 1 slow.

For lure - go post your own character problems. This topic is about swash nerf.

--- End quote ---

First @Nymeria and @Blindarrow said everything, there is nothing to change on swash at the moment, because it is the best melee class when it comes to fights, after that its slayer that can litteraly 2 tap most classes due to his crit res debuff, and don't talk about 1v1 situations, nobody plays in 1v1 right now, its all in team even in infernum

When it comes to melee classes, just look at zerk and knight, 2 slows and they are out of the fight, yes zerk debuffs good ele resi/resi/skill block, knight debuffs good dodge/block, but swash she does way more than both of them, its a support, her skill block debuffs/cd debuff/slows/block/dodge debuffs are insane
Its so good that you can even play hybrid easily with it

You were the one calling for a nerf on swash @Amoswar, we got it and it is a good one, and on top of that swahs gets another damage/efficiency boost with the possibility to add stats on the dagger which is the ONLY class on the whole server to gains such boost

Swash is still in the TOP 3 classes on the server, deals good damage maybe not always the killer but it can easily bring kills, it sustains insane debuffs (just like an AOE cd debuff is insane) which makes the classes that are with it able to destroy the target

If swahs didn't get a nerf then all classes that are easily countered by it should have get a buff which would be unbalanced for some of them due to their sttrong abilities already (like slayer/knight/summoner)

The excuse of the dagger stats make no sense.

Crit swash die in few second to ANY combo.

Bring back old dagger and gimme back the MS if you think damage matter at all on a swash hahahaha

As I said, I'm not asking to bring back the full MS as it was since you seems to believe swash could outrun every other class XD
Read the post and understand it.
I'm asking for the class to be able to move away from fight like it's meant to be

It make no point to beiing unslowable if im only faster then 1 character in the game XD 😆

As I said, they can keep the MS as its if you want, just nerf the pty buff then so swash can still be good on teamfight even if its now useless on selfbuff.

Have a nice day.0

Theyy just hate cry because u rekt  them on fight o swash is so broken bla bla bla............

Now im waiting the nerf of sumoner because granit can kill almost all class alone


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