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Messages - Withered

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Hi all,
I completely agree with Nightshades points here. No need to quote and bump them at this point.

Dear admin and JustAc team: Often times I defended you when people were complaining: It's hard to fix bugs, come up with new features with limited capacities and making balancing/feature decisions is super hard with an MMO. It's the hardest game design field in game development.

I'd like to clearify that even if there are people flaming here, we are not attacking you people personally. Thank you for the work that has been done to let us enjoy Archlord a little bit longer. What we are asking for, is making decisions more player-centered and not basing it purely on what you think is best. Please involve us more into your development process. Listen to the resentment in the forums, as it reflects how we players feel.

Please keep the conversation going. We would love to hear your answer on Nightshades last post. Thank you!

Suggestions / Re: About game
« on: November 10, 2021, 09:14:36 PM »
I agree most critiques listed here previously.

I can't say playing that about 2h/day has got me feeling like I'm progressing anywhere (for weeks and months now) or feels like any fun. Long-term goals are fine, but with the randomness involved in every step alongside with low success rates you just see all your time and effort go down the drain. Not very casual-friendly... and as most of us don't have more time except for some casual play it leads to an endless circle of frustration, examples given above.

It is easy to flame at one's enemy side and shove the reason for most of those complaints on the matter that the enemies just want to win. One point you guys will have to realize is that if things keep going on like this you might end up on an empty server with no enemies to fight.

Suggestions / Re: Add Charisma to CF mobs
« on: November 08, 2021, 09:36:18 AM »
I think the point is:
Which part of the playerbase do you want to favour?
In my opinion, this update favours solely the hardcore playerbase and returning/new players  whales.
For people that lvled to Lv 120+ before the update, there is a humongous time investment required to even learn the skills for this episode. So casual players, if they don't want to create a new character, are forced to spend the upcoming weeks in battle square (without being able to focus on other elements of the game, such as gold/unique farming, latria etc).
With the time investment of hardcore players this is solvable. Casual players however are prone to being frustrated.

It created a gap between those who lvled after the update and those who didn't.
To some that I spoke to it feels like a punishment for the more active, loyal playerbase.

What created the problem was a lack of transparency. In the end idc if the charisma is added to CF or anywhere else - I'm not asking for free shortcuts either. Just a solution that allows for getting somewhere without a few hundred players fighting over the same few bosses.

Suggestions / Add Charisma to CF mobs
« on: November 06, 2021, 08:55:29 PM »
Dear JustAc staff,

I have a suggestion to make up for the charisma problem that Lv. 120s have.
How about adding charisma to the CF mobs, so charisma can be farmed in more places?


Report / Re: Ele ressurection bug
« on: October 30, 2021, 10:33:25 AM »
Thanks for the information! Let us Eles know if you want us to test something
Best, Withi

Report / Ele ressurection bug
« on: October 30, 2021, 09:32:44 AM »
once again I'm reporting the ele ressurection bug. Please fix it asap - it's really giving a disadvantage if you need to relog all the time because there is no "revive" window opening after death.

Report / Re: Bugs that heavily affect pvp
« on: October 26, 2021, 08:21:28 PM »
Hey guys,

thanks for the recommendations.
Is there an easy workaround to avoid the ressurection bug on ele? ;)

Report / Bugs that heavily affect pvp
« on: October 25, 2021, 09:34:10 PM »
Dear JustAc staff,

you guys are probably aware of these issues and they might not be easy to fix. However, they affect pvp heavily.

Tonight, after every summon I got
- Crash (runtime error)
- or: Window freezes (non-responsive)

Right now, after every death the res-window is invisible, example:

This makes pvp nearly unplayable.
Are you working on these matters yet?


Game Discussion / Re: Best way to level ?
« on: September 28, 2021, 09:49:53 PM »
The fastest way to level is on full cc, 50% toa and full party buffs.

The next best thing is:
- Using a 30% toa (e.g. 3 day)
- Lvling in dungeons & asylum until ~ 65, then switch to ice. Afterwards switch to light & psn

If you're a caster: You can pull over 11 mobs now
If you're a critter: A lot of people use a tab 3 macro that they keep monitoring nowadays.

Hope this helped :)

Suggestions / Extraction CC item
« on: September 26, 2021, 09:58:14 PM »
Dear JustAc Team,

currently there is no way to exctract items once they have been added to a unique or piece of armor. You can only reset that piece using 'Release of Agreement'. How about introducing an extraction item (with a much higher cc value) that allows to extract one or multiple items out of armors and uniques once they have been in there?
It might be a valid option even if it would be very expensive once stage 3 items have been introduced - and might get you more cc than the boxes do.I see it as a potential win-win.

Best, Withered

Suggestions / Skins on armors
« on: September 26, 2021, 09:54:56 PM »
Dear Justac team,

this is a request for a visual modification that has not been in the game yet. Other MMOs such as Aion have successfully offered this feature:
- Taking one piece of armor and transferring the visuals of that armor onto another piece
Especially with the elite gear this could be a mechanic that would be widely used, as many players will utilize low level armors but might prefer the high level looks of it. The suits will be used nevertheless as they give important stats. You could implement this feature with a cc item to make up for the development costs.
Do you think there is a possibility to integrate this?

best, Withered

Suggestions / Expanded inventory
« on: September 26, 2021, 09:52:17 PM »
Dear JustAc Staff,

you might be already working on this matter. The inventory is very limited, especially with the future items, realms, uniques to come it's gonna be a mess to manage some space there. And we're not playing an inventory management game like Resident Evil after all. :)
Could you
- make the safe keeper expandable to the 4th page
- re-introduce an inventory expansion

Thanks for your feedback on this.
For the community members feel free to join the poll to communicate your agreement or disagreement.

Best, Withered

Events / Re: Memories
« on: August 27, 2021, 06:53:15 PM »
My ingame character is Withered.

So it has taken me a while to select the picture for my participation. I struggled, as I didn't want it to be too cringy.
I have tons of screenshots, from my first hours and days in the game to joining my first guild and having the first castle. I have thousands of cherished memories.

Most of us play this game not only for the calming PvE, the nostalgia and the PvP system but due to the sense of connection with our friends.
This game has made a massive impact on my life - not only have I found friends for life, that later turned into real life friends. But I also found love.
I found people that shaped my path of life, due to whom I even changed my course of studies and directed my work life into my current direction.
That went with me through the good and bad times of growing up.
That turned night into day as we spent endless hours of gaming together.

Ingame these were the most loyal guildies, even though one friend - Aryi - is missing here.
This screenshot reminds me of the time when everyone logged in again to say hi, having all my dear AL friends united in one place.
Thanks for everything to all of you.

Suggestions / Re: Skill adjustment on Elementalist's Bombas
« on: August 03, 2021, 09:46:10 PM »
Dear Justac Team,

thanks for listening to our requests and fixing the sklls.


German / Re: Alles weg
« on: July 19, 2021, 09:38:36 AM »
Der Server ist abgebrannt beim Serverfeier im vergangenen April.
Sprich: Die Accounts aller Spieler sind weg, der Server wurde neu aufgesetzt.

Zu Problemen beim Spielen gibt es einige Anleitungen unter Tutorials, z.B. von D0gm4.


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