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Suggestions / More boss in game
« Last post by shado on May 27, 2024, 06:08:45 PM »
proposes to introduce more bosses, i.e. more fun more fights
e.g. BS change entrance like in CF so that everyone can enter (change of lvl),

in HH give back that dungeon which was at the end on the truth it was super fight with bosses

Ice Light and Poison add a boss like kaligo and change entrance like in cf, (lvl change)

Assylum also something can be invented, nice area to use and fights like in the past
Suggestions / Re: Sarcophagus box
« Last post by wang162710 on May 27, 2024, 11:22:30 AM »
The important thing is that the success rate of the tool is too low, so paying for refinement will make you feel like you are losing money! The success rate of the tool should be adjusted! For example, the success rate of LV1 is 30%, LV2 success rate of 40%, LV3 has a success rate of 50%, LV4 success rate of 60%, LV5 has a success rate of 70%, LV6 success rate of 80%, LV7 attributes+1, this is the result that everyone is satisfied with! And the difficulty of this game lies in the random attributes changed by SHARD, making it difficult to successfully change the 5 out of 5 attributes you want! If high-level tools do not have a high success rate, refining will not be meaningful! Unless he's free!
Suggestions / Re: What I have to say
« Last post by Aook on May 27, 2024, 07:58:20 AM »
It is requiring some balance yeah, not as much as before but atm some classes overwhelm the game and its frustrating that some others are completly useless
Suggestions / Re: What I have to say
« Last post by dexcel on May 27, 2024, 07:49:01 AM »
Sommuner is for sure one of the best classes  like archers, ele, Hunter  ;D
Suggestions / Re: What I have to say
« Last post by Lure on May 27, 2024, 05:06:45 AM »

In fact,  I think the version is balanced.

Many players do not have all the gears Max, u don't know new DMG , so they feel that there is a gap in damage.

The purpose of this version is to increase the damage and make solo kills possible.

If the damage is reduced and you can no longer kill alone, it will be no different from the previous version.

Instead, you will waste a lot of time and energy redone and upgrading gears~

have a good day ingame or life.
Suggestions / Re: What I have to say
« Last post by CHN-Ohoo on May 24, 2024, 07:36:18 AM »
D0gm4 + 1
Suggestions / Re: Sarcophagus box
« Last post by Friend on May 23, 2024, 06:40:29 PM »

100 boxes contained this

Suggestions / Re: Sarcophagus box
« Last post by shado on May 23, 2024, 06:21:16 PM »
yea i now I understand why everyone deletes materials and have lvl 1 or 2 tools like 1k in invertory
Suggestions / Re: Sarcophagus box
« Last post by Blindarrow on May 23, 2024, 06:16:53 PM »
Removing archondrites from sarcophagus' would make a lot of sense. None is crafting them anyways , so they need to be reworked. Same for tools . Lvl 1-3 shouldn't take archondrites to make it fair.
Suggestions / Re: Sarcophagus box
« Last post by Blackrose on May 23, 2024, 06:13:20 PM »
I think the materials needed to craft a sarco box are a bit much. In this case, it does nothing but take up space in the inventory instead of crafting. If the cost of crafting a box is adjusted, the materials will be more useful and players will be satisfied. Have a good day!
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