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Suggestions / My two (actually twelve) cents about the current game state
« on: November 11, 2021, 09:08:02 PM »
Hi all its Nightshade,
i want to talk/share about some things that you already might have seen before and take some question to the admin ( i want to get reply here if its possible). Also want to give some suggestions
about the current situation(problems).

The first big issue is the communication between the players and the admin/GM. You (as in Admin) have made several changes (which might be okay by the community or not, doesnt matter in this case). But after every patch
we get the infos about the patch content hours later, even for maintenances you give notice somethimes an hour before ( players using Toh/Toa etc) and its often interfering with them. If you just make a Notice in forum or
message the V-s for ex. 11.15 08:00 short/long Maintenance a day before the actual downtime, it would be more than enough for us.
D0gm4 and Amoswar are doing great work informing people (via discord), so i would suggest if you dont want to make notice about every small change, just rely on them more.

The next thing is about the bigger updates ( you can share them infos like a week or at least a few days before it happens). Why? Because people can prepare for those. It doesnät give any advantage to anyone anyway...
Just makes the gameplay smoother and easier for the players. For example: the charisma thing mostly punishes the loyal and good players. You can tell you can farm charisma with lvl124 char, but it simply takes too long
without any proper drop because you are already too high level for this. So the question : why a player who made lvl120 or more needs to suffer more than a new player who can easily farm out the CHA in BG? like its faster to
make a new char get the charisma in 1 day and level it in the 2nd day. The only bad thing with doing this is loosing the name and the CC that you cant trade.

Second point is about the crashes. There are insanely many crashes and way too much lag (the meele criters sometimes struggle to attack moving targets). How do you want us to enjoy the fights when you buff up and 10 sec later
you get crash or a runtime error? It's even worse at worms/sieges but you even get it if you just chilling in the city and doing nothing.

Third point is the droprate and refinery, well from my perspective it's okay but people complain a lot about HH unique droprate. Obviously it's up to you if you want change it or not but atleast edit the refinery a bit.
I would suggest to remove the one sloted uniques from excellent refine. There aren't many things that are more tilting than making a succesfull refine and getting back a one slotted unique from excellent refine. I think it
would be fine if you get back 2 or 3 sloted one. In the next stage all of these uniques will be useless anyway, so do this favour for us.

Fourth point is increasing siege gold. You should increase the CC pots from merchant ( like make them atleast in 10x stack), also you can add the Pet Reinf Manuals to bring some extra gold into the castles. I feel siege gold is
okay atm but it still could be boosted, a bit ( yeah i would still say the same even if our side would have 0 castles). Sieges are one of the most important things in this game so they should have the biggest benefits/value.
Also during sieges the Dots from ranger and the elem pets are still bugged ( should have been fixed since they were reported a while ago). Gold from Stull should be split to the other 3 castles if it is not already.
The AL title should be defendable (it always could be defended even in webzen i did defend my title) why do we want to take this away from the current holders?

Fifth point is the ranked suits aren't working properly still, they often bugg your dmg/cast/hp etc. It should be fixed or until they are not remove them. Also i would suggest to add at Daily stamp the ranked suits aswell
( not the new ones but the old ones) with like 50% chance, so atleast it would worth to take.

Sixth point is, we been talking a lot and you refused some of my ideas based on it would support the strong/big guilds and you want create contents to small guilds/groups. I would like to ask, where are these changes?
( its a serious question) Every event and change you made supported the already strong guilds ( yes even us ). So if the changes already favor the big guilds, I would like to suggest increasing the guild members limit to 120/150
and to change the guild buffs to be union buffs or only party buffs.

Seventh point is RVR, i think the RVR has to be reworked completely because atm it's bad how it is. Nobody wants 3 RVRs in a day it has no point. If possible decrease it to 2 and skip some days like 3-4 days/week.
Also since classes are unbalanced, i would also suggest to spawn the bosses randomly on RVR map so the weaker Races have better chance to find some boss for themself. Hide the names aswell, it
really has no point to show them anyway its RVR not guild/union fight. You fight for your own race/buffs not for your guild/union.

Eight point, Latria event: we have 3  (i didnt complain about it, and i am not complaining right now, I just want to ask some questions about it).
- The first (2PM) one worm is early for NA, early for EU people because the majority are at work ( means if the chinese are playing together it's theirs for free).
- The second time (8PM) is okay for EU, late for asia and works for NA.
- The third time (3AM?) is really for europeans and early for the asian players.
This means NA takes the 3AM one for free, Asia takes 2PM one for free, which leaves the 8PM one to be fought over.
Your intention for Latria Event was to create fights but if you would check how many fights happen at first and third worms. I doubt there have been 10 fights in last 30 days, which means this people getting free things,
while the others have to fight for it.(the 8pm i dont count beacuse they win those with fights so its definetly well,deserved.)
But the first and third are fair? it's happening since a while and i didnt complain even once about it. i just want to ask the Admin. Thats what you wanted with the event? It's impossible for most guilds to challange more than one worm.
And then i didnt even mention the smaller guilds ( what you mainly focus and support >> your words, not mine) who haven't got any chances on worm.
My suggestion about this: if you have the old shrine arena, lets start it every hour with 5vs5vs5. You can't choose which team you get in so your side/union/guild doesnt matter. From the 3 Teams the winner
(5 players gets the rewards or you can also give coins what they can use at merchant and spend them however they want). So you get the fights what you want cuz it will be a Last team standing
So this solution offers you continously fights, and fair ones. We spend EC, have a more balanced and fun PVP, get some rewards.
Balancing the teams should be done not to make a team full of rangers for example. We can work out the details later.

Ninth point, there is too much toxicity in the server and flame. I would suggest also to increase to cost of Shout of Elemental. Also the previous two points should help to limit the toxicity of people when they are forced
to fight on the same team, and not always against eachother, even if they are enemies to get the rewards/glory.

Tenth point is, you can clone the server and create a test server if you want test the sieges/archlord battle or any other things there. There are no point to keep adding/removing things which create only problems on the main
server. If you want bigger changes just let the community help you out, and on small changes relay more on Volunteers.

Eleventh point is to make the HH portal remove the buffs when you do enter, every other portal removes the buffs HH portal should remove them aswell.

Twelfth points is actually a positive thing. The guild board event was one of the best events I've ever attanded during my AL Carreer. I'd suggest making it a monthly event, like it was originally planned. Even if the rewards were nerfed,
it was fun.

At the moment the community is really dissapointed about how things are going. I gave you suggestions as an old experienced player who spent so much time in this game. Sides dont matter for me in this situation,
i meant to be fair to all players with my suggestions. I want to ask everyone to think as a community for once, or we will achive an empty dead server once again. Wasnt it better for everone when multiple guilds and sides
were fighting? Obviously you cant satisfy everyone because there will always be players who complain, nothing is perfect but i want to ask the community if you do like some of the points or want make things better leave a
comment/suggestions which could help the community and THE GAME itself, all players not just yourself. I'm sure there is a way where the Admin/GM is happy ( and payed well) while the people are having Fun and enjoying the game aswell.
Those who know me, are aware that I very rarely do these kinds of things. Like its really rare if i answer/comment somewhere but this time im asking the community to work together and make the game better as a unit.
Thanks all who read this, and once again I'm asking for your suggestions that what may help the admin.
I am waiting your answer admin.
Peace, Nightshade

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