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Messages - olvado56

Pages: 1 [2]
Report / Re: Network Failure
« on: June 01, 2021, 03:10:08 PM »
be glad you got the problem now when not invested in totally, i remember logging in all twinks for hour 6 years ago, running PC nonstop and only relogging for server restarts or DCs.
its happening only to hand ful of ppl, not enough for anyone to care sadly

Report / Re: Network Failure
« on: June 01, 2021, 03:03:42 PM »
i still have the same thing network failure on my laptop , with same files as on my PC . with same internet connnection. my pc works fine on laptop i need to login for 1-20 min. sometimes i need to write my info login 100x+ to finally get in.
as i remember it was same for me on justac 6 years ago, so nothing rly changed and if u want to play game u have to suffer itsnot going to get fixed

Suggestions / Re: Party Buff
« on: May 28, 2021, 06:31:01 PM »
i am for party buffs removed when left party. even twinks for more xp is annoying at this point. everyone can easily do it, so its totally unnecessary. buff it by that ammount perma.
id rather pay higher TOA then summon orbs, same price. less time spent loggin all accs

Suggestions / slower pace / catch up system ?
« on: May 28, 2021, 06:27:18 PM »
Please make it slower then 6 months and 6 months.
on one hand i get players who invested a lot want to get back to where they were asap, but for ppl that are coming back to game, wich is a lot of ppl since many ppl like idea of new server (ik it was not idea but burned out server), and it can get new players in.

i dont want this to end up in 1 year best gear = 5000 EUR or 4 years of farm for that gear only. since eclipse will come sooner i guess u have more things to come to not make new stuff dead after year or two.

my suggestion, PLEASE consider it. make things easily accesible.
lets say u add arcane neck in 1 year, its price will be 500 EUR in 2 months, then it will drop to lower and stay there for ever. make it so things are more accesible by more time.
something like catch up system for ppl like me who pay 50-100 EUR a month to game for CC, but dont have 5-10k EUR to spend to other ppls paypals.

so lets say u add reaper ring. after 3 months 2/3 of materials  6 months after that 1/3 materials cost or even lower. higher luck to create etc.
something like progression system to catch up to others. this is keeping the casual (not super rich) guys in the game for years to come, knowing they will not be on the lowest end for ever or for years.

if u plan to add lvl 160-170 etc later on, cool. u can maybe have 2 years btw episodes or more, but implement some catch up systems to the game pls

i dont have problem grinding 8 hours a day on average, and i want to support the server as i am doing now monthly, but i am not paying some botter or who ever on his paypal 5000 EUR for gear.

edit: as catch up system u can even add some of those items to the shop. wich will regulate prices on them later on. while still keeping money for justac and server running, allowing players catch up gear faster to others after half a year or year
or simply keep each episode after 2 years, so we get to eclipse after 4 so old schoolers can enjoy old school archlord

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